Flight records thread

Discussion in 'IL-2 Sturmovik (En)' started by =SDPG=SPAD, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Well, it can take about 4-5 minutes of continuous overheat until it starts to lose power considerably. Most other engines can handle more.
    And if you manage to cool it down in time, until the message "Engine:normal" appears, then the 'timer' is reset to zero again :)
  2. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Erm, in fact I don't think locking up view options would be a fair thing. There are people that have TrackIR and people that don't, there are even people that have hat switch and those who don't.

    Not to mention that all these options like the head's corner speed, and many more, can be controlled through some side utilities. For example, NewView, which emulates a TrackIR via a hat switch - you can see that I'm using it in my .ntrk's
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    I understand that some people are better equipped than others, but I cannot imagine that any serious Il-2 player has neither TrackIR nor a proper coolie hat. :)

    What do you mean by the "head's corner speed"?
  4. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Well, in fact I know a pilot who flies using only his keyboard. And about half a year ago, I was kinda severely beaten by him in a duel, so... his skill is definitely above mediocre :)

    It was a failed attempt to translate 'угловая скорость' into English. ;)
    I mean 'the speed at which the pilot's head rotates, measured in degrees/sec'
  5. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2001
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    engine damage

    all engine damage in il-2 occurs after leaving the engine in overheat for an amount of time. when you succeed to cool the engine down before time ran out, the counter is reset - means, the engine is as new as before. it doesn't help to cool just a bit, the 'overheat' has to disappear. the time varies from type to type, but is exactly (to the second) the same for each type.

    actually, the 109s are very robust, also compared to other planes, from db605-am on, they endure indeed longer than most others.
    as a hint: the time for bf-109g2 is 4:45 in overheat, before damage occurs).

    what is different between plane-types is the kind of damage after overheating too long: some shut off in a very short time, some degrade continuously, some can even fly on with limited power (if not stressde more)... like the daimler.

    the engine model is far from perfect, but it offers still a lot of variety and things to discover for a long time.
  6. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Oh, so that means I can actually stay on full power quite a bit longer. Usually when I get the 'Overheat' warning, I'm like "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh ... my engines!!!", immediately set my radiators to "Open" and cut power to 80% or less and (unless I'm just about to deliver the kill shot) then dive to pick up speed and run like hell because it means the fight is over as far as I'm concerned.

    Hmm, I guess I'll have to experiment around a bit to find out what the critical value of this 'counter' is for the various P-38 variants.

    P.S. The running away part usually doesn't work, but that's not so much due to running my engines on 80% power because even on full power + WEP I can't seem to outrun most pursuers.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2009
  7. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    I've heard of such people before but honestly, I have a hard time believing this type of stories. They may tell you they're using nothing except their keyboards ... is it really the truth, though? I just don't see how it is possible to win a fight against an experienced pilot while using nothing but the keys on your keyboard.
  8. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    It's 100% true, I'm certain about it. It's obvious due to his flying manner - jerky flips and turns, unnatural use of rudder, lack of precise pitch control when he's aiming at a target, and lots of other small details that give away his 'input device', traits which are difficult to fabricate or to conceal.

    Not to mention that other pilots (who know this man personally IRL) confirm it. Actually, his squad-mates have tried to present him with a joystick, but he refuses to give up keyboard. He says that he's more used to it, and it gives him sharper control in stallfight and better E retention. Well... perhaps he's halfway right about it. But I really can't understand why a person would cling to such an unnatural and inconvenient control method. :dunno: :D
  9. ledada

    ledada Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2001
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    the always faster opponent

    hi redant,

    i know these guys, who will follow you always faster than you are :)

    however, in a p-38 you shouldn't be on the slow side of the game... but 'il-2' has it's most charms, because it indeed does a great job in providing always some aspects, which were unknown before.
    for getting to speed, it is of most importance, imo, to be trimmed well. then, depending on the craft, stick-settings have a big influence - when the movemnets are only slightly to abrupt, speed immediately goes down. radiators do some 20-40 kmh as well.

    i am not a big fan of the dogfighting arenas. firstly, i am not too well in aiming. and then, it is all too hectic for me. if not in a squad, hardly any communication comes up, and it is too often (especially in the open pit servers) just a low flock of dizzy turners. that was a characteristic flavour of freehost, that arena-fights had much more of choice, how to do: raids, wing-fights, field-takes, alone or with the side.

    so i stuck mostly with racing, which is by far the most thrilling thing. needs practicing, knowing plane and engine, finding a line and... keeping calm, when crashing in the first corner with 14 pilots all trying to go around in the same spot.

    so, back to the speed-thing. since the code has been cracked, the data are more or less available, though hard to find. i have not much interest in table-work, so i rely more on tested experience - including some general data, which have been there freely since ever.
    for overviews, 'hardballs' aircraft viewer gives many information, including ingame top-speeds and altitudes, turning data, climb speeds and so on. more detailed and for comparison is 'il-2 compare', but those charts are very theoretical from game-data.
    i would think, that your experience from 'warbirds' and other sims will show, as soon as you know the additional details of flight-model in 'il-2'. for me, the most disturbing thing was, that i had initially the feeling to fly all bricks. as if the stick was delayed and i had to pull 20 tons all time. after a while though, i found most crafts really feel like metal and things around you, to be taken with care :)

    for the p-38j, you should easily go 550kmh at sea-level and 670kmh at 8000m. the late l-model sould be like 580kmh s/l, resp. 690 at alt. not too slow, i think. the overheat-time is in the usual range (without wanting to tell you too much :)), but once damaged, the engines will leave you fast.

    i hope, i didn't bore you with this chatter, probably you have known that already.
    anyway, good luck in the killing-fields - and if you ever feel for just sports, have a look for 'simairracing.com' (Air__Racing' server in the lobby)
  10. TGR_Teo

    TGR_Teo Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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    There is a "Level Stabilizer" command for all plane types in FH server. When you fly in the server, you do not need any trim-joy control to speed up. Just discover best radiator and pitch setting for your special plane type then you are faster easly.
    I know a competition winner who uses Saitek St 190 or 290 without spring (broken). He showed me that instrument not important as i think. Basic flight and of course special combat maneuvers helping much more then instrument.
  11. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Re: the always faster opponent

    No no, not at all. Il-2 talk is never boring to me as, in spite of my presumed "experience" as a long time Warbirds veteran, I'm essentially a bloody noob in Il-2. :)

    That air racing server might be worth a try. Perhaps I'll learn a bit about how to squeeze a few more mph out of my airplane when running away from or chasing someone.

    Another thing, does anyone know any good non-arcade servers WITH flyable P-38s? I can't seem to find any. Most servers are either open-cockpit + full of Luftwaffe fantasy planes and uber Spit-25lbs / I-185s _or_ they're early war only and thus do not have any P-38s. :mad:
  12. TGR_Teo

    TGR_Teo Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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    In "Spit vs 109" and "War Clouds" servers but not on every map.
  13. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    The Whistle Hunt, vol.1 (there will be more! :D )

    (note: the russian equivalent of 'Whistle' is a common slang term for Me-262)

    Yak-3 VK-107, Berlin 1945, Earth in Flames SOV server.
    11.12 MB


    One sortie (about 30 min. long), 3 kills (3xMe-262). No vulching - all three were shot down away from their base and with plenty of altitude :)

    Well, actually nothing too spectacular here, just a demonstration of simple fact - with right tactics, a good piston-engined fighter can still be dangerous to a jet who doesn't have a good SA and manages E poorly. Get a high-HP, well-diving aircraft, climb so that you have at least 3 km altitude advantage, and wait till the unwary prey passes below you.
    This time my 'weapon' was the Yak-3VK-107, a semi-fictional upgrade to normal Yak-3 (IRL several prototypes were built; however, towards the end of the war it was deemed that better fuel capacity, armanent, pilot protection and durability the Yak-9U had to offer were more important than 5-7% of speed and climb rate). It was added to this map's planeset (in a limited amount, 10 planes total) as a counterweight to uberplanes on blue side such as the Scwalbe, Do-335 and Bf-109K4C3. Well...I just tried to make good use of it;)
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
  14. TS

    =SDPG=SPAD Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2008
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    FW-190A-5, Smolensk 1943, Earth in Flames Strategy of Victory server.

    One sortie (about 45min. long), 5 kills (mix of La-5Fs, Yak-9Ts and Yak-1B). 14.66MB


    Well, someone might consider this record rather boring :)
    There's nothing in it other than 'dive - shoot - extend, let him follow you, lead him under your teammate and let him have it'. No :duel: stuff at all, actually my plane even wasn't set into danger.
    However, it perfectly illustrates the awesome power of radio - i mean, voice communication, in this case TS2 ;) - which allows people from different squads (who rarely meet online) to cooperate efficiently. Sadly, I didn't record its audio track as well... but you wouldn't understand it anyway, it's in Russian))

    This way we altogether shot down no less than 12 enemy planes, while losing, IIRC, only two of ours. The sector completely turned into a 'black hole', where opponents could enter at any time, but never managed to return from :D

    P.S. In the track, there's a point where I approach another 190 with lights&smokes on, and start shooting in its direction. It was made intentionally, we were trying to attract a La-5F above us and make it come down so that we can kill her)) Unfortunately didn't work out...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2012
  15. TGR_Teo

    TGR_Teo Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Very good zooming again, thank you.
  16. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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  17. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Haha the ending was nice ant :D
    Looked pretty good for an IL2 noob like yourself IMHO.
    You almost had him a couple of times, and in the end it still was a snapshot that killed you. P-38 is a preeeeetty big target for snapshots, and if the other guy has the fire-power of a mechanised infantry division... ;)

    You could use FreeTrack though. The sooner you get it the better. It really helps in this kind of fights. I know, I was sceptical myself, but now, when I sometimes come back to WB, I can't fight without it ;)

    One thing I noticed is you need to press the trigger a bit earlier in IL2 for snapshots. Dunno, mby it's just my feeling.

    Oh and if you want to try out some planes and generally DF or whatever PM me and I can log in with you somewhere ;)

    Good use of vid comments btw :)
    Oh and I'd like to see berkay's track also.
  18. zeybek

    zeybek Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2008
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    nice fight ant S!!
  19. TGR_Teo

    TGR_Teo Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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  20. TGR_Teo

    TGR_Teo Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
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