I live down the hill from

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezey, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. TS

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Eagle Mountain.
    Eagles stay there and rich people too.
    I am closer to the shopping malls down the hill a way, 'bout 5 KM. and 1 KM down.

    Nice berg, eh?
    Sunsets are beatiful here.

    Yes, there is work here. We didn't have a economic depression, like USA and much of The Stupid People's World is enduring.
    See, our money goes into things like Eagle Mountain....
    and building hospitals and schools.
    I think there are two homeless men here. Both of them are lazy and crazy and un-armed. They live on alms.
    Alms, a tradition around here.
    I love this place.
    How you doin, LL?
    Mac, see all those homes on the hill?
    When you get here, come find me, I show you were the friendly dogs go.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2012
  2. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I wish I could come and visit you some day hezey. These views are stunning. It looks like a great place to live.
  3. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Hez, remeber me sayin I was gonna move to Kincardine? a nice little town on lake huron? well that never panned out.

    now I am thinkin about saskatchewan. All my life, 44 years, Saskatchewan has been a bore. the most boring place in Canada.

    Now, it's the best Province in Canada. Ever heard of Maple Creek? near the Sask/Alta border. It got hit by snow, and the guy beside me in the bar said, yeah, maple creek, near the border with Alberta..We started talking and I want to move there.

    Now, about YOU.

    Abbotsford. Not exactly east side or west side Vancouver or wherever "Hezeys new digs" was. Hey wait, weren't you from Langly originally? or what was it? Whalley's? can't remember..but anyway, its better than livin in a pakis basement with shopcat or the place with crack whores where they threw you down the stairs and into the street. That's what happened right? something about the cops threatening to bring you in on some kind of mental health act thing.

    Abbotsford is better.

    Everything you ever needed to know, you learned by the time you were 5
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  4. TS

    hezey Well-Known Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Al and Mac:
    Oh yeah. I got myself in some trouble in a few places. There is some development I missed while I was growing into a human being. I still am mastering the art of, uh, discerning threats...
    If anyone believes they have freedom of speech and expression, they out to try it. It isn't true. People form mobs and attack outsiders. I am an outsider and too, see the above.
    I was attacked by a mob, had to leave Surrey. I had misjudged my abilities and angered some low lifes. SO they formed a mop and gave me a thrashing. I was not capable up putting up much of a fight and was hurt.
    The next place I went to [fled to] I made a stupid mistake. Two pot smoking girls, teenagers too big. They started out liking me but I had a problem, I kept telling them they are lying when they were lying. SO I was not mobbed, but was harassed and couldn't go out, because I was harassed by them and their chums. And I couln't stay because of the 2 AM egg throwing at my front windows.
    My landlord didn't understand and didn't like paying for a guy with a pressure washer. After the 5th time or tenth, of having the shit scared out of me in the middle of the night, I moved on.
    Now, in the town I live, if someone eggs my house in the middle of the night, the cops bring out dogs and go find them [Hasn't happened, I don't talk (too) much anymore] . Very well behaved people live here. No vandalism. Low crime. Clean as a whistle. Happy children, the place shuts down after 9 PM, you can hear a pin drop from 9 til 6 AM, I mean I can hear birds song from Eagle Mountain at night, when it is night time .

    My mom brought me here.

    I have been here for more than two years now and have not had one moment of fear or anger.

    And neighbors don't mind me at all.

    I did too, decided, after leaving my last place, to not talk to people.
    I am a hermit now and like it.

    TWO YEARS of peace and quiet and well behaved human company. I hope this lasts.

    Maple Creek seems close to uh, not much. Oh, The Hat?* I wonder if it has matured from the boom town I used to know?


    *Medicine Hat, Alta
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  5. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    So... should I mark Red Deer and Calgary off my list?

    Eagle Mountain(s) sounds real nice there Hez...

    Yes, one of these days I will make a run up there...


    "May you live in interesting times." is an old Chinese curse.

  6. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I think the rule of thumb is to stay away from towns along the trans canada highway...lethbridge alta looks nice., just a little north of Montana.