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Discussion in 'Warbirds Deutsch' started by babek-, Jun 11, 2003.

  1. TS

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
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    IeN hat drei weitere Mitarbeiter entlassen.

    Hier die offizielle Meldung :

    Warbirds Team Update
    As mandated by the Board of Directors, IEN announces a reduction in staff. We are proud to have worked with the following team members and are sad to see them leave:

    Brent Dougherty, Programmer
    Chris Gardner, Producer
    Mike Tyson, Artist

    Development will continue as scheduled including the release of Dawn of Aces III into Open Beta and a WarbirdsIII update incorporating the ETO terrain. MAC support and development will also continue. Chris Cottrell will add the role of Producer to his programming duties. Chris has demonstrated consistent leadership throughout his 4 years with IEN and 6 years in the gaming industry.

    Das reduziert natürlich die Hoffnungen, daß die zahlreichen Bugs bei WB3 zügig behoben werden.

    Von WB2.77 gar nicht zu reden, daß eh zugunsten von WB3 abgehakt worden ist.

    Gut, daß es FH gibt, daß 2,7 weiter entwickelt und ständig mit neuen Features bereichert.