I am bored so:

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by hezzey, Feb 22, 2022.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am going to install a New GNU/Linux. It is called Mint.
    I will install it to use a XFCE Desktop Environment and, of course, all the stuff that Mint uses normally.
    I do not expect any hick-ups as I have used it before. The 'Debian' way is just fine for me. I have grown used to The Arch way and this way is different, BUT I should be okay with it too!
    [it will be using the same Desktop Environment that I have now and have grown to love].
    IF it doesn't work um:
    SFW, I will just try another!!
    [it is boring outside and I am stuck indoors because it is COLD AS HELL OUT THERE!!!]
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I dislike the Manjaro defaults Anyway. I mean by the that the default way that it sets up the HDD.I want that to change and I am NOT bright enough to figure it all out myself.
    [I have solved those problems!!!!}
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Works fine. It is really pretty too and functional! I have PW protected the HDD too [I will never forgive or forget what can happen! I guess that a expert from CIA or something like that could see those partitions. I am worried about family and friends... NOT Spacemen or Spies...
  4. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have a pretty simple and basic OS. I am just now installing my favourites.
  5. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I do not think in GNU/Linux world it makes a lot of difference what is the distro du jour.
    I like em all and I approve of em all too.
    In the Microsoft World I do not have an opinion. In the Apple world I do not have an opinion. I like the Apple way a little bit more than the Microsoft way. JUST a little bit.
    For me GNU/Linux is for men and the others, um, not so much.
    Do what you want and enjoy what you want!!!
  6. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have two DEs. One is XFCE and the other is Gnome Shell.
    I have used XFCE for many years but the Gnome one I believe I have used that once maybe twice.
    I am purposely logging on to the Gnome One just to see if I get sick of it or not.
    And holy fuck it is like starship stuff.
    I don’t want to break it so I am not fiddling with Settings or anything like that.
    I have read that the Gnome developers do not wish for people to fiddle with it and that is what supposedly makes it so good I have no idea.
  7. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    I'm out of my COVID isolation tonight.
    Instead of fiddling with BIOS I am arranging the new "crew" to occupy my flat, after my previous tenants will move out on Monday.
    That will be a "free of charge rental" for some good souls from Ukraine.
    Everyone here, who has something to offer, does that.
    Our state is in poor condition, after being led by populists for the last 7 years, still it manages to keep the appearances.
    The influx of refugees is now low, with some 35-40 thousand people a day, but the resources they already require are enormous.

    These are the challenges we should meet.

    Enjoy your "first world issues" Biles :)
    vasco likes this.
  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Yeah it looks like you are seeing great drama!

    Best of luck,Man!
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2022
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    That's wonderful.
    It's the same here, the first refugees have arrived.
    People are getting involved, offering food and shelter.
    The state is helping too, of course. But, like a narrow minded government, they need some pushing in order to increase comfort.
    The imbecile prime minister just went to a centre to "supervise things" and got a booing from the locals. The punk just wanted a bit of image building.
  10. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    well, looks like in poland nobody knows about thousands of refugees from Donbass and surroundings all that 8 years, in Russia... with children and the elderly
    with civilian and government support here, including employment, aha...
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    100 thousand on a single day?
    That's the number that crossed the Polish, Romanian, Moldavian and Slovak borders yesterday.
    68 thousand of them here, in eastern Poland.
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Normal humanitarian response


    Putin's humanitarian response

    spuint likes this.
  13. Flk

    Flk Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2002
  14. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Canada and Canadians are surrounded by a great big bubble.

  15. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Biles, Canada is there with everybody else against Putin's aggression. Along with the other NATO and EU, Canada is sanctioning the regime.
    Canada's not in a bubble, although some folk might think of this as of a very distant problem.

    Putin likes you to think that, but the world is not made of idiots or brain-washed Westerners, while Russians being the only bright and moral people alive.

    Nobody's disputing that there have been crimes and abuses from the Ukrainian part during the initial confrontation. I remember the news about the Ukrainian paramilitary nationalist unit and how they were later controlled or disbanded, after news of their crimes emerged.

    But the majority of the crimes were done by the Putin backed terrorists. During the first weeks there were Mafia style street killings, because there was no rule of law and a separatist militia took power over the citizens.
    I remember seeing interviews with the separatist leaders at that time and they looked just like drug dealers or smugglers. Those were no freedom fighters.

    After Putin's army entered Luhansk and Donetsk, there were artillery fires against cities. Do you remember the downing of the passenger flight MH17 by Putin's forces? It was flying from Amsterdam with many Dutch passengers onboard. It might be clearer why Holland is handing such a generous help to Ukraine now, because they have felt first hand Putin's horrible actions.

    I remember reading the news in the first weeks of the 2014 conflict, to find out Kiev was still sending money for pensions payments to Donetsk, in war-like conditions.
    Fucking hell.

    And there are so many years that Ukraine has lost control over those regions, Ukrainian government has no foot in there no more. The separatist authorities have abducted people. Many Roma people and LGBT had to flee because of killings and persecution. So have suffered Ukrainian speakers. So who's to be saved from who's aggression there?

    What Putin is doing, in attacking Ukraine again - this time Kyiv, no less - can't be justified by what has happened in Donetsk and Luhansk.
    And the situation there is not at all the reason for Putin's actions. All he wants is power, not for the people, but for himself. Putin cares for the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk as much as he does for his own citizens - ZERO.

    We know the separatists have moved the citizens from Donetsk and Luhansk, during the last weeks, in preparation for this invasion. It was all an attempt to create a false image of the threat. The Ukrainians had no intent to enter there.

    You might not know, but NATO and EU admissions demand that you have no territorial disputes with your neighbors and you don't have any invasive intent - so as not to drag the other allies in your shit.
    All the eastern countries who were admitted have had historically land disputes. Romania's once held territories are now in Ukraine, territories once held by Austro-Hungary are now in many other countries, there's a total mess. But they all had to sign border agreements, once they had entered EU and NATO, and all those things are forgotten (except by the far right nationalists, but that's a longer story, they're able to dig 2000+ years for property titles).

    So, nowadays, a NATO or EU country might be the best neighbor you could get. Really.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  16. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I do not know enough to make any decisions and I must trust my government. That does not mean that I like that government and that does not mean that I agree with them I just know that the boss is much more powerful and bigger than me and I really like it when it sends me a cheque every now and then.
    There was some smart guy a long time ago I think he was a Frenchman who said that any people are only one meal away from revolution.
    I have missed meals and I have missed paying rent and I have even defaulted and there were mechanisms here that permitted me to climb out of the hole I had gotten into and I have since become more secure and my meals are regular and I get all my bills paid but there were other times when I did not have those privileges and life was hard .
    When I fell down about 14 years ago I was helpless and I laid in a coma and my family had to help pick up the pieces and some of the elder women in that family knew who to bitch and complain to. It was amazing and I was mostly unconscious when all that hard work was done and I got rescued I will never forget that!
    I hadn't filed my taxes in about a decade or something like that.
    I have been a pauper for some years I think about five.
    I didn’t care about my teeth and a bunch of them rotted out to the point where I was risking my health!
    I skipped responsibilities a lot of responsibilities and I almost died not because of them but in spite of them.
    And then when I did fall down I was picked up by the scruff of my neck and many of my affairs became straightened out and my teeth got fixed and all those bills that I owed were made to go away and I got good boots and good clothing and I was given another chance.
    I will never forget that I think that was wonderful and it was not just the government or the king that did that it was the people all of them or who I like to call my people.
    If not for my people I would be dead.
    I am a bit of an old grouch but I do know that without the help of others I would not be here.
    I am really glad that others were around to help me out and I do not want to take that for granted but I know that some people do take it for granted.
    I saw that picture above with all those people outside their tents.
    I think I could have been that needy and perhaps I was for a while too.
    I think that is what I sort of meant when I said that we live in a bubble it was more like I live in a bubble.
    I do not know how to make it better and I sure hope I will never make it worse and I don’t want to make any decisions about it.
    I think that’s what I meant by bubble….
    When I was eight years old I had all the answers and the whole world and its situation to me seemed simple.
    I know now that I do not have the education or wisdom to get a handle on world affairs.
    I must trust my government and if I don’t I will get disappeared.
    I don’t really like being told what to do by anybody.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
  17. spuint

    spuint Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2003
    man just wanted to install linux, give him a break xd
    hezzey and vasco like this.
  18. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    OK - I rest my case :p
  19. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    For some years I had to learn how to run Linux. I have just gone into the books I needed to find out how to get multiple DEs to be listed on start-up and I needed to do that without it screwing up this box. I do not like re-learning anything and I am not sure I did learn that process properly back-in-the-day. And the last time I borked this box by doing that I thought:
    I am thankful for YouTube!!!! And some stuff I read....
    And now I have a PC that does not stop working!
  20. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    PS this thread was invented by me, so please do not complain. I am so happy!
    [I have sympathy and empathy for everyone here!]
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
    vasco likes this.