
Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by curuja, Dec 12, 2002.

  1. curuja

    curuja Active Member

    Apr 11, 2002
    Vitoria . Brazil
    I15 , I16
    The perfomace is very chage . never this planes can be the best performace with Zeck or 109E . the zeck was the king of pacific ocean until get f6f .
    I think that HOST MAN should change to the play stay more realy.
  2. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
  3. dankes

    dankes Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2001
    HOST MAN :mafia:
  4. curuja

    curuja Active Member

    Apr 11, 2002
    Vitoria . Brazil
    Maybe for to be free Russian the Russian airplanes had been modified for better, but what they had made with the I16 and I15 it was nonsense these airplanes had never had performace more than zeck and 109E inclusive they who had made score of the pilots in such a way German go up heheheheheheheh
  5. curuja

    curuja Active Member

    Apr 11, 2002
    Vitoria . Brazil
    I find that with the I15 and I16 flying with these perfomace, did not need the Russians to fly the Yak other fact nonsense is the LA to fly lives fast that 190D is trick :confused:
  6. curuja

    curuja Active Member

    Apr 11, 2002
    Vitoria . Brazil
    Another fact nonsense and p-39 to maneuver more than 109F this never existed in the war must be coats for host
    Please they read the manual of the airplanes and ve the difference :deal:
  7. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    i ask you to cease flaming without data
    or else i'll ignore your words.
  8. mekh--

    mekh-- Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2001
    If you're having trouble with the I-16 or I-153, then the problem exists between your joystick and chair. Even the A6M2 can outrun an I-16. Any model of 109 stomps all over them without even trying.

    Ju-52s are the only thing in danger from an I-153.

    It would, however, be nice for I-153s to be larger than the radio hut :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2002
  9. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2000

    versão portuga:

    o zero foi, de fato, o rei do pacifico ate a entrada do f6f (creio). o que acontece é que o i-153 e o zero nunca se encontraram ;)
    além disso, vc so tem q usar o zeke do jeito certo contra os avioes certos.
    pode virar contra spits, p40s. mas corra, ou dê um climb contra um i-153. o zeke é, sem duvida, mais rapido em velocidade e em climb que o chayka.
    mesma coisa com o 109E. nao tente virar com um aviao bi-plano (putz, como q chama mesmo aviao de duas asa?:)). o chayka é absurdamente manobravel, mas é um cu (;)) em 1.velocidade 2.climb 3.armamento.
    vc pode mto bem ficar irritando um i-153 em qlqlr desses dois avioes (zeke/109E). pode ficar correndo em circulos, ou subir subir subir e depois mergulhar no cara, depois subir, subir, subir, etc. e o cara nunca vai poder fazer nada contra vc. eu, em particular, curto mto fazer isso huahuaua :D

    english version:

    zeke was indeed the king of pacific. but it didnt ever meet the chayka :)
    you just need to use the right tactics vs the right planes. you can use the zero for outturning p40s, spits, but vs the i-153 you should run or climb. qualities in which the zeke can certainly out-do vs the i153.
    same with 109E: dont turn with this biplane, because its absurdly maneuverable. on the other hand, chaika is shit in speed, climb and guns. also, you can keep on irritating any pilot in this plane: just run in circles, or climb climb climb then dive on it, then climb climb climb.. and he cant do anything against you. i love doing this muahuahua :D

    in current beta, the chayka is no longer the size of an air model ;)
    the new 3d model is just waiting for the 2 weeks for next FHL's release ;)
  10. Pererê

    Pererê Member

    Dec 4, 2002
    I found myself a little time ago in a 109K fighting I-16 at 20.000 feet. Hmmmmm... this is odd already... a very small plane, little wings, opened cockpit, at these heights??? But wait: It outclimbed and outturned me....

    I really apreciate the efforts of my fellow russian warbirders and what they´ve done to the game, but some features are very, very... strange...

  11. gunn-r

    gunn-r Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Mr. Evil-and-to-the-point :)

    Uhm, you do realise that I-153 does a flat turn twice as quickly as 109E, and that is historic, right?

    ROFL! Nice sayings, both of them :D

    Well, Kokkinaki (Soviet test pilot) took I-15 to 12km alt (roughly what, 40k feet?) , and admitted that the plane could go even higher. And we all know how well 109s perform at high altitude :shuffle:
  12. Pererê

    Pererê Member

    Dec 4, 2002

    You are suggesting that the 109 performs badly at heights??? Wow...

    Who am I to contradict Kokkinaki. Why soviets bothered developing other fighters, with such a performer? I surely don´t have the data, neither time to look for it. But look at the plane´s weight. Look at the wings area. Look at the opened cockpit. Look at all this at 20,000 feet, manouvering like it´s 100 ft. Doesn´t it ring a bell on your good sense??

    FreeHosters and players seem to be very refractary to sugestions and critique.

    I humbly think "patriotic" planes are somewhat overmodeled. Hey!!! It´s their game!! I don´t have to play if I don´t like it, right? Even so, we could all benefit from a less biased modelling, me thinks.

  13. gunn-r

    gunn-r Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden
    PererĂª, I did not say you were wrong. The example I mentioned isn't even about I-16, it's about I-15.

    And are you gonna say that 109's performance didn't get worse with altitude? Although to be frank I am not sure how well did 109K perform just at 20k ft.

    Do you remember what speed were you 2 climbing at?
  14. --stec

    --stec Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2000
    Poznan, Poland
    AFAIK 109K was designed as high altitude fighter but can be wrong. 109E for sure gained advantage over all plane it faced with altitude thanks to 2-step supercharger. Don't know about Friedrich and Gustavs but they propably didn't perform badly at higher altitudes.
    i153 should be out of FH not because it's overmodelled (it's not) but because it's so maneuverable that it warps all over the place even with best connection and hitting it is only a matter of luck.
  15. Mach-1

    Mach-1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2001
    Santana do Parnaiba - SP

    Vou em portugues mesmo...

    O Curuja é piloto real :) ele voa um Mitsubishi... sim ele voa um :0 por isto ele é fanatico pelo Zero.

    Quanto a Zero vz F6F , bom o F6F nunca superou o Zero em nada a não ser em resistencia a danos e mergulho... o resto era o pior que poderia acontecer para um f6F topar com um Zero sem alguma vantagem...

    Por isto era proibido que voassem sozinhos, sempre em dupla e contra Zero e Hayabusa, so tinha uma solução... aplicar tisouras e o ala que estivesse livre mandava o Zeke ou Hayabusa pro fundo do mar :)

    Quanto a questão do I153 e do I16 tambem considero estes muito "mexidos" para a realidade, não importa o quanto o EXEC reclame, pode chorar e espernear querendo dados, o i16 não é pareo pro 109 seja la qual for a versão a não ser no giro sustentado e só

    O mesmo se aplica ao P-39 que aqui na fHR é um DEUS, mas na vida real nenhum piloto com o minimo de senso queria ir pra frente de batalha com ele... se um P-39 encontra-se um 109 era morte certa, a não ser que o piloto seja um otimo piloto, colocando obstaculos a baixa altura entre ele e o 109... coisa que ocorria muito com os pilotos da RAF, ja que la o P-39 era usado junto as tropas, assim como na USAAF...

    Outro dia eu de G10 fui perseguido por um P-39 que se manteve a D9 o tempo todo.... um absurdo e historicamente incorreto... mas que os russos teimam e dizer ao contrario.

    Realmente tem hora que é foda aceitar certos abusos... mas é de graça e não tem muito o que reclamar, apenas evitar topar com eles sem ter como revidar.

    Quanto ao Curuja, bom ele é piloto real e não tiro a razão dele... pelo menos ele tem base solida para reclamar ou até mesmo questionar qualquer um aqui...

    [ ] ´s
  16. Pererê

    Pererê Member

    Dec 4, 2002
    Sorry, I misread. But how do you think a I-16 should perform in 20.000 ft, regardless of data?

    109 performed well at altitudes, compared to other planes of the period.

    Well, in fact, there were two 109K, Urquer and me. We saw the I-16 approaching, lower, and didn´t bother. We were going to get some bombers, even higher. The Polikarpovs slowly started to climb, than reached our level. We had to fight, and astonished, we saw the performance of the little planes. We decided to leave, very disappointed.

    Happened some weeks ago. No wonder the message "reds won the last ToDs" when we enter the arena. They will continue to win. ´Til everybody gets tired of flying non-russian planes, like me.

  17. HJM---

    HJM--- Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2002
    behind you
    Perere is right...I also think that Ishaks shouldn't perform that well on a higher alts (like 6-7km's) was a radial engine design, with a small wingspan, most importantly...I'll do some research about it...
  18. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
    Relatively recently I found out that there were actually three Kokkinaki brothers, all test pilots. Though I did not sought for their names :shuffle:
  19. Kari

    Kari Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2001
    Helsinki, Finland
    There is something wrong here, funny really.
    I have never ever been "forced to fight" vs.
    same or lower E I-16 in any Bf. There is always,
    extend&climb option. I am wondering what was your
    climb speed at the time? Were you turning tightly?
    In straight flight K4 has no trouble at all
    with I-16. Were you circling the bombers and
    I-16 outturned you?
  20. gunn-r

    gunn-r Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Rus: razmnozhayutsya pochkovaniem? :)

    Eng: Vladimir Kokkinaki I was talking about. I think, at least :shuffle:

    Well, low wing loading and low mass really helps at higher alts. What was 109K's wingloading compared to that of an I-16?

    Moreover, optimal climbing speeds for these 2 planes differ greatly. If you insist on climbing with 170km/h TAS, I wouldn't be surprised if I-16 outclimbed the 109K, since the latter had it's optimal climbing speed at least a 100 km/h more (I think :)).