Who do you fear most?

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by ozemale6t9, Jan 30, 2003.


Who do you fear most?

  1. G.W. Bush

    37 vote(s)
  2. Saddam Hussein

    6 vote(s)
  3. God

    6 vote(s)
  4. The Devil (could be one of the 1st two?)

    5 vote(s)
  1. Tacmud

    Tacmud Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2002
    Czech Rep., Ostrava
    HeHe, it looks like stupid monkey George "Pretzel" Bush is very popular here.
  2. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Sharon Osborne (you must be eighteen years or older to view this post):

    I love her. I mean big time. If I could meet her, I would eat the shit from her ass. Well, I wouldn't really do that, it is just a figure of speech. She is an awesome woman and has taken very good care of one of my favorite musicians. If I told Ozzy, "I would eat the shit from her ass" he would probably just laugh!

    I have heard she is very ill and has a tough time ahead of her. I sure hope she will get well soon.

    I really-really do mean it whan I say I love her. Fantastic woman!

    And if I met her, I would shake her hand and I wouldn't ask her if I could lick her ass, really, I would be polite. She is a nice lady and so is her husband... Um, I mean, um, no, he isn't a lady, I mean he is a nice man, um
    Now Sharon's daughter, with the little belly that has no stretch marks and always is showing and her nice wide bum, I would lick the shit from her ass...
    Well, no not really, um, well, yeah, um. No, Ozzy would bite my head off - literally. I guess I would just look at her and drool into my drool bucket, which I carry everywhere with me, in case I should meet a woman who's shit I would like to lick from her ass, because I cannot do that, not in public, but it is okay, socially, in public, to drool into a bucket, so I carry this drooling bucket with me everywhere I go in case I should..., Oh, I said that already. I have to go for a few minutes. I be right back.

    Ah yes, better... now where was I?
    Oh, yeah, um...

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2003
  3. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    If you read peoples posts closely. It's quite rare there is anythig said against american people.

    Mostly its your government people are worried about.
  4. beerme

    beerme Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2001
    Malabar, Fla USA
    If you read my posts closely youd see that i acknowledge that but that the inflamatory words still hurt. Besides that fact it would maybe different if it was always the U.S. that everybody was always bitching about. READ my posts please I was not defending US policies, nor did I say everyone bashes me. I just want to not be beat about the head with world politics every place I go. I COME HERE TO GET AWAY FROM THIS CRAP! Please respect this!!!!!
  5. tralkpha

    tralkpha Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2003
    chicago, IL
    as far as the main topic goes
    i fear God who i believe
    permits the actions of evryone else listed.

    as far as american bashing or america bashing
    or politics or whatever
    i havent been here long enough to notice if it happens here or not
    if it does i guess ill chalk it up to being part of the dues i pay for
    being an american

    as to why it happens or why its common
    maybe its because we are currently the worlds only superpower?
    -_- yes i realize how arrorgant that sounds.

    being involved in as much as we are makes it impossible to please evryone.
    it seems we are cought between a rock and a hard place.
    if we intervene in a situation we are bullying.
    if we stay out we are heartless and uncaring.
    if we ask nothing in return we are taken advantage of.
    if we ask somthing in return we already have more than can be imagined why do we deserve somthing in return?

    any country that has dealt in any way with another country has hurt someones feelings somewhere
    currently being the largest (here i go being arrogant again) doing the most
    we also have the most current hurt feelings
    and so examples of bitterness towards america are sitting around evrywhere

    i think ill just stop now...

    yeh kelly ozbourne has quite a booty =)
  6. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)

    I'm quite happy you havent been "heartly and caring" towards finland. Many other small nations havent been so lucky in past decades.

    I think mostly this recent anti-US attitude is being caused by USAs agressive and clumsy foreign politics.

    Everyone would be your countrys friends if you just took care of your own business instead of messing things up on the other side of the globe. You have some big domestic problems. So why not to fix em before "liberating"(ie. bombing to death) rest world.

    It would be better for you and it would be better for us.

    Point is. I never seen anyone complain that USA hasn't intervened in their countrys politics.

    Sorry about getting bit emotional. :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2003
  7. tralkpha

    tralkpha Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2003
    chicago, IL
    i agree with u on that
    i think the complaining that we havent done somthing is usually from internal sources or from third parties

    what do you think our big domestic problems are?
    if our policy was to "liberate" the rest of the world why isnt kuait a us territory now? or haiti?

    lol were really getting off topic now >.^
    my bad

    emote away illo =) it dosnt bother me
  8. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2002
    Townsville NQ Australia

    Most of the leaders of the world did respond ( not happy ) it fell on deaf ears. Did you write to your local member to complain?? The only way to change a leaders view is if the people of his own country say enough is enough....

    Why dose a country that makes up 4% of the worlds population think it has the right to dictate to the other 96% ????

    America is not the worlds only superpower China is as much a superpower as America but America has santions against China so they think they don't exist..

    Why dose America have santions against 75% of the world ( in most cases it causes hunger and suffering to civilans not military ) and think they are going to put up with it for ever...

    If the American people are sick of the rest of the world haveing a go at them Stand up and say enough is enough .... After all Bush only won by default anyway....
  9. spaceb

    spaceb Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2001
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I fear the tooth fairy and Bush :D
  10. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    Thanks. :)

    Huge homicide rate is one I'm aware of.

    Its mainly about huge number of firearms in US. For example there is 30 times more firearms in US than Canada.
    Handgun homicide rates are 15.3 times higher in the United States than in Canada. Rates for non-firearm homicides are nearly 2 times higher in the United States than in Canada. For 1989-95, the average non-firearm homicide rate.

    And still handguns are free for every wacko to buy. Huh?

    Next problem that crosses my mind is huge amount of homeless and poor people for such a rich country. You don't find slums in scandinavia for example.
    I read some article which stated (source being phone inquieries) that 7million US citizens had been homeless in some point of their life. (sounds weird, do homeless people have phones?)

    Then there are environmental problems as Bush gives rats ass of nature in contrast to industry. So would be cool if he quit poisoning our (and your too) world and follow International Kyoto protocol.

    Well..whatever, every country has its domestic problems. And I don't really know what and why im talking about.

    We are OT by far. :)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2003
  11. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2002
    Townsville NQ Australia
    International Kyoto protocol.

    What a joke that was...No developed country could support that load @#!t...
  12. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2000
    revenege brings revenge.. and sometimes world wars
  13. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    But it is necessary, and AFAIR many developed countrys DID suported it.

    And why couldn't they suport it ? They have the tecnology for it, they have the money to use this tecnology.
  14. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Kyoto. Fat rich useless pigs take take take take...

    Yes, I am guilty also... Sitting here with my plastic everything. I know God watches me and finds me Guilty...

    I know someone who drives an automoblile 80 Kilometers every day to go to work. While at work, her and her co-workers use many JILLIONS of KiloJoules and they produce nothing, just paper and telephone calls... Oh yeah, she makes money.

    I am not deriding her working or going to work, I am just thinking about the waste that we know as "productive labour."

    We use fossil fuels to produce crops. CO 2. CO, SO2 and all sorts of other debts we are bringing on ourselves, this planet will slap us down if we don't clean up our act. ALL of us. A thing might be difficult, but just because it is does not mean it is wrong. Some things are right, correct.

    There are too many humans who take without putting anything back into the system.

    We are cheating nature and our planet and ourselves and walking around with our heads up our asses..

    We in the developed world are selling England by the pound. When you use more energy than you put back into a system, sooner or later you run OUT.

    I Am The Earth - Goose Creek Symphony
  15. kangaa

    kangaa Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2002
    Townsville NQ Australia
    Re: Kyoto. Fat rich useless pigs take take take take...

    every person on the planet greenie or not is guilty of this crime..
  16. sebbo

    sebbo Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2001
    Sector Plural-ZZ Alpha
    No one is innocent, yeah that's true....

    But a lot of people TRY to do something about it. And while it may not seem enough at some times, a little change is better then no change at all.

    Let's just hope all will be allright in a couple of decades. Else we could just as well blow our brains out right now.
  17. Sirum

    Sirum Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2001
    Oregon, U*S*A
    People who voted Bush as the "more feared" is completely rediculous. Cause if you think Bush is more dangerous, then you think the American people are just as dangerous too. Cause here in the United States of America, the people run this country not just one man.

    Bush is doing a good job, and has more balls than any diplomatic leader on this planet. Live with it.
  18. manoce

    manoce Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2002
    Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Czech republic
    are you insane?

    Yeah, I agree! Bush has balls! He's not affraid of killing people, he's not afraid of starting wars, he's not affraid to destroy this planet - if that would be neccessare for well-being of US people(read power groups of US). It is only such pity that he doesn't posses BRAIN to control his big balls.

    Hell, I think that US people are dangerous - they are! Because they have means which can destroy us all (and in fact their way of living is doing so last 50yrs) - and they are not sane enough to realize it and use them properly.

    "cause here in USA, the people run this country" - yeah.. apparently; but one word is missing "manipulated" - manipulated people - well not even manipulated ppl are running your country - they are just chosing between two power groups, which represents some artifical beings, and it choice of bad and worse
  19. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    I'm interested to know, for everyone that has slaughtered the USA in these forums, will they offer any kind of apology if the US goes in to Iraq on the strength of the evidence they have now, and finds major amounts of chemical, biological and/or nuclear weapons? Or any kind of evidence to suggest that Saddam is as guilty as he is being made out?

    Btw im not taking a stance either way but as much as i dont agree with what might happen over there, im as sick as Beer at the USA bashing. It's getting quite tiresome :eek:

  20. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    Well, I doubt there is any, and even if there is I really doubt that would threaten any western country. But if I see some hard evidence (not that Power Point stuff Powell presented to UNSC) of an Iraq belic system that would really threaten anyone other it's neighboors, then I would, not apologize (because if they had this profes they would have showed it, maybe they are manufacturing them, who knows), bu shut up and take a second look on any similar future situation.