LW post action reports post here

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by HJM---, Mar 15, 2003.

  1. HJM---

    HJM--- Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2002
    behind you
    LW post action reports here

    <S> to all of brave LW pilots!
    sorry that we had so many problems from the beginning, resulting in loss of my plans...tried to do my best...

    special thanks go to all of the pilots!
    it was a messy field management (not u nicaee,i know u tried too :) ), lost few good pilots right at the beginning, but it was fun i think...just a trial
    next scenario will fix many bugs i hope...

    plz report your observations here guys
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2003
  2. Rapier

    Rapier Guest

    Thanks to you HJM---!

    My first impression.

    Nice work Luftwaffe, nice leadership HJM---!

    We all tried hard I think and there are most certainly many lessons to be learned from this "BETA-TRIAL" both of the arena and the new registration facility.

    WTG Maletin!

    The registration worked fine, the people will learn, that non-registration or late-coming will lead to no participation. The worst thing again were the many no-shows and walk-ins. That took quite some time to get solved. The first take off was very late again, despite all the endevour to prevent that kind of late start.

    It is quite hard to maintain any kind of formation with the icon settings provided, we will have to think that over, I suppose. The friendly AAA fire, from factories is a bug that needs to be looked into.

    Well, all in all, I liked it! :cheers:

  3. Snakeye

    Snakeye Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2001
    Re: Thanks to you HJM---!

    We had no problem with formation i 302, I even managed to fight as a pair the whole time with wangor through 2 furballs :D
  4. HJM---

    HJM--- Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2002
    behind you
    i'm very very sorry that many of the assigned pilots didnt show up...resulting in dynamic assignments, which were a bad thing...
    some of the pilots and SL's didnt even read a briefing, so it was too late to fulfill my strategy, from now on, everything had to be done "on the fly"...
    problems began right after taking off...friendly ack shot few of my pilots,(leader too) fla or nicae said something about starting again, so i ordered them to rtb...a 30 sec later it was clr that it is not possible...the ones who got shot tried to take off again, but it was impossible for some (longer) time...
    had to make SL's again...

    there were many delays (which were crucial for LW) in the flying routes, some of the walk-ons showed up during the scenario, and taking off from fields that nicae opened for a while...i just couldn't maintain it...

    luckily, new SL's turned out to be great leaders, thanks to them we didnt fall under english boots...

    and now my personal thoughts:

    - arena should be closed after sceanario start, and that would prevent from a total chaos with unorganized ppl who, right after entering, tried to join my forces...

    - rearming and taking off procedures are nonsense for LW, which needs a quick acting...successfull defending is impossible in the way it is now (damn loooong delays, many many problems)
    i guess it was much easier for RAF...

    - next time, all the registration procedures should be done earlier, list closed earlier too, so i would have more time on sending the orders to everyone, and they would have more time to analyze them and make a proper strategy within their own SQ's

    - people who got shot down, shouldnt be allowed to fly again (it takes some time to return to a mother base)

    - taking off procedures after a wing landing...i thought it was impossible to take off from different field than the one at which a group landed on...unfortunately, i was informed about plans change too late, resulting in another mistakes and delays

    - right after entering an arena before the scenario, i was sure that RAF will be better organized...most of the pilots registered there, were on time...in LW quite opposite...

    -friendly fire and english CV's...what the hell was that??? own ack shooting at my warriors?
    CV destroying our field and shooting at my people?

    Anyway, i Salute U all guys under my command, it was an honour to have U! I wish we could all go together like that again...

    I'll write more suggestions later....
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2003
  5. Priest

    Priest Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2001
    Our 3rd wing was operating from F19 with 109e-4s, 8 pilots
    illo - priest
    chri-w - hindu
    tomekf - pioter
    yellow - buenau (scouts)
    spaceb (low watch)

    Later assigned:
    brosse, stefan (stefan was transferred to another unit soon after, i think, quite a mesh=)

    3rd was supposed to be under illo's leadership, but as he had software and later, i believe, connection problems it fell under me shortly after scenario start.

    As we took off, still illo leading, acks got 2-3 pilots(chri-w,hindu,tomekf(?) ) and illo had disco. So we were down to 5-6 pilots right away.
    I didn't notice illo's disco at start and at the same time there was that talk about aborting and restarting, so our flight ended up separated very badly. Our 2 scouts and 1 low watch got into the positions homever.
    I tried to get others regrouped but only managed to see 1 of the pilots couple of times, asked him to form on, but he failed ( because he had control problems, I learned later). The surrounding spits didnt help those things a bit =) There was quite a big fight. At the time our fields were attacked and I quite soon ordered rtb to F19 because many of our pilots were already down and we didn't have any advangate over spits nor co-ordination. That was our only air battle, I believe our pilots claimed 2-3 kills and some more dmg planes. None were lossed to RAF!

    After safe rtb, there was some misunderstood between me hjm and nicaee, as we were supposed to go F2 with bombs(I believe), we took off without them. As F19 had only 30% of fuel, we wouldn't have never got back, but it took a while I get hjm to, hmm "understand" that( I'm sure he had his hands full of other things, so no blame to him). Anyway we rtb'd after short circle in N.

    Our last mission was to bomb F2 under cover of 1st wing(109-f2). We had to wait mby 15mins to them rtb. Take off was from F24 and we were to go low. After our take off, we had to wait quite a while 1st, as the taking off procedure wasn't the fastest possible =) unfortunately we lost 2 pilots during our way, other for disco, and other splashed water.

    ".field " command said F2 to be small field, but as we got there, we found out that engineers must have been working out quite a hard since last intel, as the field was big one. We took out fuels, radar, and 88mm (mby more, those are what i know) with no opposition. Scenario was near to end and we rtb'd to F19 about 10mins before scheluded end.

    Only complain I have is that I was assigned couple of pilots from which I was not informed in anyway, they just appeared to our channel. And, well not a complaint, but the start was quite confusing with losses to acks, loss of leader etc.

    THX for scenario team and all participants for this scen!
    Being my first, but hopefully not last
  6. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi everyone,

    Here's my pilot report:

    Pilot Ho-Hun, Section Leader Luftwaffe Wing 4 (Me 109F-2)

    Flight #1:

    Mission: Scouting, patrolling N of the rest of the wing at 6.5 km.
    Wingman: Cmirko.
    Take-off base: F17

    On runway I come under fire from ack (no hits) and unidentified Me 109 (13 hits 7.92 mm).

    Take-off, form-up, climb. Evading ack fire from to the left and right of me. Some Me 109 from another unit flies on my six. Cmirko reports he's firing. Evading some more (no hits).

    Over Thames estuary, we spot 10 low dots climbing in formation, headed S. Reported on radio. Permission for attack from wing leader is finally given. Almost too late as they're nearly at our altitude by then. I tell Cmirko not to turn while we attack. Spitfires see us and turn. I fire (no hits) and climb out. Cmirko nowhere to be seen, but dots whirling everywhere. Repeated dies at the dots. Third dive gets me on tail of a pair. Firing at wingman (no hits), overshooting, firing at leader (kill). Forced to dive away by several Spitfires on tail.

    Return to France at sea level. Cmirko reports landing F17. Climb begun near French coast, continued to 5 km at F15. Dots at my altitude, with more dots above. I overtake and hook back into the dots. Low dots seem big - bombers. I dive from 12 high on a B-25, firing a short burst (kill). Fored to dive away by several Spitfires on tail.

    Flying S to land at F14.

    Flight #2:

    Mission: Patrol F18.
    Wingman: Cmirko.
    Take-off base: F14

    Take-off, form up, climb to 6 km at F18. I'm straggling behind, when we got vectored towards bandits I cut the curve to close up. Spot lone B-25 below me. Dive, attack at acute angle, short burst (few hits). Stern conversion, several bursts (some hits). Cmirko comes in and shoots (more hits, fuel leak, parts braking off). B-25 goes into a shallow dive. I close in and fire long bursts (many hits, more parts breaking off). Cannon ammo runs out, return fire from gunner takes out one MG.

    I abort attack and return to F18. B-25 must have made it home somehow, no kill message.

    At F18, dots and bandit reports. Circling a bit to check situation. Just when I decide to land, new dot appears and dives at another dot. I check them out to find a Spitfire attacking a Me 109. I get on its tail and fire away with my remaining MG (some hits). Another Me 109 closes in and kills the Spitfire. I land at F18.

    Flight #3:

    Mission: Scramble F18.
    Wingman: -
    Take-off base: F18

    RAF raid on F18 spotted over the channel. I get scramble order. I confirm order with Red commander. I scramble. Nicae kicks me out of the game.

    Decide I've had enough. Leave game.


    Henning (HoHun)
  7. Buenau

    Buenau Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2001
    1-st, thenx to all organaizers of scenario!

    2-nd, sry for bad english ;)

    My report:

    In wing3 me&yellow was a scouts, and after takeoff we otw to our waypoint in alt 5 km, but imho some guys from our wing going in our long 6 and higher (we all time c dots on our high 6), its broke a prior plan ;(, we reach waypoint without contackts and receive report about golds on our right side deep in our area! RAF guys was faster :) We get order to turn right for intersept it (its broke plan too, we cant attack cons without full wing ;) ) same time later we find a cloud of 7-10 dots on 6k, we trying identify it, same golds was here, same spits was shotdown, yellow hit 1 (on my 6 (wtg :) ) , we take order to rtb and run away from 2 cons (its was easy, imho they afraid going deep in our zone).

    After landing we find a cv attacking our field and killing our fuel and same acks, we trying up with 30% of fuel (donno why, but order ;) ) flying around field and landing after fuel out.

    Next 20 min we wait in twr ;), but later we takeoff for jabo-raid to f2, we have 8x250 (8 109e4), but before attack we loose 2 guys (disko&fall), we attack f2 (strange small field with 88 mm , isnt? ;) ) i hit 20 mm, was no contacts, we take order to help f18, but on midway scenario almost finished and we rtb to homefield f19, twr, end a game.

    My observations, for next scenarios;

    1st. Distance d6 for identify too small, in scrammble very easy loose ur wingman and find a con, imho d15 optimal.

    2st. Sending private message to chief from all pilots too long and obstacle a game, imho wingman can recieve a reports from his fighter and send 1 message to chief.

    now all, but ome more, thanks for a nice game, guys!
  8. yellow

    yellow Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2001

    priest wrote about action of wing3.
    He wrote 100% of our action, thx priest ;)

    We lost wing leader -illo- by his problem at early section of scenario.
    But fortunately, priest could keep command authority of wing3.
    Thanks for priest again.

    In my case.
    I ordered "scout" of wing3 with buenau.
    But I was very difficult to keep distance from buenau.
    I need to leave d10-20 from him, mb d15 is the best, but I couldn't measure over d6 lol.
    And many dots around the air, most of them were friend, but we need to identify enemy or

    not.....it was frustrated me.
    So I need a skill to identify aircrafts from far distancee...mmm...
    In the 1st sorty I could kill 1 enemy, and clr buenau's 6 from other enemy who run away.
    2nd sorty we patroled on field No19, and no enemies we could see.
    3rd we bombed f2 by 109+bomb under escort by wing1's 109F2.
    That detail was written by priest.
    I lost buenau from my view before drop bomb. Then I back to f24 alone.
    So I needed to keep buenau in my view, but I couldn't, so d6 ID was too short for me.
    I hope more long distance ID.

    My impression are as follows.
    a) I printed out the order, it said my wing3 is 109E4, field No16.....
    But it changed to field 19 and patrol area too, my print was useless and got orders from

    buenau. I said "I lost print" meant it.
    I understood why this happened, I got a mail from maretin 2times but I cut the conex to

    mail-server before get 2nd mail...oh it was 100% my fault, i'm sry.
    b) ACK fired us while rolling!!
    1st time was ships near the f19, 2nd time was factry near f19.....
    Oops wing3 sandowitched by ACK fire....
    I think it looks small mistake of configuration.
    It will be fix next scenario.
    c) Need reformation for discoed pilots.
    In the rule "each wing can roll after whole of pilots back to twr".
    But we can't avoid "disco". So we need to help discoed pilot.
    If disco and re-enter happened early time from rolling, he should roll immediately to

    comeback to his team. If it happened middle time of mission, he should pool in HQ for back

    up for emergency intercept or new scout.
    d) Longer identificaton distance
    Alredy wrote it, and I agree him.
    At least d15 for enemies, d20 for friend is better, because winging will execute d10-20.

    In real life, I was surprised to execute this scenario, in this short time.
    So I say "Thank you very much!!" for all admins and CO's both sides and wing leaders.
    I understand it was a test, and we could find many things good and bad, for system, for

    private.(like me)
    We learned many things for NEXT.

    See you again next scenario!! (oh...but it was hard time for me, scenario started 3:00AM and

    finished at 6:30AM.... Then I got anger from my girlfriend, cause I woke up 11:30AM, she

    said "Too late !!" oh God....She hit me by her "Hispano-Suiza 20mm cannons". )

    HOST:yellow killed by his-girlfrined

  9. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2000
    hi buenau!

    >1st. Distance d6 for identify too small, in scrammble very easy loose ur wingman and find a con, imho d15 optimal.

    i agree :)

    2st. Sending private message to chief from all pilots too long and obstacle a game, imho wingman can recieve a reports from his fighter and send 1 message to chief.

    i agree again :)
    but - that was only necessary so i can see who didnt show up for scenario, and who were the people not registered flying in each wing.
    that should have happened before scenario, but 1. i arrived late (sry, confused time) and 2. other admins didnt do it before scenario started.