Bad behaviour

Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем fleetm, 19 мар 2003.

  1. fleetm

    fleetm Member

    24 янв 2003
    Tonite the player "delrio" entered the room by greeting us all by "fuck the americans fuck the USA".
    I am not american, I am not pro-american and I am not anti-american. I just wanna relax, play and enjoy myself without any brazilian nutcase spreading his low vocabulary shit in the arena.
    Players like the above mentioned should IMHO be immedeatly dismissed from the game by the administrators. :turret:

  2. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    10 июл 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    My reply was unsuitable. Is now gone bye byes. Yecccch
    Последнее редактирование: 19 мар 2003
  3. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    14 июл 2001
    thanks for your stance fleetm. :) thier shouldn't be any real world anger shown or favoritism shown. this is a FH for WWII flight sim enjoyment. i am american, and all i can say is "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" this saying works in real life, and in the main arena here also. thanks all for a nuetral stance on well you know what. i remain quiet, and leave my personal opinions out of here on the current matters in real life. it's only correct for others to do the same. but, it is a free world, and FH is free. so people may do as they wish. but a special thanks to all that leave worldly matters out of the arena and have virtual fun. <S> see ya up.

  4. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    Agree 100% fleetm.I think we just have to leave those little childs stupidity to it's respected value .. ;)
  5. lemmie

    lemmie Well-Known Member

    29 авг 2000
    Seattle, Wa. U.S.A.

    LOL :kruto:

  6. wulfie

    wulfie Well-Known Member

    19 мар 2003
    Great White North
    Learn From Your Mistakes

    Hello all i'am no one to talk as i got real mouthy here in the forum at sumone which was wrong it's one thing to be mouthy, another to mouthy about another country is war is hell we should be glad we did not have go to go through WW2 ask kids thank god for that. I now have learned there is a time and place to be mouthy here in the forum is not the place, for that fact the main arena to but in the game we all are like a bunch of kids in a sand box fighting for a spot in the box. I think we should try to do our best to keep our mouths in check i know it's hard for sum of us lol but i'am trying take a hard look at your country before saying BS about another country they all got problems SO GET OVER IT !!!!!!

    Wulfie :joystick:
  7. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    Yea,and what the f**k has some individuals has to do with all -in someone's opinion, stupid desisions that those power eagaring -and now having people do? If those people really involved of making decisions were here ,then it would make at least some sence to have a conversation.

    Salute gents
  8. Nestor

    Nestor Member

    20 мар 2003
    I agree definitely with you fleetm . However you must notify if there is lot of people always some of of them are silly and rude . Everybody should be count with it and should ignore it ! :flyer:
  9. fleetm

    fleetm Member

    24 янв 2003
    Think of this;

    during daytime you are being loaded with tonns of views on every single conflict in the world. People wants your reaction to this, to that and so on. So, when you finally find a second to relax, you move to your computer and logg into the "friendly and cosy" WARBIRDS ??? Think of that! It is a game of war and some people like it and enjoy it! When I find myself laidback relaxing "tickeling with my little stick" I even dont't think of war even tho I am playing a wargame! AND I WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY :director:
    If I decide/want to get involved I turn on the TV or the radio. And I turn off the damn thing instantly if there is some shit I do not want to watch. I can't do that during a diving attack on a JU88 or other goldies. So please do not interfer or I'll see to your rectum gets the next missile launched by my hands.

    --> fleetm<--
    Linda Lovelace rules
  10. Jacobe

    Jacobe Well-Known Member

    28 янв 2002
    Woo-Haa!! :D
  11. top

    top New Member

    23 мар 2003
    I think it is right to fight as hard as you can in the game and to try to kill the cons before they kill you. All is fair in the action of the game. The meaner the better.

    But I think the behavior that fleetm describes in his post is unacceptable. This game should not be a forum for RL hate.

    Come on and roll up and hate me in my La7, but don't tell me what your world stinking view is.

    Fortunately, WB designers added the .ignore command. Here is a perfect example of when to use it. In fact, you might even want to add a .ignore to your autoexec for players like that.

    WTG fleetm