CV Bug & abuse???

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by ozemale6t9, Apr 30, 2003.

  1. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2002
    Queensland's Southern Capital
    CV Bug & abuse???

    In these times when ppl are being banned for bug abuse, what is determined to be abuse of a bug?

    I have been flying in the arena for the last hour or so, and have seen golds systematically closing and capping red fields from an indestructable cv.

    This to me is bug abuse, especially when reds have made it abundantly clear on channel 100 that cv10 is bugged.

    Incidently, I have a theory on this bug but I don't have the time or patience to test it fully, and nobody seems interested in helping.

    It seems to me that the reason this cv is not able to be capped is that all the escorts have their acks up even though they are in port and status says they are destroyed. I started to test this theory, and managed to destroy a DD & CA (acks down 10000) before I got discoed. My theory is that if all the escort acks are down, the cv will be able to be destroyed.

    I have logs to show damage to destroyed escorts, if anyone wishes to verify this.

    Regards, Oz
  2. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    This is happenening on a red cv also, F5 afair
  3. vojtas

    vojtas Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
    Ur anus
    Re: CV Bug & abuse???

    The same goes to you red machos :D :p
  4. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    1st: Red did exact the same - yesterday I watched how 3 gold fields were captured by reds operating from an undestructable red CV. On ch 100 they were informed that its a bug, but they started.

    I saw 2 days ago golds doing the same near F22(red).

    But also many golds on 103 refused to start from this bugged gold CV and so I am sure that also red pilots dont abuse red indestructable CVґs.

    And when I am right there is a difference between this bug and the hmack-bug.

    Here you just dont know if the Cv is bugged or not - but the hmack-bug couldnt be used accidentily.

    I agree that people who are informed that their CV is bugged and still use them as base are the same bug-abuser as people who abused the hm-ack-bug.

    But only those who have been informed - not those who dont know and start from the CV thinking its OK.
  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Jan 29, 2000
  6. fleetm

    fleetm Member

    Jan 24, 2003
    Cheats pisses me off

    Just experienced to have been booted just as I attacked 2 Ju's
    entering F3 all on their own. F3 had been down for almost 600 secs and I was capping on my own. This is the MOST convinient booting I have EVER seen and I consider the two JU-flyers most likely to have something to do with it :mad: . Unfortunately i didnt get their nicks from my fellow red pilots when I asked for it, but reds NOt answering, giving replies is another f...... story.
    Hoping the JU-pilots in question are proud of themselves after having achieved this magnificant capture - MY ARSE :turret:

  7. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    LOL - you was the Hurricane who wasnt able to kill 2 Ju52 without escorts - right?

    But think twice before you accuse someone.

    The 2 Ju52 pilots were cbfs and me from KG51.

    We started in a first attack wave from F21 in Ju88 2x1000 + 50 and a Ju52, flying below radar to F3.

    I made bombdrop from 90 meters to avoid radar sighting and killed hangar and radio hut mast before ack killed my bomber.

    cbfs dropped commandos and circled around F3 in Ju52 - below radar.

    Meanwhile I started a second Ju52 from F21. Cbfs was killed by ack which he considered destroyed and started landing on F3 when only radar (and the ack) was alive.

    Then his commandos executed his mission and were removed by system.

    Meanwhile I arrived with my Ju52 (the Ju52 Nr.2) and dropped commando. Then I was killed by the 40mm.

    After this we started together with 2x Ju52 (Nr. 3 and Nr.4) from F21 and headed below radar to F3.

    We saw message that F3 was closed (by commandos of Ju52 Nr.2) and shortly after that commandos were killed (obviously by you).

    Then we reached F3 and saw a Hurricane approching.
    I was shot down (but not without my Otto damaging at least fuel of Hurri) .

    cbfs made hammerhead drop of paras - and F3 was captured.

    You see:

    No cheat.

    No abuse of a bug.

    No starts from CV.

    Just a 3 waves of a total of 4x Ju52 and 1x Ju88 and the luck that the Hurricane defending the fireld was not able to kill both Ju52 .

    And yes - we were proud of this success. It shows how 2 members of a squad could capture even a field deep in enemy territory.

    You should try it also - its fun :D