Greatest Threat to World Peace

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Malino, Nov 3, 2003.


Which Country is the biggest threat to world Peace

Poll closed Dec 3, 2003.
  1. Israel

    11 vote(s)
  2. USA

    33 vote(s)
  3. North Korea

    4 vote(s)
  4. Iran/Iraq etc

    1 vote(s)
  1. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    This was in todays news, so I thought we could hold our own little poll and see what the general view is:

  2. Benjamin8

    Benjamin8 Member

    Mar 19, 2003
    Answer is Israel and USA.The only point for USA to attack Irak, and in future maybe Iran or Syria is just to PUT Israel ON IT'S FEET!And that is due to a fack that The real leaders of USA and Israel are Khazar jews. (They also led the revolution in Russia and planned coldwar for some polarism in world for their benefit.)Not to mention about nazism and worldwar2 in general.The world-bank also is led by khazar jews.Their only aim is to get Israel to it's strength and then to drive the whole world to ww3.

    More about khazar jews by Jim Floyd

  3. beryl

    beryl Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2002
    19*08'E 51*30'N
    Poland ;)
  4. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2001
    Errrr, I'm from the planet earth, dunno where you're from.

    Point of this was to see how our views compared to the ones in the poll. Whilst obviously we can't sample 7,500 people as they did we can at least get opinions from a wider range of countries than just the EU.

    Be interesting to see what the general view is.

  5. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    What a fucking crock of shit.

    Arabs are the biggest threat to world peace.
    Second to Arabs are them fuckin' Persians.

    Good thing we all pitched in and fuckin' took care of those evil fuckin' Serbs, eh?

    One day, we gonna teach Latvia a lesson too!

    And a warning to Namibia:
    The production of Rice Of Mass Destruction has to STOP:
    (Namibians attack their own people, are antisemite and don't pay for the Canola seeds they plant)
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2003
    1 person likes this.
  6. Cierzo

    Cierzo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2003
    Madrid (Spain)
    For me, the biggest threat can't be identified. Everyone thinking other is a menace, means a threat itself. Why can't live and let live? World would be much better, or so i like to think.
    1 person likes this.
  7. spaceb

    spaceb Well-Known Member

    Dec 11, 2001
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Israel is not alone, US gov supports them... so I vote for both.
  8. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    many more threats then are listed above mal. picture a giant room filled with many many different weapons, then in front on a table, showing only 4 of those weapons. and asking which ones will kill you? it makes no difference! they all can kill you just just as fast! it's like looking into a crowd of strangers, and picking the ugliest face as the most dangerous. this could be just a limited view, and imho racist. i think in general man as a whole is the end of himself. picture bacteria in a petri-dish. the bacteria grow and grow reach a point and consume them selves. the world is a giant petri-dish (i think is the petri correct spelling) anyhow, what our good old world needs is some alliens so we could war with them instead of our selves. but alas, it is still war :(. <S>

  9. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Check it out: and see what happens to yeast in a vat.
  10. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    The reason many people are ranking the USA as the primary source of fear is that they have no limit. If any of the named countries makes a mis-step the world media will be on it, but not all those countries have an "international emergency brake"... Who will stop the USA if they decide to go to war in Korea as well? Or if they invade Iran subsequently? Nobody, the only pressure that can be applied is diplomatic pressure, and with a man like Bush pulling the strings that pressure is no good. The main reason people are so afraid is because Bush seemingly has no limit, he easily ignores the world opinion and will take no stop unless he can turn it to his own advantage. Think of it, the Bush administration has been withdrawing from all sorts of agreements and pact.
    Israel is a danger, sure it is, but it's double sided, the Palestinians have alot to blame for as well, every attack by either side resolves in another - more bloody - response by the other side. Iran and Iraq are a threat due to terrorism, but those two countries aren't the only ones linked to terrorism, terrorism is the biggest threat of them all, but it's hard (and injust) to attach a face to terrorism, sad fact is that there is no good counter-measure against terrorism yet, they've got nothing to lose. North Korea can destabilise the world if it invades South Korea again, I don't think it will do that, the only reason for N Korea to continue production of a nuclear arsenal is to have a last drastical line of retreat in case Bush really wants to invade N-Korea as it is part of the "axis of evil"... What if Bush gets his second term?

    For all those who think I'm biased, sure I guess I am, I'll admit that, but please at least read this post and try to maintain a certain objectivity, there's no point in starting to say the world is always nitpicking and bitching about Bush's policy.

  11. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Biggest threat to world peace is ME.

    I fucking kill bitches.


    i'm with cierzo pretty much, even though it is idealism. Bush needs to listen to the UN and things will go much smoother.
  12. sebbo

    sebbo Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2001
    Sector Plural-ZZ Alpha
    I think hatred is the greatest threat to world peace. We've got plenty of that....

    As for the guy ranting about Jews, above, here is your wake-up call: "HELLO?!?!?!? ANYBODY HOME?!?!?!?! THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION WAS DEEMED A FRAUD IN 1938 ALREADY! SNAP OUT OF IT, PLEASE!!!!"

    Such revisionist crap is the LAST thing we need nowadays.
  13. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    I wouldnt say it is any one country or people that provide the biggest threat. It is commercial companies and defence manufacturers who seem to be deciding foreign policies at the moment and it is these politics which are the biggest threat imho.

  14. Harpoon

    Harpoon Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Perth, Australia
    Sounds alot like something a certain little man with funny hair and a moe would say.
  15. sebbo

    sebbo Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2001
    Sector Plural-ZZ Alpha
    I agree COMPLETELY, Harpoon....


    This is the first time a post in this forum actually makes me physically sick.

    I request that the admins: a. remove this post, and b. ban this user.
  16. dick_steel

    dick_steel Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2003
    IMO, biggest threat is people itself.
    Without us there wouldn't be any crap that happens nowadays.
    So nuke us all down,and let rats and cockroaches have the next war.
    After few million years when we crawl from mud AGAIN, maybe we are a bit smarter than now.

    OR select ME to be the next evil emperor of the world. :D
  17. cloud--

    cloud-- Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
    I believe that peace will come when people as a whole learn to except different people's beliefs. It seems to me that most of these problems are based on religion. The Cristian religion belives that theyr religion is right and all others are wrong. And pretty much every other religion in the world belives that they are right. I just think when people start to except that everyone is different and learn to live together with these differences, then maybe things will get better.

    I also think that when people stop believing that peace is so far out of reach and start beliveing in it alittle more, then things can be fixed.

    I probably dont know what im talking about here, and im probably just as iggnorant as the next person but this is what I feel and belive.
  18. cloud--

    cloud-- Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
    I also think it is wrong to blame one country as the biggest threat to world peace because any one who dosn' belive in peace is a threat to it.
    Besides, the world as a whole created these problems and the world as a whole will have to fix them.
  19. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    hmmm. okay. i have come to the conclusion it is the country of Luxemburg!! they are hiding thier in all of thier tinnie tinyness. lol

    really it surprises me, blame it on the jews. tipical. really i want to know some peoples views/reasons for blaming the jews? why do people hate the jews. what have they done that is so bad. people also hate USA for trying to help isreal to exist. why shouldn't isreal exist? hmm, looking at the lopsided poll. i guess i better put a little extra in my taxes so my beloved USA can have more weapons so as to defend itself when the 3rd WW starts! hmmm, not trying to star a flame inside of a flame here but, it wasn't that long ago alot of europe liked having USA around. now it's see ya, wouldn't want to be ya attitude of many. it's reading things like this thread that make this yank more and more less likely to think kindly of well what i thought to be nice countries.

    also, yes a war in korea would destabilise much of the worlds economy very very true. but this yank really would like to go back to the days of U.S. isolationism. and be more self sufficient. other countries can deal with them selves and get the frig out of my countries market place. tired of cheap ass dollar stores every 1/2 mile. when was the last time any of you folks bought something that said made in USA?? oh well on to the next thread :)
  20. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    @ Biz: Well said in the final paragraph. It would be interesting if every country was left to deal with themselves and be self-sufficient. Perhaps then the aid and assistance the US (and other countries) provide would be more noticeable.

    As to the point of Israel, I dont know enough about the history of what happened to decide if they are to blame for the current ills of the world. What I would criticise Israel for is their treatment of the Palestinian people and their continued expansion. The Palestinians in particular, and the Arab world in general have to shoulder alot of the blame for the troubles also, they only ever seem intent on fanning the flames and are as much interested in peace as the Israelis seem to be, or maybe even less so.
    Still, you would have to be off your rocker to actually believe that Israel, as a country alone, are a threat to world peace.
