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Тема в разделе "Warbirds International", создана пользователем - - fox -, 5 июл 2001.

  1. - - fox -

    - - fox - Well-Known Member

    Tell me plz, which new plane u like to see in WB ? Or u want mobil ack or tank ?

    Sorry for really bad english

    Check six!
  2. Invisible Ninja-Killer

    Invisible Ninja-Killer Active Member

  3. krause

    krause Well-Known Member

    The French planes,
    Morane-Saulnier, Dewoitane etc.;
    Bristol Blenheim
    Savoia Marcheti 79
    Dornier 17
    He 111
    Handley Page Hampden
    Vickers Wellington
    Polish Planes



    TO JG26

    [This message has been edited by krause (edited 06 July 2001).]
  4. --stec

    --stec Well-Known Member

    I'm for early war planes [​IMG]

    Fokker DXXI
    Fiat CR42
    PZL P11c
    PZL P37b
    Hs 123
    Bufallo (Finnish markings [​IMG] )
    Gloster Gladiator
    Wellington or Blenheim
    A5M Claude
    MS 406
    Devoitine D520

    And of course some of the still missing essentials [​IMG]
    Hs129 with 75mm AT-gun
    Late war Italian fighters and bombers
    F4U4 with 4 cannons!!

    CO Polish Fighting Team

    [This message has been edited by --stec (edited 06 July 2001).]
  5. lemmie

    lemmie Well-Known Member

    I didn't know Santa Claus' name was "--fox-", I thought it was Kris Kringle. Whoopie!

    I've been a good boy, and I would like a Lancaster to go with a HE-111.

  6. vsthor

    vsthor New Member

    Like reds dont have enough buffs as it is. How bout a few more gold buffs.
  7. hrtman

    hrtman Well-Known Member



    For the golds
    ME 163 a and b
    Fly the 262 in proper time
    Add V-2 to Golds

    Lancaster with the Block buster
    for the reds... I love killing those bombers [​IMG]

    Take away the V-1 from reds! They never had it!

    BTW is this for real?


  8. Snoopy

    Snoopy Well-Known Member

    I would just like to see the ME 262 made flyable. Like have it come out in early 45 or late 44, so that it is available for more then 8 hours of flight time per 3 weeks of game play.

    Many of us live in parts of hte world were we have to sleep or go to school or work during the hours the ME262 is available and only get to fly it once every 6 months. I have heard all the arguments against this, but the fact is that 1 or 2 days of flight time would help a lot of the gold get over the novelty and realize that the techniques they used all war long will only get them killed in the ME262. When this happens a couple or three times they go back to planes they know how to fly. I know this because I observed it in the last ToD when, by some miracle I got to fly the ME262.

    So please let players around the world fly the ME262 make it available at least 24 hours. Then regular players will get to fly it regularly.

    See you in the air.

  9. VampyreZG

    VampyreZG Member


    1st. ammo update for 110C4 back to those 214 shots 20mm

    2nd. Bf110F4a "Tank Buster" in desert camouflage

    3rd. Dornier Do 335 [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    4th. Do217z2 with Hs293 guided bombs

    5th. He111 H-16

    6th. Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu "Nick"

    7th. Nakajima G8N1 Renzan "Rita"

    8th. and of course: more 110-versions [​IMG]

    Zerstoerergeschwader ZG76 "Haifisch"
    - We have enough 30mm for all B17 Customers -
  10. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    Going that way I need Hawker's Tempest Mk.V, Yakovlev's Yak-9U, Mikoyan&Gurevich's MiG-3 with 2 ShVAK's and 6 rockets, and, finally, but most desirable Polikarpov's I-185 with M-71 engine.
  11. - - fox -

    - - fox - Well-Known Member

    Hs129 is already done in 3dsmax4.0 as hs129.max (if abyone want it i can send, just say me), need only texture it (work in progress) and import in WB.

    Imho most wanted - He111. (but voting is not over yet. I will wait around 1-2 day and until start work)

    I need information about it - 3 views,info about loads, weapons, crews and so on, external fotos,schemes of camuflage, cockpit fotos etc.

    Plz if you have this information send me on

    Check six!
  12. mcosta

    mcosta Guest

    About the Hs129...
    The pilot souldn't be forced to use the 75mm as a default weapon... at least the 37mm cannon should be available as option.
    There's also it's special weapon, that shoul dbe inserted... the "6-pack". 6 rrecoil-less 75mm guns pointing to below, shooting automatically when it flew over something "metalic".
    As the firing mechaninsm is not possible to implement without major coding in the server, it could be placed on "manual" mode...

    Moi dve koipeki
    (thns RG [​IMG] )
  13. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    i vote me262
    boy would that be nice!
  14. -blue-

    -blue- Well-Known Member

    I would only liek to see a tempest or typoon to go & raco alongside those early 190's [​IMG]
    Or a 4x20mm version of any of teh spits.
    Mb spit XVII or XIX ;-)p

    But being realistic i think it's not good to introduce planes that never took much part in RL WWII. I know they might be promissing & interasting to try but that war eneded up like that becuase there were not enuff new, fantastic planes around. Lets not go into introducing marginal aircraft.

    It's clear that typhoon/tempest played a major role in the conflict - lets start with thos obvious ones then ! [​IMG]

    moje dwa grosze [​IMG]


    302 Polish SQ Poznanski
  15. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    I heard import in WB is impossible. Did something change?
  16. - - fox -

    - - fox - Well-Known Member

    All questions to -richi

    Check six!
  17. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    grobar>I heard import in WB is impossible. Did something change?
    Who knows? [​IMG]
    Still impossible.
  18. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    richi get some progress in 3d converion from maybe it will be possible...someday [​IMG]

    Roman aka rgreat
  19. seahawk

    seahawk Well-Known Member

    fox - ME [​IMG]

    How much MB's it is?

    if less then 5000kb send it to
  20. banjo-

    banjo- Member

    id like to see the tempest too.
    also the meteor would be kind a cool..