Battle of Britain Scenario ? test session Sun, Oct 10

Discussion in 'Scenario / Tournament / Squad missions' started by RedBull, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    Battle of Britain Scenario ? test run

    ?Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many
    to so few.?


    Test Session Sun, Oct 10
    time: 18:30 GMT
    place: SA

    Contents of practice:
    Common cooperation between units/squads
    Formation Flights
    TeamSpeak comm
    SA gunnery/dmg testing
    Bomber intercept

    Supposed participants from:
    302 Polish Sq
    303 Polish Sq
    310 CZ Sq (preparing by czech pilots)

    Any pilots welcome for join. Briefing at the begin of test session.
    You can confirm here your participation.
  2. dandys

    dandys Member

    Jan 20, 2003
    Brno, Czech Republik
    I enter for this test session - 310 CZ sq.
  3. MinTaur

    MinTaur Member

    Aug 23, 2003
    Vysoke Myto, Czech Republic
    mintau as pilot 310 CZ Sq.
  4. tigrou

    tigrou Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2004
  5. ExtraG

    ExtraG New Member

    Mar 16, 2003
    ExtraG (extrag) as pilot of 310. Czechoslovak RAF Squadron.
  6. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    303rd, for hurricanes, at least 4 pilots
  7. Pikkot

    Pikkot Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
    Me for RAF, can do hurry or spit.
  8. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    2 pilots only from 302nd now (me and handz) probably more will join, as I just posted a link to this thread. Oh- sorrry, RAF, hurricanes or spitfires of course :)
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2004
  9. HanD_ZeD

    HanD_ZeD Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2002
    yes me from 302nd (if i will be able to connect with SA)
  10. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    Well - tet done, it was very intersting and exciting! Thx all for participation. I have enough data for needed changes. Pls report your experiences here.

    I will post summary + conclusions tomorrow morning. Hold on :)
  11. vought

    vought Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
    Gdansk, Poland
    On the first flight we (303) had fun and the boys were convinced that we will find enemy during the 3/4 rd of flight time when rbull anounced it was all just organization and tactic training, good :)
    On the second flight we had a meeeting engament with enemy buffs - ju88s.
    the formation wasnt tight, so we atacked some bombers on the pack edges, about 3-4 kills were scored, but we took a beating. deadly ottos settings resulted in 6pks, 2 shot down and 2 rtb with bad dmg.
    Next sortie was a side change, we took the ju88s.
    We went in close formation and were atacked by high spitfires. The atack was unorganized, the planes were in range of ottos at 3 maximum, and mostly only 1 or 2 spits were atacking at a time. Our ottos settings allowed us to send down about 10 enemies without loosing a single plane (though hvy dmg occured)
    4rd Flight was back to hurricanes again and this time the ottos were weakened and the formation was loose,
    With ease the groups atacked single bombers, shooting down many of them. I got dmged fast and went down with fuel fire, there was a lot of dmg done to hurries but most of them maneged to rtb. Only 1 PK from otto this time.
    5th sorties was our ju88 urn, with only 6 pilots we formed 2 wedge formations so that the "double teeth" would make maximum firepower
    Even more wekened ottos resulted in no kills to enemy spits that were droping from high altitude on high speed shooting up our engines. No more than 50 hits by anyones ottos were reported. The ju88 durability to 7mm fire was tested. Some planes lost wings after precise cut 200x7mm, 400-500x7mm was the usual amount of ammo needed, and 2 ju88s were reported to took 750 and 890x7mm hits before critical dmg occured.
    Tha'd be all.
  12. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    Test Session Summary

    Introducing flight was assigned for cooperated massive scramble of Wing (303, 310 sq. RAF) and coordination between squad leaders and TWR. The Wing was airborn in 6 min. It wasn?t bad for first time. But with words of AVM Keith Park ?its quite long, they has to be up in three min maximum?.

    Common flight proceeded satisfactorily without main comm troubles. 303rd was on own TS, 310 + other pilots also on own. For next time its necessary has all (leaders at least) pilots on same TS server. I will try create special BoB channels on dedicated TS what will be used for the scenario, where each unit will has own channel.

    Positive result is that SA server was stable under massive count of pilots in small area. The 30+ bug was not reported too.

    Bomber Intercept Practice
    Four rounds of reciprocal bomber intercept was practiced. The disadvantage of 7mm RAF guns in combination of deadly OTTO arena setting have made big lost of RAF fighters in first two rounds. Also the inefficient experience with the optimal attack trajectories, deflection fire and uncoordinated single fighters attacks was spotted. Players are not so much experienced in bomber intercept with BoB RAF planes ? in MA major part of pilots use another fighters with better armanent than Hurr/SpitI in the 1940-41 era. Usual attack from buff 6 line is useless with 7mm only in relation to the otto ability.

    For next two rounds was used different setting of maxlivar and prostruct parameter and loose buff formation. Also OTTO rg was decreased. After these changes intercepting was more effective.

    • As much as possible count of pilots on one TS server in assigned channels. For COs and S/Ldrs TS is a must.
    • Decrease OTTO arena settings (AC param)
    • Continue test optimal setting of maxlivaver and structlim
    • Bombers may not go in close box, its necessary use loose formation
    • Bombers can go on 50-70% thurst in the combat area maximum (JU88 is too fast in horizont in relation to Hurricane)
    • Practice of coop bomber intercept for fighters recommended