Allah Akhbar Allah

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by biles, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    'They should be killed!" Said Mohmar El Camel!
    "Because of that photo in Europe's newspapers!"
    It wasn't a photo, it was a cartoon.
    "Oh, well, I only heard about it from the mullah at the mosque. Westerners should be killed."
    Do you think it was Westerners who, billions of them, had those cartoons printed? Or was it a few news publishers who publish newspapers?
    "It was westerners with their ungodly values! They made drawing of our holy akhblah graockk...." [turns beet red and choking out ancient desert curses]
    I will say it to you again, Muhamar:
    Those cartoons are not what westerners think of your prophet. Those cartoons are what a cartoonist thinks, or doesn't think.

    "Son of mine! Oh my son! Go get your TNT vest on, we are going to visit some westerners and teach them about god!"

    Feeling manipulated? Feel like The Press is making news stories instead of reporting them? Feel like the press have proclaimed themselves as voices by proxy for The Rest Of Us?

    I feel as bad as some of those Muslims, only I am not an ignorant backwwods savage who takes orders from a preacher. Any preachar, even a news screaming at me and whisperin at me from a newspaper.

    Get your guns boys, the ragheads are goinna burn yer schools! And then their own [oh, they already did that]
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    I never know when you're being satirical and when you're serious.
  3. -al---

    -al--- Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2005
    the longer the post the less serious he is ;)
  4. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Hmm. Yes I concur it seems that the media does have an agenda other than reporting news.

    Case in point:

    Remember the Columbine massacre? Immediately after the massacre all we heard from the media was that the two teenaged mass murderers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, were white supremacists of some type, who deliberately targeted blacks and asians in their massacre. The media unanimously espoused this continuously for weeks on end. The entire North American population believed that there was a huge problem with white racists, and that white racism was our greatest problem.

    After investigators began combing through the private lives and internet postings of the two killers, it became clear that the two teens were not white supremacists at all. They even had a website where the 2 teens fantasized about murdering and torturing white racists. The media knew this, but refused to withdraw, retract, or change it's story.

    Media manipulation causes real problems. Here in Toronto, Canada, muslim store owners (some, not all) are boycotting Danish products. Of course the media could choose not to report this, but they do. It's almost as though they are trying to fuel the fires that they create. Why would they want to do that, do you think? ;)

    Say goodbye to Iraq, next is Iran.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
  5. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
    Better than that:
    There were eye witnesses seeing more persons than those two teens bringing packages to the school.
    A US Army officer wrote a book about teens shooting-up that very same high school about a year before that violent attack.
    The press ignored all these facts completely.
    Everyone go out and get Noam Chomsky's book(s) on "The Manufacture of Consent" or something like that title.
    Remember what Goebels or one of his buddies said: "Repeat a Lie enough times and it becomes the truth.
    Just like the Kennedy murders, Iran Contra, Watergate, Viet Nam, Korean War, KAL shootdown, Pan-Am bombing, the great 9/11, Murder of Dag Hammershold.....Patrice Mabumba, Rolf Wallenburg, Rudolph Hesse....even the Lincoln murder..... there is the truth and there is the press story.....
  6. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    Didn't you forget bosnian warr?
    Also ther is an exelent movie with Dasty Hofman and Robert De Niro,
    the name is "WAG THE DOG".
    Go and look at it and man you will know alot.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2006
  7. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Love the Mark Knopfler music in Wag The Dog.
  8. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    Knopfler's music is to dark for me... Paco will do ...
  9. Ziomek

    Ziomek Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    @the topic:

    Admiral Ackbar?

  10. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Do ya know any people from Punjab States [in India there is one and there is one in Pakistan]
    Know anyone from Punjab? Good chance the person you know will hail from a Sikh family.
    Sikh is a religion. They were these people a long long time ago who practiced a sect of Hinduism that proclaimed an ubbergod, or, as they prefer to call it, a god which became known by the fairly acceptable nick, "God."

    These guys lived in some part of India that seemed to be a gateway or door, sorta, for invaders from "Over There."
    Sikh men used to like to wear their hair really really long [many them guys they still do]. Old folks still tell scarey stories around the campfire [yes, they do that in India too, silly] of The Bad Old Days before Guru Nanak came and taught, when plenty guy's hair was grabbed by marauding horsemen and their heads chopped off and then their heads being displayed on sticks in the ground TIED TO THE STICKS BY THE HAIR.
    Now, this is a truly terrible thing to tell yer children as a scary story. But all cultures have their own Horrible Historical Memories Become Myth Even. Like Dragons eating virgins and wolves dressed like old ladies who entice hooded girls to join them for dinner, inside, come inside, come inside.
    If you know an old guy who likes to tell stories, and many do, and he happens to be an Indian and happens to be of the Sikh faith, ask him about Muslims.
    Yep, ask him.
    He will tell you about the government the Muslims brought to the People Of The Punjab. he will tell you about 300 years of horror and oppression. He will tell you history, not stories, but some of the stuff he will tell you will be so horrifying, you will think it IS A STORY.

    I am ashamed about many of the dreadful things my civilization has done.

    I sure fuckin wish a certain civilizations would learn to relax a bit and STOP FUCKIN THINKIN LIKE THEY CAN DO KNOW WRONG and they are BOYND criticizin or pokin fun at.
    I feel right now, like the next obvious proud muslim guy I see on the street; I feel like right now, walking up him, and barking like a dog, in his face [I won't do it, but I have done shit like that].
    I feel like askin him how the hell he can proudly display the regalia of backward looking, proudly displaying an outlook conservative:
    still wipin his ass with rocks and won't accept the offer of a handshake [wrong hand, you unclean western heathen].
    Yeah, I wanna bark like a dog. I wish I could go find me a proper muslim target to bark at though, as even the cool calm, mellow ones ya jist can't tell apart from the howling fanatics wiping they asses with rocks.

    Anyway, yeah, I been manipulated. Now I gotta head down to the local mosque and get illuminated, I have to have it hammered into my head that they are a peaceful community here.
    I did that one time. I went. I can't speak Arabic. There was yelling and screaming from loudspeakers, angry yellin and screamin. One time a few years back.
    I didn't go any farther than the gate. I asked a guy what the loudspeakers were screaming, he said, "Oh, it is about America."


    I never been to a House Of Prayer before where there was yellin and screamin, I seen it on tv a couple times, but I never been there. Except that one time outside of a Mosque ten KM from here.

    I don't even know what to think anymore. Now that I am that way, maybe there is only needed a few more to be confused and The USA will make something happen with the help of the News. Maybe we gonna all be swept up in a nice, every 1000 years or so Race War, like baylon versus Egypt [which dynasty?]. Assyria verses Egypt [which dynasty]. Spain verses XXXtecs. Iroquois verses Huron.

    Ya know, we could be seein the end times.
  11. ronin

    ronin Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2002
    fuk biles I got bored and stop reding yer story at 1/3 of the way, what's goin on, you used to be kick ass story teller...
  12. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
    Same happened here. Perhaps he's just tired. 'Cause I don't believe he's taking himself that serious.
  13. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    It has rained here for 36 days in a row.
    YOU try and maintain any humour while watchin as oil seeps out of special glands your body has spontaniously grown in the past 36 days.
    YOU try and stay chipper after havin some bastard change lanes in order to drive through the deep deep puddle and get ya soaked through to the skin.
    Try and stay happy, funny and jocular when watchin as the same guy who just splashed you goes around the block and tries it again.
    YOU try and stay chipper, happy, jocular, funny when some little foreign bastard is eatin a fuckin cold [maybe leftover from dinner last night??], baked, UNBORN, CHICK right out of a egg on the bus RIGHT NEXT TO YOU. Try and stay funny, jocular, while the foreign bastard digs around in his lunch kit for second helpings and out comes something that looks exactly like a penis.
    My girlfriend went to a 'discount case lot' store. She came home with an 8 liter bucket of CHUNKY peanut butter.
    I got a mouth full of bad teeth and EIGHT fuckin liters of CHUNKY peanut butter? It doesn't fit in the fridge.
    She also brought home these tuna. In 1 liter cans. WHAT THE FUCK? How the fuck am I, or anyone, gonna eat a fuckin Kilogram of dolphin meat at one sitting? Oh, she says, we can freeze what we don't use. Frozen Boiled Canned tuna? Ooooh, goody. I can hardly wait for some.
    And 4 liters of Mayonaise. In this great big fuckin jar. IT DOESN'T FIT IN THE FRIDGE EITHER.
    So, we spent a couple hours scooping mayo into small jars from under the sink there, where we keep em. Then we ran out and I had to go to town to buy canning jars, 48 of them.
    And after canning the CHUNKY peanut butter, the canned tuna-porpoise surprise and the mayo, I had to go get another 24 jars.
    The local radio station has cancelled the Weather Forecast until April.
    There is a skunk living under our house. In march, they little stinkers give birth. And the babies don't know what NOT to spray at. They spray at everything when they are babies.
    I bitched to the local WildLife government grant gobblers on the phone and was told they won't interefer and that I HAD BETTER NOT now that they know my name and address.

    In my pants pocket, last week, I had a little dry cell battery I been keepin for my MP3 player. And too, in the pocket was some loose change, some coins, you know? And in the same pocket was a little tube of Cyanacrylate glue.
    What do you suppose happened when the dry cell was shorted by the coins and heated up hot enough to melt the little tube the cyanacrylate was in?
    And all the time it been raining.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2006
  14. big-jo

    big-jo Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2002
  15. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2001

    I just think it's very sad that they are so brainwashed (can't think of any other way to put it) that they are being so extreme about it.

    They say we don't understand them but to be truthful I really think they don't understand us either.

    They just don;t seem to realise that the average European will tolerate a lot but step over the line and then they will see evil.

    They say that only a white man can commit a act so repulsive yet be totally indifferent when doing it.

  16. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Yeah, in Borneo when the Head Hunters ate brains in The Good Old Days, they always reflected deeply on the life and virtues of the one whose brain they ate. The were very careful to not be totally indifferent when doing it.
    Yeah, some people really know how to kill properly, and with respect, poetically and beautifully. What wonderful, kinder, gentler killers.
    Yes, it is MUCH better to stare into the kind, loving eyes of your killer as he gently slits your fuckin throat, eh?

    Only sociopaths are not moved by murder. No, I am serious. I don't talkin about Hollywood. I am talkin about reality here. Extreme violence is pretty tough to watch. For anyone. Some people devote their life's work to becoming immune to the effects of committing violence. What a waste of fuckin time.
    1 person likes this.
  17. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    If they wanna get all worked up over a silly carricature and protest and lay waste to their own cities in the process, let them. Go ahead, chase our diplomats out of your backass countries and cut all trade relations to us. It's not like we need you people. About time we start putting some serious effort in researching alternative energy sources anyway ...
  18. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    No shit.
    Someone above, some time ago, said the Muslim World is a declining civilization, that they are not givers, but takers. or something like that, I am paraphrasing badly.

    I said, Come and buy ALBERTA oil.
    Why isn't this done? Well, how much Big Oil Money is invested in the MOST UNSTABLE REGION ON EARTH? A lot, right? Does the USA, oops, I mean Exxon, want to see it's investment in the toilet?
    Of course not.
    So, instead, we have this shit.
    And we wouldn't have this shit if the West had alternative energy.

    Alberta! Khazakstan! Mexico! Brazil! Venezuala! Alaska!
    We got enough to last for a while, why not use it all up first and then use Nuetron Bombs to make The Rest Available, later?

    Not funny.