OT: What Iraq insurgents do fight for:

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Vadim Maksimenko, Nov 16, 2006.

  1. Vadim Maksimenko

    Vadim Maksimenko Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2000
    Vilnius, Lithuania
  2. babek-

    babek- Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2001
    Wiesbaden, Deutschland / Germany
    What do you expect? Iraq is only an artificial creation without an own identity. After WW1 some people in Europe cut it off the Osman Empire, called it Iraq and suddenly 3 different groups of people - the shi ites, the sunnites and the kurds were called Iraqis. And the sunnite minority started to supress the other 2 groups from the start. First as a puppet regime under the rule of the UK. Then after their independence as a sunnite monarchy and later as a sunnite Baath-party republic.

    So in their short history these different groups never got the national identity.

    After the USA eliminated the power of Saddam and also all sunnite officers in police and army were kicked out of their posts the majority of the shi ites took their positions.
    So we have today shi ite dominated police and army. They are taking revenge on the sunnites. The Shi ites are supported by Iran - the only contry in the world where more shi ites live than in Iraq.

    The sunnites - in front their sunnite terrorgroup Al Kaida - fight back with their suicide attacks against shi ite mosques, funerals, market places, police and army recruiting posts and so on.
    Supported by sunnite contries like Saudi Arabia.

    There is no chance for peace in Iraq. The best solution would be to cut this so called contry in 3 new countries.
    A shi ite part with Bagdad and Basra - a kurd part in the north with Kirkuk and the worthless rest (because the iraqi oil reserves are in the shi ite and kurdish terrritory) for the sunnites.

    But this cant happen, because the shi ite part would become a province of Iran and an autonomous kurdish region would destabilize the NATO-partner Turkey with their own large part of kurds.

    So this will go on in Iraq. I dont see any chance for peace for a very long time in this region called Iraq.
    1 person likes this.
  3. big-jo

    big-jo Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2002
    this in my opinion has no solution, and i doubt that if bush and company would had known this before they started the party....they would had done it anyways
  4. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    end colonial of middel east

    kick arabs out

    assyrians christians were first there

    persians may stay but they must listen to assyrians christians music
  5. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
  6. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2006
  7. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    If you drive an animal crazy, any animal, even A HUMAN, it will lash out, sometimes at others, sometimes at itself always resulting in further pain, a thing it can count on in a world where there is nothing else to be counted on. Pain is dependable.

    Iraq has been manipulated into this insane situation.
    And as far as the crap in "the press?:" Even dissenting 'opinion' is carefully crafted so 'moderates' can comfortably read and liten to and view, open-mouthed and be TOLD WHAT TO THINK and will think it and say, by way of an excuse, "Oh, I believe this," and "I believe that."
    It isn't just Iraq and Arabs that are being manipulated.
    It is much of the world.
    Why are we being drawn into this crusade against Islam or this Jihad against The Infidel?

    Follow the money, you fuckin dummies.
  8. PressLuftHammer

    PressLuftHammer FH Beta Tester

    Mar 5, 2003
    Ekaterinburg (Russia)
    1 person likes this.
  9. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
    Democratic Republic of Zangrovia
    "What has been taken in blood cannot be regained except by blood." Juba, iraqi sniper
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  10. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
  11. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    What "sniper"? From the Iraqi Army? Or did you mean terrorist? No military markings, shooting from behind while hiding among civilians is not warfare. It is the act of an illegal combatant and thus constitutes a terrorist activity. Those people have no rights, and in earlier times their actions meant serious consequences for those parts of the civilian population suspected to harbor them - something the US military does not do.
    The illegal combatant has no rights, not one, and the ragheads taken captive while fighting in Afghanistan for example are perfectly placed in Gitmo. Totally legal. In fact, it would be perfectly legal to execute them on the spot. Probably the US should have done that, then there would be no whining about Gitmo.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  12. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    The USA government [and unfortunately, by extension] the PEOPLE of the USA are viewed with a revulsion not seen or felt since 'french' Indochina was wracked. This will not end well.
    Voters in the USA must rally and put a stop to this fiasco. Voters in the USA must come to realize they have The Power to put this to a halt.
    It was the revulsion and reaction of voters in the USA who put the horror of vietnam and Indochina to a stop... well, partly, anyway. A big part. There was a will and the will was spoken, shouted.

    I am dismayed at America's young people at this time. They are led, instead of LEADING, like they learned to do in the 60s.
    If a nation's cannon-fodder says NO, there aren't resources to continue.

    I dissagree with some who say the USA is a nazi sate. They aren't, yet. But I do think there is a certain niavete widespread down there. "kinder, gentler" was such a nice thing to say, remember that guy who mouthed that and it became cliche? But it wasn't fact. It was empty words.

    USA is slowly losing it's hard earned currency with the world. A symtpom of that loss is money, yes, paper currency and other sorts. There are nations and supernations who are backing away from dealing with business in the USA. And this will only get worse. USA in garnering a debt in blood and treasure and debtors to the business of the USA are refusing to pay their debts, why, they are, well, laughing... It is a bitter and cynical laugh, but laughter it is.

    There is, I believe, a very real possibly this could be the beginning of the end of a fifty state confederation - and it's empire. The republic is ONLY held together by The People. The People are tiring of Washington's retarded policies, as is the world [excepting Israel and a few other dependant lackies].

    Not sure I look forward to a revolution and war of seccesssion in the USA. It will be violent. I also don't look forward to what sorts of hell that war of revolution and seccession will bring on MY people, who have a lightly populated and armed population next door to that region.

    Last time the region now known as continental USA had a war of seccession, my nation barely avoided entrapment. This time we might not be so lucky, if it was luck.

    We also might be stuck in the role of Leader Of The North American States. Which is a responsibility most Canadian's look on with horror.

    Never mind.

    USA People:
    Use your vote. Be like a good Farmer and
    Shoot your own dog, damn it.
  13. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    Yes. I remember the South Vietnamese how happy they were when they did welcome their northern Brethren into their land, and how joy and happiness dwelled from that point on. Or wait - I wasn't around back then. So maybe I'm mixing something up here.
  14. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    give me ,10 euro for each line of make-up stuff in rudeboy posts and i be rich man

    edit: copied rudebody quote befor he could delete it
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  15. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
    Tower of power.
    I don't get it fuckface?

    What did I make up?

    You quote the whole thing and rest on that? You think my points and opinions are so faulty they will negate themselves? I wish to see what you think is so wrong about my post..
    I wish to see what you think.
    You can't see to shoulder debate. I read your stuff too, boy.
    You proclaim, often enough, you OWN intellectual and moral superioity by lampooning others who hazard an opinion..., with monosyllabic drivel, quotes and links. But not a whole lot of MEAT.

    Fuck off, child.

    You aren't fit to stand in my lee.

    [I was planning on ending my contribution to this thread after that post, above. Instead, I had to send out one more. Bye bye now. Onto other things]
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  16. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    Has there ever been such a thing. Well, not here, I tell you. JFK was an exception. Mostly because his visit to Germany meant to the young Republic that it get recognized in the world again - "Ich bin ein Berliner".

    I don't know about Canada. But if I may, don't mix up your guys silly love-hate relationship with the outright dismay and hatred big parts of European population harbor against the US. And this is not Bush. Remember: The Europeans living West of Europe across that big lake showed the ones living East of it the finger some time ago, when they got sick of them kingdoms. And what happened is what must have never happened: They actually got away with it - and good.

    Anyway - you say you read a lot. Read this. It is the truth. Take it or leave it.


    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  17. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
    Democratic Republic of Zangrovia
    I dont give a fuck if you consider them "terrorists" or not. If you invade other people´s country you have NO RIGHTS (dont come here spreading that hypocritical imperialist bullshit and go read something about SOBERANY). For me "insurgent" or "terrorist" is someone who rapes and kills ppl due to his greed for more money, like americans are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  18. Vlamik

    Vlamik Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2002
    Democratic Republic of Zangrovia
    BTW, most of americans seems to agree with me, as you can see (reflected directly in the elections) here.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2006
  19. heartc

    heartc Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2001
    So what do you call those "snipers" when they are not bzy sniping US troops and are instead blowing up that market place over there? Bringing judgement on the traitors I guess, huh?
    Anyway. Pointless.
  20. Fucketeer

    Fucketeer Banned

    Mar 4, 2005
