Gotta go. ALL is well except.......

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by biles, Jul 25, 2002.

  1. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Deleted content of message. Sorry. Don't even look.

    blah blah blah. It wouldn't let me delete this post, so instead I went in and deleted the content. SOrry.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2002
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    That's too bad. It was an interesting post. ;)
  3. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    It was full of bile and I ain't really ready to quit.

    Jeez, I am so dismayed... In RL I have looped a sailplane (yep, lost a stripe for that little stunt), I have touched down in fog. I ground looped an ultralight!!!!!

    Jeez, I been there. But I have NEVER seen physics in RL even close to how many of the "Sims" behave...

    I just cannot imagine pumping up and down on a stick... Oh sure, little adjustments to Pitch WERE made to mess with an opponent's firing solution, but not @+3 to @-3 gees, that's going too far in the "as real as it gets" category.
    Try it for real some time if you get the chance. Prolly get so buggered up you go vertigo and auger in..... Well maybe. I never tried it, same as I don't leap from buildings.....

    Next, take a plane made out of little aluminum straws, just like the kind you have a drink with... Cover those straws with aluminum foil... Fill it up full of gasolene and high explosives. Now....

    Give me a sim where the FM represents the fact planes are made out of aluminum straws and foil, their surfaces crumple when abused, there is a HUMAN inside, with his OWN hydraulics independant of what the FM can or cannot handle....

    I used to have a sim where if you pulled neg gees, a little time counting gee counting gizmo began running somewhere in the background - It was ruthless in it's impact on tactics:
    The more you pulled, the sicker the pilot got until he just plain died (or whatever it was that was simulated...... Vertigo? Stroke? Heart attack???) There were warning sounds when you pulled too hard, you would get a warning about wing surfaces becoming distorted due to stresses on the spar and stringers... Which was great all but the fact the SUPERB flight sim I am talking about wasn't popular (they went and released it at the same time CFS1 came out, dummies....)...

    Seems I am always stuck in sims coded for the lowest common denominator.

    I need a sim reflective enough of RL that I need not learn tactics based on, well, fantasy........ Or the demands of a FM that is a series of too many compromises. Yep, I have read lots about FM realism and the transition from Sim to real and how hard it is to make all things for all people.....

    If I can use a flight sim for 300 hours and qualify as a private pilot in TWO HOURS OF INSTRUCTED FLIGHT...... maybe there is evidence enough that a sim CAN be "as real as it gets...."

    And that was a long time ago.... One would think simulation has improved..... Hmmm.

    Cry cry cry. Is there better sims? Yep. All over the place....

    Better games? Not sure about that, but sims? Yep...

    Anyone here play EAW, EVER?????? Ever? Oh please oh please someone, anyone say yes.

    The diff between this and EAW is a world, a WHOLE world. No idiot moves in EAW. You just die cranking and banking, an airframe only takes so much abuse.... Straws and tin foil.

    Cry cry cry.

    I ain't gonna leave, that is what my whining was and it had to go bye byes, because I ain't leaving yet...

    I jumped ship from Air Warrior when this came out... And found another set of wierd FM issues just as hokey as those I found in AW...... Different, but still hokey.

    EFalcon! EAW! Pacific Air War!

    (Hey, hush, listen...... hear that? It is the sound your main spar makes just before.... Oops, I guess you know now! Whee. Wanna go up for another flight? Hehe... Pay attention, you are in something heavier than air and it can break! Good luck and may your gods go with you!)
  4. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    AH has this moan of suffering wings in high g maneuvers. Ta-152 is very prone to it....try:)
  5. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002

    Ahh, the man is a fellow falconeer! ;) Falcon 4.0 rules! :D
  6. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    EFalcon!!!!!!!!! YES! Kill me with Pizza!!! Ooooh!

    I have it patched to the max. Falcon4 UT is an awesome bunch of hackers. U Hex-Coders, yeah, that's right... hehe

    I have been flying that sim for a couple years (I got it REAL cheap, huge manual in HARDCOVER) and I haven't scratched the surface of it. The depth of realism astounds me! CAT3? What the hell is CAT3?

    Hehe. pull some gees when you got a load of iron, and you will SEE what CAT3 is. It is easy to notice. It is also way easy to get shot down 100 times until you cruise through the HUGE manual to discover you got shot because you were turning a hot rod like it was a loaded gravel truck! CAT3 it isn't a puppy and it isn't a kitty! Hehe.

    GO ahead, scan the horizon! Yes, it is SO NICE TO BE ABLE TO SEE TARGETS 100 KM AWAY!!!! Shine a big light bulb over your head in the middle of the night and a neon sign that says, "HERE I AM SHOOT ME!"

    Scare the crap out of rookies as they sail by you and you pop off an AIM9x over your shoulder and drill the fucker... I recorded that one time on the ACMI thingie and sent it to the poor bastard I kilt. That was a hoot! He had said, "Hey, missiles cannot launch backwards!" And I sent him the tape! - They do SO go backwards.... hehe! :dark:
  7. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    So are you also an active member of any F4 forums then? ;)
  8. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    I sometime have frequented Frugal's thingie, lately infrequently......... If there is still a thingie, I may frequent it again maybe frequently.
  9. -haupt

    -haupt Well-Known Member

    May 24, 2002
    Hey biles what was ur other nickname? I can remember that phrase on ur signature but i dont recognize ur nick.
  10. beerme

    beerme Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2001
    Malabar, Fla USA
    I think Biles = Niles (but a little toned down). Yes? No? :cheers:
  11. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002

    The thingie is still there. It's alive and kicking. See you over there some time.
  12. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    I've got Falcon 4... but it's a version without manual ... :D not much chance of playing it online either, great sim, but I don't really feel like learning the whole Falcon system to go and play it...

    I always get shot down by some guy with an Archer or an Aphyd anyways... even tho I monitor my RWR and hardly ever engage my radar, unless I need to have the last location of the enemy fighter I'm tracking... soooo much targets to choose from anyway, in ground attack mr ack always pins me down anyway... always fire my sidewinders uncaged... still haven't found out the control for boresight mode of my sw or my slammer... if anyone has a manual for F4... :D

    greetz, Zembla
  13. Apocalyps

    Apocalyps Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Hove , Belgium
    @ Zembla, go to google and type "falcon 4 manual" ;)
  14. mexlife

    mexlife Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2002
    Austin, TX USA
    I have f4, manual, and reference card... I never play that game (only played it twice)

    You can have it, but.... it's a long way to Belgium...
  15. Usling

    Usling Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2002
    ahh F4 .. i have it , always thought one day i read the manual , but never done yet , .. eh wait one day i read it ...

    but when i play offline its Longbow 2 that´s paid my full attention , realistic in my eyes , just the terrain looks bad .. ok its old , but i like it when i hover near a mountain , and see 2 Havoc´s across the mountain , or when u fly far in enemy´s area and u have a second later 2 of them firing at you
    I take somethimes only a Kiowa with a 0.50 cal sideway´s just to hunt these things down , it such a great sim
  16. ozemale6t9

    ozemale6t9 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2002
    Queensland's Southern Capital
    pilot G forces

    For the record....I have had the wings break off an I-153 during a supposed 9G+ turn from level flight...yer right. I could be wrong, but I doubt if this plane could get to 9G in a turn, especially a level turn. But even if it could, the pilot certainly could not handle it. Heck...didn't even blackout in the game. Also, if my info is correct maximum pilot G forces in the arena is set to 11. Where's my flight suit? :dunno:

    Regards, Oz
  17. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Um. Along with the patched the EFalcon team made up and there was another group too, um, let's see, EFalcon was a huge revamping of A2A AI, flight systems and control... The other one (was it called Falcon 1.10 or something?) Anyway, it was a great effort by Hex Coders (Hackers) to revamp flight control systems and ground AI and some other stuff way oriented toward what was happenning on the ground, like for instance, there was a time a bridge was a guaranteed traffic jam if it was in the axis of advance of a ground unit. Well, in RL a ground unit in modern warfare that gathers on a road, a traffic jam, waiting to cross a bridge is, well, um, liable to look like, well, scrap and slag really really quickly, so it is, when it happens, catastrophic for the poor buggers on the ground, down there.
    In RL commanders on the ground who have decent Command and Control and Comms avoid being setup like that, but the sim, the Game didn't worry, at first, about things like that. Making it at first, appear a whee bit hokey, here is this half finished potentially excellent sim/game.
    So it was polished nicely after Microprose went tits-up.
    Now the E team has gotten the code from hackers who helped make BOTH patched Falcon kits and have amalgamated the best of both patch sets and it is now EFalcon is fantastic. The greatest I have and I have had a lot of sims.
    The manual is included in PDF format. The game is available cheap on EBay and such and I bet for cheap. I got mine for ten bucks Canadian, or about 69 cents U.S.
    Hasbro took such a shit kicking from people who wrote them telling them to apply mouth parts to other, more offensive parts the writers would present, that they reneged on their "Presentation to the stockholders since the aquisition of Microprose" and decided to go back on their strategy which was to continue making shoot em up games and not flight sims. Funny, Hasbro's college educated business degree in marketing types thought it might be a good thing for the comapany to offer nothing to flight sim lovers. Well, we can write and we can rant and we spend money too (sure, it is only a fraction as much as players of Quake and Warcraft, but is it not enough to employ a couple programming talents? Enough lowest common demonimator, ther is room in the margins to make a buck too, dammit!) and we can address emails to stock holders as well as the next guy. Hasbro did listen and guess what? They have agreed to release, legally release souce code to these wonderful hackers for a certain period of weeks on condition that any improvements to the Falcon game can be used in the UPCOMING HASBRO FALCON5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey, if you can write and you have feelings about things businesses pull off in the name of, well, in the name of whatever it is businesses do stuff, you should write.

    It can work and the big guys sometimes do listen. More to the point, stock holders and share holders listen - it is their money and I am ultimately, not just a letter writing hobbiest, but I am also a customer.

    (I am gonna miss Microprose, they made some great stuff!)

    Hasbro: Tom and Jerry - The Three D Version.
    Hasbro: BFG the game
    Hasbro: Mavis teaches typing

    Dear Hasbro:
    Take a long hard......


    Dear Brad
    You and ten thousand others have wrote the same thing! Impossible to give long hard sucks to all those people, so, instead, we offer you, Falcon5!
    Hope you like it.
  18. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Falcon 5 won't have ANYTHING to do with Hasblown. ;) The rightss to the source code have been sold to Infrogrames/G2 Interactive who gave green light to the Falcon 4 Unified Team (F4UT - a group consisting of former Realism Patch Group and eFalcon coders/hackers) to produce the mother of all patches (SuperPak3) using the source code (legally) while they themselves have started developing Falcon 5. Meanwhile F4UT will continue to make patches for Falcon 4, but these will have to do without further changes to the EXE, so from now on it's only data changes. But even so there's is still a lot that can be done to this superb sim.
  19. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    Cool. Do Chopstick Louie and friends get work with G2? I hope so.
  20. biles

    biles Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2002
    49deg 11min 35.97sec N, 122deg 51min 57.65min W
    People I meet on the net who play often lament, "But I don't seem to get many kills!" and "I sure get killed a lot! It is hard to survive a campaign as the same player/character, without dying, ya know?" and "Jees it is hard to get in close!" hehe, like, hehe, they didn't read what that funny looking litte pilot wrote in the manual? About having already blown it if you are dogfighting? Wheeeee!

    I see the Falcon 4 experience as a fine demonstration of the lethality of modern airwar.

    I love that game. It is a thrill to go for a number of misiions, especially online and live. I will get up the nerve to join a squadron once I have learned how to ride the bird. And I haven't gotten comfie enough with all the systems, most online squads like to sit on the taxiway and do half hour long preflight checks.... hehe, they HAVE to. I don't know about a lot of the systems. Waste of squaddies time to teach newbs in THAT sim. Newbs gotta learn to read.