Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by rattlesnake, Aug 10, 2002.

  1. rattlesnake

    rattlesnake Member

    this shit is gettin old with the error msges and the help i get are not helping and the fucking url's are dead links. once again the admins and develpers at freehost are sitting on thier asses and dont give 2 flying fucks thanks for nothing - snake
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    And once again someone needs to be reminded that you're not paying one lousy cent for all of this, so maybe you should consider to change your tone.
  3. Perdomo

    Perdomo Well-Known Member

    rattlesnake is that -ike- banned from his squad some time ago. The same way to act on Training Arena, the same way to behave with other players, the same way to "express" in ch#100.... and the same way to speak in forum.....
  4. rattlesnake

    rattlesnake Member

    who the hell is this ike?

    you know this lil game of are you ike is getting old who is he or she i dont care . keep it up lil boys and girs and red ant dont fucking tell me to change my tone . other then that have fun lamers :dark:
  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

  6. Apocalyps

    Apocalyps Well-Known Member

    What are you doing here posting this??? And no offence or anything but this forum can be considered like a public place so please do try to watch your language!

  7. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    Who's Ike? Ike's an asshole, need we say more?

    He flew in the TA when a squadron was holding it's practice evening... he came along with a foo, popped off a coupl'a pilots and then kept doing it until he got banned...

    Are you sure you want to be mistaken for him? Behaving like this is exactly why people think you are him... we don't need any 2nd Ike to fill the gap he left after getting banned...

    Are you Ike? Are you not Ike? Who cares, just behave like a WBFH pilot, and drop the Counter-strike alike way of chit-chatting, accusing cheaters, getting mad, and over-using offensive language...

    greetze, Zembla
  8. Malino

    Malino Well-Known Member

    Apologies, hope this helps:

    Warbirds was originally developed by IEN but they wanted everyone to pay $1.99 per hour to play so a bunch of Russians got together and wrote their own client side software which was an improvement over the original in number of planes (They keep adding more) and the flight and gunnery models, hence Warbirds Freehost
    ok, to get the game you need to first download the front end software: 48ish MB's
    once you've downloaded and installed this download and install the 3D art support (for playing at 1024 res and 3D rather than 2D) you can then download and install all the separate 1024res cockpits from or as a package from (34MB's) then the individual cockpits for the additional planes (HE177, Pe2, Migg33, Mc202 etc) from (lower right hand side, this is the download site from Warbirds but it's translated from Russian and has some weird instructions) and then the extra terrains and . The terrains just go straight in the Warbirds file, the cockpits in the cockpits directory etc.

    Optional extra sound packs from the but I'd leave this till later as each pack is between 30 -40 MB's and once you've decided which side you want to be Allied or Axis you only need to download the relevant one.

    Last but not least the most Important bit the Freehost Launcher programme

    This is the last thing you should install and add the additional planes, flight model and gunnery data and login files.
    Ok, done. to play the game under start menu/programms goto Freehost launcher and we use the options there. To setup your joystick you'll need to select "Practice Offline" which starts the game (in crap 2D) then select quit at the top, click on the splash screen and it brings up a new menu, select setup and then joystick mapper, click the button on your stick and then select the relevant command on the right (Mine is set to, front trigger, both guns, top left fire primary, top middle trim angle, top right trim level etc) Hat is already setup. Under the Video tab select 1024 graphics, and the rest you can setup to your leisure. Finished click OK then quit.

    I'll get to changing it to 3D shortly.

    You'll probably want to muck about a bit now offline :) have fun.

    Going Online:

    Now the moment of truth, under the Freehost launcher menu select IP Configuration Helper and let it download the IP lists (If that dosn't work add them in manually
    , you then get a little screen up with IP's on the left and bits on the right. Click on "Start Pinging" and let it do it's thing. When each of the IP's have replied it will sort them into best Ping. Click on the "launch" button and crossed finger a box will pop up asking for login and password login is automaticaly recorded so enter your arena name and a password (Whatever you want it to be) and as long as the username is unique it'll let you have it.

    Crossed fingers you now have a screen up with two arena's at the top and lots of players in gold and red at the bottom.

    Playing in 3D

    At the top of the screen you'll have a few selections, select Options and a small screen comes up, lower left hand side select Direct 3D mode and tick the Auto Login box then click OK

    Entering the Online Arena.

    Double click on the Arena at the top (New WBmed Arena) and game should start in 3D with you in the control tower. to change sides (Red, Allied planes. Gold Axis planes) you click on select at the top and then fields and it's lower left.

    Radio channels:

    Click on Radio at the bottom and it brings up the radio bar, Channels are:

    100: Everybody

    101: Red side (only if red)

    103: Gold side (only if gold)

    110: Squad channel

    A few tips:

    Warbids is the most realisitic flight simm there is because it's so big and a single game goes on so long (1 game lasts a month) each plane is different and you need to learn how each performs and the style is flying it requires, this is what makes it so different from CFS that is just one big TnB figth. Warbirds the planes need flying in a particular way a 190A8 for example would die in 10 seconds in a TnB fight but I can get 6-7 kills and live flying it BnZ. a good plane to start off in is the A6M or Ki series gold or I153 and I16 red because they turn well and don't stall easily, It took me over a year before I could fly the 190's without dying and I've been flying the 109 series for two years but still can't fly a spitfire well.

    To fly, select your plane, goto the field tab and click on one of your colour fields near the action (shown by the coloured dots on the map, pressing F1 gives you a full screen version of the map) and click fly.

    Important Keys:

    Trim is Everything, I am trimming angle or level every couple of minutes which is why I have these set on the joystick.

    Gear: G
    Flaps Down: Q
    Flaps Up: W
    Inflight map: F1
    Toggle between guns/rockets/bombs: BackSpace
    Brakes: Spacebar

    Thats it.

    Two ways to Stay Alive:

    Never Fly straight and level for more than 30 seconds

    Scan the sky every 5 seconds
  9. esp---

    esp--- Well-Known Member

    in 190 always climb if you are free of cons - if cons are below attack if over or coalt dive and RUN!

    if in i153 Triple Enter:D

    (flying straight is only good for 262)
  10. esp---

    esp--- Well-Known Member

    No Comments Needed
  11. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    use "post reply" to reply. not "new thread".
  12. esp---

    esp--- Well-Known Member

    sry nic
  13. -nicae-

    -nicae- Well-Known Member

    lol! i was talking about rattlesnake, not you! :)
  14. esp---

    esp--- Well-Known Member

  15. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Just a small correction, the client side was never changed, only the server side. The client side is copyright protected.
    Am I right ?
  16. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    random access memory chips of my puter are my property and i store there anything i want.
    client is patched and filled fith fh data on the fly in my ram.