New rule: Airfields under attack

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by HoHun, Aug 30, 2002.

  1. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi everyone,

    Here'a proposal for a new rule:

    Every time a target on an airfield is destroyed, it will be impossible to take off from that field for 60 s.

    This simulates that when bombs go off or the field is strafed, everyone is throwing himself to the ground, diving into a slit trench, ot hiding in a dugout.

    Flight operations do not usually continue while bombs are striking home on an airbase.

    This rule also will make airfield suppression possible instead of mere vulching.


    Henning (HoHun)
  2. mirko.vukadinov

    mirko.vukadinov Member

    Apr 9, 2002
    Osijek, Croatia
    IMO idea is good, but I think the restrict should be shorter than 60 sec, because in the terms of small fields defence (lets say scrambling) will be impossible :) just imagine 2-3 cons with rockets killing ack every min and you have a permanently closed field :D
  3. Perdomo

    Perdomo Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2002
    good idea Ho-hun, I'd vote yes to it.
  4. hemuli

    hemuli Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2002

  5. RedBull

    RedBull Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2001
    Czech Republic
    Absolutely nonsens. Cant imagine pilots for examble in BoB how they use this way... Normally in this situation all planes on uprons try immediately take-off and scramble against the attackers.
    How someone can think, that all people on attacked field are funks and dont try defend.

    Really stupid idea Ho-Hun...
  6. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2001
    I don't know, one side tells me this is a good idea, the other tells me, well you know, I'd personally feel safer in the air than on the ground, I mean, the eggs falling down, if a plane is parked on the runway, or rolling out of it's hangar it's a sitting duck , so they did all that stuff as fast as they could... and I don't think they really jamp into trenches and all that, the pilots I mean...

    greetze, Zembla
  7. itayky

    itayky Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2001
    I disagree ho-hun

    Not allowing fighters to take off and intercept the cons will be just like saying the field is closed. and if a buff was bombing the field no fighter could take off and kill it..

    not so practical idea... :nono:
  8. Platy

    Platy Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2001
    Braga, Portugal
    I don't agree.
  9. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi RedBull

    >Cant imagine pilots for examble in BoB how they use this way...

    Blame your imagination. It wasn't called "5 minute readiness" for nothing.

    If you were on the taxiway with running engine, sure, but that will still work with my proposal.

    If your Spitfire was dispersed across the field, the jeep driver hidden in a slit trench, the groundcrew busy trying to put out a burning fuel bowser, and the starter trolley overturned by a nearby explosion, you'd do very well to be delayed by just 60 s.


    Henning (HoHun)
  10. gahis

    gahis FH Sound Developer

    Jan 4, 2002
    Timmins, Ontario, Canada
    your idea is great, but let me just say something ((no, not a flame)), when 302 does an air attack ((when red)) we use p51 10xhvar,

    what is we attack a larcge fiel, and we kill 1 ack in 45 econd intervals, so no cons can take off? and any cons that go otr, 302 pilots would LOVE to dispose of with, specialy miixch,

    In thoughts, one person would go 2 mins ahead of ground in a lvl bomber ((like mossie)) popo up first, gain 2km alt and bomb the rdr, after that, all 302 popo up ((10xp51)) and mossie turns around, and bombs 4xfuel, maybe 1-2 cons take off, but no chance for 10xp51, p51 stars taking acks out, alol 40's at once, and every 50 seconds, kills a 20mm or 12, all all this is happening, li2is comming ((302 driver of course)) and mossie takes out 2 hangers, we would have atleast 2xp51 with bombs for ammo and warehouse, 302 li2 comes near, drops commandos, even futher screwing the field up more, by now, no acks live and li2 lands near tower, while p51 finish res of field off

    lessoned learn, easy big field cap, with minamum of cons
  11. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi Gahis,

    >lessoned learn, easy big field cap, with minamum of cons

    Excellent tactics :) And it's quite realistical that noone takes off while 10 P-51s are systematically shooting up the airfield :)


    Henning (HoHun)
  12. gghost

    gghost Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    Maybe dont restrict attackt fields by time, maybe by the NUMBER of Planes which are available! In RL no convoy would go to a Field which is under attack :)
  13. okitel

    okitel Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2002
    United States

    Outstanding idea HoHun :)

    For those of you that disagree. Think about this:

    1. Bombs are exploding on the field throwing shrapnel in all directions. Any aircraft sitting on the tarmac is being peppered with shrapnel

    2. Everyone is taking cover.

    3. After the raid is over, it takes time to clear the debris from the field before flight operations resume.

    Now, come'on folks. In reality it would take a hell of a lot longer than 60 seconds to restore flight ops after a major raid. I for one support this idea 100 percent.
  14. Falcon_SE

    Falcon_SE New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
    A airfield during wartime keeps atleast one full squadron's planes at ready status, meaning you jump in, switch on and take off. your proposal means that a airfield has no readyline planes and is in peace time operations mode during war. Plus a full minute? Under emergency launch all pilots are under a general order to reach thier planes(providing they are in flyable condition) and get airborn to defend the field. They wont sit and havea cup of tea in a trench or bunker because of a group of attackers, they will haul @ss to thier planes as quickly as they can, only ducking if they are being straifed directly.

    What I propose is this.

    A) Depending on the era, early war all planes used external starters. Mid war only half did and late war none did (save for Bombers and the 262) If a plane uses a starter, it is grounded during a attack. if it doesnt use one, its flyable.

    B) Flyable planes during a attack have progressively less and less ammo and fuel, depending on the number lifting off. Small fields ahve one squadron available, 12 planes. Med field has 24 and a large field has 36 that can be takin off during a attack.

    C) Once the max numbern of planes from a field under attack is reached, no other plane can take off (simulating the effects of hanger damage, damage to non ready planes and such) Plus the last planes to take off have 1/4 ammo and fuel as normal, since they werent able to be fully preped before launch.

    This way we can get the simulation of what a real attack would do, without the chance a field could be "shut down" permenently by one side just by bombing it once a minute, plus add a stretegic element to field defense.
  15. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi Falcon,

    >A airfield during wartime keeps atleast one full squadron's planes at ready status, meaning you jump in, switch on and take off.

    One full squadron? Most airfields did only support two or three squadrons. If anything, there was an element (2 planes) on permanent readiness, that's all. And they were scrambled on radar/observer warning, not on the sound om bombs going off on the field.

    >Under emergency launch all pilots are under a general order to reach thier planes(providing they are in flyable condition) and get airborn to defend the field.

    Germans and Soviets often suspended flight operations when fighters were merely flying overhead, not even attacking. Who gave such an suicidal order in WW2?


    Henning (HoHun)
  16. mcosta

    mcosta Guest

    I don't agree with the proposed rule. It's up to the pilot to risk his neck on the runway...
  17. thomba

    thomba Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2001
    hi Ho-Hun,
    nice idea to get more realism in here, but as some people wrote above, it is tooooo easy to keep an airfield closed by destroying on ack after another each 50 sec.

    according to some threads above:
    -killing all pilots waiting in tower while it will be destroyed :confused: , dunno how to manage this on FH (coding)
    -less ammo on field with destroyed ammo-dump (what to do on small fields w/o ammo-dump?)
    -napalm on FH :nono: , nonsense

    murphy says:
    never touch a running system

    it is very honourable, having new ideas to get more realism....but IMHO, very difficult to get a solution, which will satisfy all pilots.

    i like FH as it is.
  18. devill

    devill Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2001
    In wartime every field has a ready 5, or CAP, or whatever... In FH we don't.

    Also, when you take out a radar without showing up on it, none from enemy side know that there is a raid inbound until someone accidentally moves to that twr, or until we get a "field closed" message.

    What I'm trying to say is that there is no possibility of organized and standing (preemptive) defence of fields in FH. So that is why I don't agree with your idea.

    But how about this: why don't we have a restriction, that begins 60 seconds AFTER first bombs strike? This would simulate rdy 5 aircraft, and also the damage that prevents massive takeoff.

    Also it could be set that restrictions work only when capital targets are hit (hangars, ammo, etc...).
  19. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi Mcosta,

    >It's up to the pilot to risk his neck on the runway...

    It's not like he was really risking anything on FH. If he'd be permanantly out of the game, you'd see damn few Il-2s scrambling from a field under attack. As it is, you see a damn lot of them.


    Henning (HoHun)
  20. HoHun

    HoHun FH Beta Tester

    Sep 22, 2001
    Hi Thomba,

    >nice idea to get more realism in here, but as some people wrote above, it is tooooo easy to keep an airfield closed by destroying on ack after another each 50 sec.

    Too easy for what? If you manage to keep an airfield under constant attack, it should be suppressed for the duration. That's not the same as closed - it can't be captured while only suppressed.

    Changing the current system will improve realism and finally bring new challenges in air defence. It's about time that happens!


    Henning (HoHun)