a question

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Supong, Jun 9, 2000.

  1. Supong

    Supong Member

    May 12, 2000
    a question:
    is it possible to leave the model of damages and firings in WB FH as they were at first?
    To leave version WB 2,7,6 without the modifications added with respect to the damages, fire power and benefits of the airplanes such as the axis and allies, I have flown the 2,7,6 in IEN, and it does not look in like anything of this FH.
    I Request and hope that this magnificent game returns to his original model, it already existed in IEN an big debate on as they were the suitable ways of modelaje, and all agreed in which its final phase was the suitable one. It is not logical, that many ping's of airplanes of the axis do not cause apparent damages in a allied airplane, and nevertheless, single ping allied destroys all the surface of later control of an airplane of the axis.
    Dear FH friends: will u place the WB like before?
    thanks for everything

    Hauptfeldwebel Supong
    Geschwader Adjutant
    Stab / JG 52