bullet trk

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by zeybek, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    Love digging up old threads, Enjoy
  2. zeybek

    zeybek Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Fuyyy all :)
  3. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    I remember that line from 1982....pretty amazing huh..
  4. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    We need your hacked plane in the arena ;)
  5. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2002
    Oh boy. Can't believe I wrote that. I faintly recall accusing zeybek of cheating myself a few years after I posted that (but retracting my accusation once I'd cooled down a bit). :eek:
  6. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    The "cheating" "hacking" claims I heard over the years never made sense to me. Never saw it happen and never experienced it. I was accused of it by some people but, they were so questionable in their motives their claim was utterly worthless. :mafia:
  7. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    Never made sense to you, then you must have turned a blind eye. It happened, and could very well still happen, but it really doesn't matter any more, enough said.
  8. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Dec 1, 2001
    Minot, North Dakota, USA
    I think it's more of what defined "cheating" or "hacking". My thought on hacking or cheating is that they were the same. Hacking is what was being done, and cheating is what it was. In my mind, what people called "hacking" was an unfortunate lag problem that nothing can be done about. Whether intentionally or circumstance. The warping thing was annoying and I saw people do it, turning on some download, picking up a phone on a dailup internet connect back in the old days, or just starting some some script on their computer that effects the internet transmission. If that made them warp out of range, or show up behind me then, well, that's internet lag. It hurts them too. Because I shot them down anyway. I found it to be a unique challenge because they were inferior in their piloting skills and I knew what to expect in anticipating their eventual destination. This was a situation where I would often just ignore them for a more stable opponent.

    What I considered cheating/hacking would be someone who was flying without a cockpit and getting away with it. No way to prove it but, I tested the theory on the suspected opponent and found that they were so inept and lacking fighter skills it did not help them anyway.

    Pretty much 99% of the time I silently searched out the suspected "cheater hack" and found them to be inferior in many ways when it was a warp issue.

    Many cases I would find some pilots to be some really true, good pilots and were just very good at what they did...combat. People called them hackers but, again, those whiners didn't follow the forum topics and realize that many of these issues were folks who found the strengths and weaknesses of aircraft and used those characteristics to their advantage. "Warp rolling" would be the most common attributes I've seen. In my view, that was more of an over-modeling vs actual programming vs bandwidth issue. thug, scooby, pietas, -afi--, and turbo were ones I saw using this "advantage". Usually, I would throttle back, sit back, and laugh while I waited for them to lose speed, and close the gap while I took careful aim. I always knew to expect it with those yaks, 109s, P40s, zekes, spits, P39s, etc. :rolleyes: Nothing personal but, I saw the effects of warp rolls many times with your P40, bullet :mafia:

    Other cases such as self-bombing, ditching in friendly territory, eggs or rox on others, bullet pings from D8, flying into ack are other "cheating/hacking" claims I saw thrown around.

    So, one must come up with a probable "cheat/hack" to convince me that it's a "hack/cheat"

    To me, a "cheat/hack" is someone who manipulates the software programming. Which, ironically, is what the FreeHost team has done with WarBirds. :fly2: :fly2: :fly2: ;)

    :znaika: :fly2:
  9. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    On your first paragraph, seen that many times and yes they were inferior opponents, they caught me a few times with that warp on demand, disappear and then end up on my six to blast me, and like you i learned how to handle it, knew they would end up on my tail so I would do a loop (was at first just a hunch) and like clock work they would appear looking to be on my tail, boy were they surprised when they found out I was behind them and blasted them to bits. it didn't happen to much after awhile but boy I did get a chuckle when my trick worked on them.

    Second the Clear cockpit was a reality, I never used it ( I had/have a decent SA so no need) but know it was a fact from others admittance that it was used.

    On my doing warp rolls in a P-40 it it happened it was never intentional, the P-40 has a very high rate of roll and I would use it like actual pilots did, a rolling dive to keep out of harms way and you bet against a zeke at high speed that roll rate was a godsend. but I must say you have used this roll away tactic too. I do remember thefox in a 190 doing the very same thing.

    also, on hitting from beyond D8, before they changed things it used to be D10, but whinners had that reduced because my .50's could reach out.

    before the training arenas they used to try different attributes in various aircraft before they added them with a new paint scheme, that their is a form of cheating, but admins and owners of the site were privy to and perhaps personal friends and these could leak out to others as well. Also not only could they tweak various planes they could reduce a planes effectiveness at will or even a certain individual (the so called Kibosh) So be good and maybe they wouldn't do this to you/me or who ever. but one could also say those that were given the keys to the store (FH arena and modelling) could perhaps pick and choose whether they are a decent pilot or not, some funny things could, have and still are happening. hmmmm?
    -ALW- likes this.
  10. zeybek

    zeybek Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    we are (TGR Some pilots and 302 squadron ) flying IL-2 1946 i'd be happy to see you in our server.

    Hey ant do you play IL-2 or play truck simulator ? :D now, P38 series very good in HSFX7 ;) let's try it one day :cheers:
  11. bizerk

    bizerk Well-Known Member

    Jul 14, 2001
    Seen some people in the training arena, go to log on enter arena and the game goes to the bar just as if I hit Windows key, Freakin bull shit still going on, also when manage to fly all is well but out of nowhere stick wants to nose down, so conclusion this game is screwy and I believe to many have the keys to the store and change things. Shame a real shame, people have to play like that. Play fair or not at all, get some skill and learn to fly/play honestly instead of fucking with others. Freakin morons!