It amuses me thinking that the minor NATO allies might take this seriously and form their own teams to address this threat. Provincialism and UFOs make good comedy.
Do you need a license from your area government to have goats? Here there is a big "popular" movement about keeping chickens on residential properties. So the average family can keep chickens and caged rabbits now, but not goats, pigs, or bigger critters. Before I die, they will probably have allowed almost everything in my area. There are "homeless" people living in the woods and they shit and pollute worse than any farm animals. You'd think they'd want to gain sympathy by not throwing garbage everywhere, but that's life Yes, it's strange that goats are becoming popular again. Here they are being used by some younger, wealthy people for... yoga. Goat yoga is a real thing. They claim it's nice when goats walk on their backs. Some kind of massage, LOL. I have some yoga lady friends, and they say it's true. People with too much money and too much security apparently consider these things normal. The first thing I asked was "Aren't you worried that the goats will shit and piss on you?" When I was a boy, we knew that goats were famous for eating everything, like leather shoes, and anything else of organic origin that they could digest. But now they are famous again for some reason. But these same rich ladies don't want the homeless people in their area, of course. Interesting times. And yes, where domesticated animals piss and shit, plants are unhappy. I joke with some of my neighbors, and when we see some local cats and dogs shitting where they should not, we call them "emergency field rations."
Yes, it is really weird that this is in the news. One possible explanation is that the summer in the United States is a season without much news of true import. Everyone's ending COVID-19 lockdowns and going on vacation? This past week I was in another area, and it seemed as if COVID had never happened. Here's a scenario for the US news to worry about: what if the aliens come and try to take our gazillion American guns away? It will make for a cool movie like Independence Day or something, LOL. Now that I think about it, we should all collaborate on some cool film scripts.
None needed here, but I live in the deep rural area. There are villages close to the seaside where 10-20 years ago one could keep any animal, but not anymore. I avoid living in such places. I own a plot on the seaside, but I'll never build anything there for myself. I'll either build some touristic plastic entertainment crap for the corporate clerk (if I'll ever have the money for that) or just sell it. I'm not even allowed to plant high tree species there, so they wouldn't block the view of those who own plots in the rear. Not to mention raising goats.
Goat shaped aliens, invited by gay democrats and blacks, attack Earth (i.e. US) and melt, overnight, all the guns that honourable families keep for their defense. Our hero, an already anachronistic but young cop, helped by his black best friend (we must avoid any racism accusations), gets into Democrats' server and downloads naked pictures of Biden feeding alfalfa to alien shaped goats, I mean goat shaped aliens. The black friend is killed in action (of downloading photos!), because we target a white audience and we've already made a point.The plot thus becomes clear: gay Democrats have sold America to the goats (by now it is obvious that the goats stand for middle eastern groups interested in destroying our great Constitution)...
Tonight I went to a party. There was a lady. We did not know each other. But we connected. After a few hours and many drinks, we looked into each others eyes, and she made me connect our hands together -- so hands intertwined and and looking into each others' eyes. Damn. That feeling is the strongest feeling that a man can ever feel. You know, you need to look down and make sure that that your pants don't look like a tent. Sometimes it's good to feel alive!
That's nice, Uncles. That's good life, even if that sort of connection doesn't happen often. Too many people bury themselves alive after loss or divorce. Fuck, that's terrible. Don't worry about that tent. Even better, tie a flag on top of it!
LOL, well, one always worries that the length of the tent pole may not be enough to impress a lady. And we Americans from the 1960s are commonly circumcised, so we have already had enough of surgical knot tying on our pricks My European girlfriends told me that I was mutilated -- well, the most obnoxious French one did -- but I have no complaints. But yes, it was cool to revisit the feeling of youthful abandon and lust. I felt like I was 17 again when I looked into her eyes and told her that her nose was "so cute." She was also half my age. I really meant it, of course, but I could see immediately her eyes searching mine. Like she was looking for affirmation and was surprised that I was being honest with her. I'm old-fashioned and think that men and women are different. But they are equal and that's a good thing!
<S> Trump. So many doctors and nurses try to talk about covid on social media and they get cancelled, channels deleted. It's been happening and getting worse.
I think I'm starting to wear off on you. You sound just a little too Mcloudish circa 2015, like with the goats and everything. PS yeah I'm serious about Trump suing social media. I think its generally a good thing, although he may be beating a dead horse, I think he should just start trumptube and bypass the non existant conspirators, (snicker) Busta Rhymes Talk About COVID Live From St Louis MO 06 19 2021 (
Sorry, what do you mean by "wear off on you"? I guess it's a metaphor, but English is not my native tongue, so it's hard for me to understand it. About the goats, I don't want to sound Mcloudish at all. I own some goats, which I bought recently, that I feed and milk, like any other peasant. I like to talk about them a lot, that's why they showed up in that little story. I still don't understand if you're making fun of Trump and the covid deniers or not. Or neither.
Ok, I found one meaning on the net - "to anthipatize". But it's strange, because, past a certain age, one generally doesn't bring this kind of matter into discussion.
I'm not making fun of trump, but he doesn't make sense sometimes, like he said that covid was a hoax, and that there is no pandemic, then he starts talking about what a great job he's doing rolling out vaccines....
<S> Eric Clapton Eric Clapton Refuses to Play Shows That Require Vaccination Proof ( (<-Bill Gates site, lol.)
I wonder how one can say that and ever expect compassion. Especially in the present context. No, we're not too many. The power elite is irresponsible. It's always been. They care about the planet even less than they care about the people. How are they satisfied about such ideas, that we're too many, for they're absolved of any sin. Fucking covid brought out the worst in some. Insensitivity, lack of solidarity, outright hatred. Schmucks who quote all sorts of manipulative content while feeling like they're the most informed and intelligent. Vocal unfortunates who don't understand even a little bit of science finally feel that they understand what's happening. Conspiracy story or rigorous science, which one is easier to understand?
I just bought myself a present. It is a latest iPad (11 inch)… I got the one with a 16 GB package of RAM and terabyte HD. It is as hot as hell outside and I was out walking in it there’s no wind blowing on me and very little shade and auto-traffic running-by this way and that way…. Recall (as if eh?), I had a couple heart attacks and a couple strokes on pretty much the anniversary of this day except it was 12 years ago….(Remember?) was hot as hell outside also.. BIG DEAL I KNOW!