Since the boom of Lithium Polimer and Brushless motors, a new generation of models is born. Cause the very light weight and the huge power of this new tecnology now it's possible to create mini modells in Depron (foam). Depron has a very low cost, 2 mters x 80 cm cost 4$. It's easy to cut, sand and glue, it's withe so you can paint it directly with acrilic coulours, but above all it's light! Here a little example of a little acrobatic biplane i'm dooing: All parts are cutted and start the fuse assembling.. Reinforces are placed.. And the fuse is now closed A little bit of airbrush isn't bad FOr the V-Stab assembly i fibred some rest of Carbon fiber. Thread them in V stab is perfect for a correct 90° assembly The H and V stab assembled in few minutes The engine i choosed is a Streker Brushless (German production). This little engine (diameter 34mm, weight 30 grams) can pull till 450 grams. The motour plate must be rigid but light in same time, usually we use balsa fibred with glass fiber, here i used kewlar honeycomb with 25 gr glass fiber. (the plate is really rigid and has a weight of 3 gramms ) Instead of the traditional rigid carbon batons, i used a peach..thread (it's correct? ) All you need is just 2 screw, make 2/3 turns with the peach thread and glue it with a little bit of Cyano glue. Now to trimm your surfaces you need only a screwdriver And here the result with the "pull-pull" sistem. The airplane, without electronic parts has a weight of 80 gramms, complet it reach 250 gramms (and the engine pull 450 ) Will post new immages as soon possible.