Humm.. let me see if I get this right..: Spaceb knows a Elena that is not the real Elena that he knows as Elena?
Quit hallucinating ASAP or I will lock up this thread! <<pulls off selfish grin>> Elena has the looks. She flies in virtual skies.. She's very good in it. (edit. in playing warbirds, mind you) So what??? Yeah, so what!!! ok..ok... it's almost against modern physics. Girls just don't tolerate Warbirds. They will get jealous as you play with "that stupid game" instead of their... oh well. Girls are imcomparatible with Warbirds. Choose between girls or Warbirds, you can't have both... etc etc. Now as bunch of boys/men here have seen their belifs shatter in most cruelsome way. (ie. being shot down by A GIRL!!!) Yeah..well. I don't know what to say. Shocking..... <<buggering off from this thread>>