Re: Pure lameness He meant to write the word "dirty". Or in your case, a "palabra" you fucking spic! IF YOU KNEW ENGLISH YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND
Re: Pure lameness lol afi. Palabra is not the same as dirty. If that's what you've learnt... what a waste of money. You'd better get that money and pay you a bitch, you need it
Re: Pure lameness Rgreat hmmm lets i think hmm ok i stop play Wb and Downloading games in this same time oddiseo shut up Idiot...
Re: Pure lameness Hmmm, exquisite intelligence... really I care about as much for you playing WB as you care for another's gaming experience... <Z>
Re: Pure lameness Yeah, right! What army were you planning to bring with ya? Lemme put it this way: why don't you go lie down and bleed already, I'll be with ya in a minute. I'll shove my fist so far up your mouth I'll rip open your diaphragm, you li'l bitch! And something else - Afi, please stop burping. The smell of sperm that emenates from your pie-hole makes me sick, you obnoxious little cum-guzzling fuckstain. j/k mate, I love you and want to suck your cock.
Re: Pure lameness Hey you American-European dudes, stop spamming in an Australian guy's thread or they will send their secret army of those big jumping rats (kangaroos) screaming "hay maete!!" over and over again, giving Fosters to everyone (+ bumerang airforce)...effects will be terrible for our cultures...
Re: Pure lameness i'll never stop downloading porn, you hear me well, NEVER!! except if Elena offers me a sandwich @HJM: terrorific idea of apoclypse P.S: I like Foster's, and kangaroos look nice with that bag to sleep all day....
Re: Pure lameness I've once had a chance to eat a rat... ermm kangaroo steak- as opposed to Foster's it was quite tasty-> something between peasant and beef.
Re: Pure lameness The other day i went to a Canadian restaurant, and one of the lunchs was an assortment of different meats. One was of kangaroo and another was ostrich. I wondered what they did in a Canadian restaurant
Re: Pure lameness probably few of them, so tired of drinking Foster's, jumped onto nearest ship to Europe in search for better bewerages...there wasn't any alcohol onboard so they, some Canadian guy found them (damn those Aussies, treating poor kangaroos like that)
Re: Pure lameness Sorry mate I couldnt help it. The thought of those little piles of grease and shit in those vending machines gives me the shivers. ;P -glas-
Re: Pure lameness A Canadian restaurant??? Canada doesn't have it's own fuckign cuisine, it's just America with better health plans! and less shit on the ground... @ Bas, I'm always here waiting for you, sweet cheeks <MWAH>!!
Re: Pure lameness I'd say "some canadian gay", so they finally died exhausted, poor jumpers [thought of the day: Afi was in Canada by then? ] @afi: all the world is made from America... but improved, of course
Re: Pure lameness Holy Mother Of God.... I FINALLY got Kazaa working on my new 'puter! Yeeeehaw! Now I only have to find songs by Ratos do Porao... Ain't easy!