OT: "City of God" Movie

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -fla--, Aug 17, 2003.

  1. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    OT: "City of God" Movie

    How many of you watched it? What you thought about it ?
    I just watched it for the first time and wanted to know the opinions of people from outside my city and my country.
  2. -afi--

    -afi-- Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2002
    new york, the united states
    Never even heard of it. What is the film's country origin?
  3. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    It's a brasilian movie, it tells the story of how organized criminality grew in this slums in Rio de Janeiro. The story is fictional, but it's largely based on facts. Worthy seening. Not sure how much of it you'll lose because of the lack of contest, that's why I wanted to hear your views.
  4. Cierzo

    Cierzo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2003
    Madrid (Spain)
    i heard it was a good but tough movie. Very good critics in Spain and all over Europe. I'd like to see it, as soon as available on VHS (no DVD still).
  5. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    It's out for around amonth here already. Take a look at it when it comes out where you live.
  6. Corto

    Corto Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2002
    Mainz/ Germany
    I have seen the movie a few month ago...

    thumbs up!!!
  7. Apocalyps

    Apocalyps Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Hove , Belgium
    Saw it a couple of months ago actually.

    I loved it but I was with a friend and he thought it was just plain good.

    It definitly is a movie worth seeing!
  8. illo

    illo FH Beta Tester

    May 8, 2000
    Helsinki, Suomi (finland)
    I saw it few months ago.
    Nice movie. I've got it on my HD.

    It's actually quite hard to understand (for me and here) anything like that could happen. If I even had a gun without permission I would be arrested if police got clue about it. It would be 10 policemen here within 10 minutes if i fired handgun in the air. If we had automatics (and were actually using them) army would roll us down. I guess theres under 10 people/1 year shot dead here. So it's hard to understand whats it all about in US (10.000 shot dead/year?) or Brazil. :confused:

    Theres (in the movie) kind of anarchy going on. Society really doesnt give a shit about stupid ghetto kids doing drugs and killing eachother.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2003
  9. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France
    I was talking with a friend about it just yesterday, and we both agreed that the film lacks a few background in a few points. One is this why city of god appeared and why it became violent. It happened in several other poor comunitys here as well, it's estatal absence (not beeing there) in such reagions, it possibilited the growing of a parallel state, that in many times provided security (as shown on the movie) but also health care and support to the population. The problem is that such omission lasted several years (that is 20-30 years) and now this paralell states are really powerful and is hard to the state to reach for this comunitys again. Even more when we have a stupid populist governor (a woman actually, but don't know how to say governor in feminin) that abadoned and stopped all work of the predecessor that was actually, for the first in time, doing what is needed, even if it takes several years for a result.
    Other point that lacked background was the simply citation of 'the falange vermelha (red phalanx) is coming'. Red phalanx was a organization that grew in a prision where political and ordinary prisioners where kept toghter and the ordinary ones learned how to organize themselfs and guerrila tatics. The red phalax later became the comando vermelho (red command) and is today the stronger criminal organization ni Rio. With contats going into all Brasil, nearby countrys as well as US and Europe (the buyers).
  10. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България

    illo, you can take the train east for 200km and see it working. :)

    just today I happened to read a theme article in the newspaper about the "wet orders".
    the assassinations and bombings last year here are getting more frequent. most of the big bosses (ie - "the richest bulgarian businessmen") are dead now. it is hypothesized that new ambitious people are trying to gain control on the customs channels.
    but those are professional and small in number. most cases are never uncovered by police. nor the people who shot, nor the people who paid for it.

    as for the bulk of killings - cold weapons are prefered method, the ax will rip your neibhours chest nicely apart, wide kitchen knife is very effective against wife.
    the bulgarian press pervesely loves murders. they fill most of the pages "The Day" or "At Home" with them (unless they have separate "Police Chronicals")
    so they give the impression main work of people here is to kill each other. :(
  11. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България

    as usual trying to put a radical twist: :)

    so it is struggle for sovereignity. there is that "paralel state" but now when the big state is not that weak, it has decided it has to eliminate it.

    every starting dictator knows from his mothers lap - political prisoners must be killed.
    like the cockroaches
  12. -fla--

    -fla-- Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2000
    Lyon - France

    BTW, we had a ditactorship without fixed ditactor. Actually they were "elected " (if you can call elected being chosed by the high militar ranks, from the thos ranks) every 5 years or so.