I thought that will be nice to see the view from your window Dont be shine, post it here ! I made photo of mine. Cables at right side - this is my internet connection
Salmon river just out of view beneath. Mountains to the north, where skiers and cocaine merchants go in the winter. A GREAT BIG river you can't see, called the Fraser, just under those mountains you can see. In the bush below is where the Jays live and where the racoons sneak around.
Just proves you should never read a book by its cover. If anyone has a better view than this (AND its in Poland ) i'd be chuffed/envious to see it -glas- p.s Great thread lepper
While back I thought to build cottage here but it was to far from civilization and it would cost fortune, so I just satisfied my desire buy taking picture. That creek is ful of wild Trout ya can kill it by simply trowing the stone in the water.
i should be offended by this post... Poland is beautiful country, this view aint anything special; if u look closely u can see sea behind the trees, mixed with the sky; a forrest is on the other side of my house; if i want swim in the Baltic sea, i take my bicycle and after 20min im swimming, 2min and i ride my bicycle in forrest; all that in a 250 thousand ppl city; its really nice place; but its nothing to the views on the country (lakes, forrrest, hills) or the mountains on the S of Poland; yeap, we still have nice places out here... ps view is nice, true, but the yelling children on the playground every morning.... grrrrrrrr
I didnt quite mean it that way spuint, I know how nice your country is. This picture would surprise people who have preconceptions about Poland tho. -glas-
and i got about 20 seconds walking, if i want to swim in the sea a little i'll try to post a pic when i make one
LOL@Glas, every country in the world has good and bad places, 99% of people here would get a shock if I posted up pictures of say the Marquess Estate in Islington or if you posted up pictures of some of the council estates in central Glasgow. But move a couple of miles away from those spots and you have some stunning views (Take Hampstead Heath looking out over London in the evening, stunning the only problem is you'd probably get mugged for your camera being there at night) Mal
I was trying to not post here, but couldn't resist.... There is no city as beautiful as mine, if anyone knows it knows what I'm talking about...
"MY CITY CAN BEAT UP YOUR CITY, DAMMIT! ROTTERDAM HOOLIGANS!" I'll make and post a pic later today. Malino and Glas know it isn't very special though. Hey, how about I take some pictures of the INSIDE of my house? Including the toilet?
Show achtun's film of your toilet!!! BTW, your holligans would have no chance in Rio, they wouldn't stay 2 days alive here
That's some pix of my home, here what i see from the central window That's from my bedroom window and that's a pix of my garden
This is not an actual view of my window (I live on the 20th floor) but it's just two blocks away (to the right facing the picture) on downtown Curitiba (pronounced koor - i - CHEE - bah). I don't really like this picture but couldn't find a better one Same spot at night: One block to the left, the Flower Street (nice coffee there ): Largo da Ordem (where most pubs are, one next to the other, no cars allowed - you can find me there several times a week - I live on the street behind this one) Aerial view of downtown: Here a few city landscapes in one pic: From top-left to bottom right: Avenue Palace, 24-hours Street (middle), Botanical Garden, sunset on Passaъna Park, a view of Barigьi Park and its lake. If you want to see some wallpaper-size pictures of my city, you can check this website: http://www.astro.puc.cl/~phall/FOTOS/STAGE/curitiba.html Info on the city (in english): http://www.bitourism.com/city.asp?city_id=25