Damn, I'm happy with the sun I have here... -10C ? Damn that must be cold (to me below 20C is cold already)... Now excuse that i'll go to the beach
fab, i see you logged off from yakuza.otaku-anime.net. ask me at icq when you need and ill turn dc++ on.
here comes the promised update very late im sorry pics are from October again from balcony in Plovdiv - we live very near the stadium of the local club, so these are the fans being escorted after the game the view from my new place in Sofia - actually one of the reasons to choose it: i think the cobblestone style in the lower-center is from cold war, while the rest is more like midwar this is from the kitchen towards the next house in row: same panoramic PS: Check out similar thread in screenshots&pics: PhotoGlimpses
seems like you like the place where you are staying, gro backyard view from our flat in Brno (Brьn); my relation to the place couldn't be better expressed : how does it look so it is; this part of city was build in 30ties - original inhabitatians still compose majority of ppl living there (or in another words living dead.. or undead creatures.. brrrr, I hate them); except of some remarkable functionalistic buildings, most of area looks like this abandoned fire station - the bigger, better one just behind it (I love it when they are trying if their sirens are working ok at 8clk in the morning) and lovely cute tiny office hell of "rail construction company"
Well, hardly a view from my window... Here are some pictures from my hometown (found them on the web). Although I'm currently in Coventry, UK (which sux ass) I spend my summer and Xmas in Nafplion. Luckily the house* is in the 'old' part of the town while the 'new' part resembles Athens in a way = terrible. The place in the last two pictures is 20 seconds walk from my house. *: under the arrow in the first pic.
nice place - the scenery on 1st pic I like very much ah.. I've remembered that I have picture of my 3rd home - small village in hills, pic is from Christmas, lovely place to be
As far as I know architecture in Nafplion consists of greek 'neo-classical' (my house), turkish (pink-walled building at the square) and venetian (the citadel for example). You can't imagine how much I miss it .
Man, I want to go to Greece! I'm tired of winter, although real spring weather will soon be upon us here. This evening it was nice and warm here. We had dinner, then some wine and espresso, and watched the lovely girls. 'Tis spring, and a young (or old) man's thought's turn to..."
sure, fuhrer __________ but being you, I would wait few more weeks, seems like spring decided not to come this year -- few mins old picture (taken in hurry just from documentation purposes) view from window view from balcony to the south
Hi, now i have a digicam and here are some views from my window. 1. Picure u see the northview from my window. I live near the towncenter in Frankfurt (Oder/Odra) near the border to poland. 2. and 3. picture is the view to the east. Behind the high withe building is poland. 4. picture is the view to the south. --lux-
awful pink facade added to that turkish bania do you still have turkish buildings not converted to another use? I mean functioning mosques or bania`s preserved as "museum-buildings"?
I believe that one at the square is the only one. Not active though, there aren't any Muslim communities there. Or anywhere in southern Greece really. It doesn't look bad from up close I think