heyyy, snow in Nottingham!!! last night at 2oc in the morning! its not that bad when there is snow, eh? by the morning was gone of course
wow, doesnt this thread get on your nerves!? all those pics you cant see anymore by all those old friends lost away! @jTOGA - it isnt maybe that bad - blocks in fact arent so many and there are some cool parks. but indeed everything is built up in houses and its huuuuge! "sprawling" is the right word. all cities in UK are like that, one reason i dont like it here. Sherwood forest still exists as a tourist destination - about 30km to the north from the city but i havent been.
Yeah, I just started using a new browser, first thought it was the browser's fault, but it sadly enough appears not to be. Funny to see those pics of our place in spring 4 years ago , one of the few pics that still stands. Nothing wrong with a bit of thread necromancy now and then <Z>
wtg i think this is the first deep heat mining project in germany same in swiss http://www.geothermal.ch/eng/projekt.html but be careful earth quake is comming
What a great idea! A heat exchanger! This way we can harvest the heat of the earth and then let it loose into the atmosphere and wait forever while it radiates into space! Global warming at it's best, no need for JUST hydrocarbons to assist us in mass extinction. One of the reasons we do not live in a corrosive atmosphere is plants took free oxygen, bound it to carbon and then were rolled over and buried a few billion years ago. We seem hell bent on releasing the djin in the bottle. but NO, that isn't enough! How about the endless supply of doom right beneath us? Woooey! The human fucking race is like steve irwin poking wild huge preditors in their testicals. Damn. I feel guilt. Sometimes I feel like I am part of a collective retard.
Have you been to that artistic house some completely uneducated guy built himself in one of the slums (i forget the brazilian name now)? I saw it on a documentary on BBC. Must be full of tourists looking for it by now! I will compare it to Gaudi style due to lack of anything better. Was quite amazing!
Grobar, That was on Rio de Janeiro, about 400km from here. I never went to Rio, but i know what are you talking about, and for sure, lot's of tourists look for it And... the brazilian name for "slum" is "favela". Dangerous places man... But they are disappearing in São Paulo due to Government incentives for construction of Popular Apartments and Houses. This is good because those houses and apartments are beauty and cheap
Dangit , -al--. you never said you was a pondmanager (rgd pic #5) You live just on edge of town? You have only 5cm of snow? We have 25-30 now... All came in 3 nights and days, when we figured it would be no snow at all this winter... Mucho shoveling for me, mucho snowplay for the kids. Good anyone is happy
yeah we have a small pond 2 fishes outskirts of town it is, 20minutes by bus, 10 by car as for the snow, only since yesterday we have below 0 temperatures, it snowed before, but with above 0 it all melted we also thought there'd be no snow, but it's been in the forecasts so no real surprise here I'd prefer if the winter came a bit later: -10C outside and I have to go about in a suit... damn exams...