hey spuint very nice city!! really beautiful. when i was in school, i had to do a big job about poland, i learned a lot of "polska" . its a very nice country. i hope one day go visit poland. germany is another place i would like to visit, my grand grandparents came to brasil from there... to tell the truth, i wanna visit all europe one day... but for a while i have to work a lot to get the money... too expansive to travel to europe now (for us from brasil...)
I couldn't find photo from the window, as all photos are in possessions of my family in Germany, but until few years ago I lived in the central part of the Prague Old Town. This photo is closest enough I could find, but our window was exactly against the Bethlehem Chapel and little above. A beautiful house nearly 6 centuries old, but then our dear owner dediced to change it to the hotel for bloody tourists... I loved it. I was lucky to be born here and to live in this great city. ^_^
seems like this thread is alive still.. that's good 'cos I have finally bought myself a digital camera I live in perfect early soc-real block of flats, luckily old enough to be covered by green and luckily situated in mountain and luckily consisting of only few blocks so.. this pic taken from my window.. street view.. look at those wonderful cars and this one is from the balcony.. zoomed at the mythic hill "Radegast" or "Radigosc"... the residence of one of the most important slavonic god of the same name it's god of hospitality so don't worry about being cursed looking at the pic mark the bee in the upper right corner of pic and "schwalbe" aka "hien" in central bottom (seems like this bird has its hor stab and vert stab shot off ) ------------- if you would like to see some propaganda pics of beauties of my town like those posted above... go back few pages.. I posted them earlier
hey, i found out i have scanned this pic time ago. its similar to one already posted but from 2000 New Year when we had very nice snow exactly the last day+night of the year. It was great party then! this is on the morning.
I don't have any pictures of where I have been for the past couple months during my days. I can, however, describe it. There is a shopping mall. It is in a town where there were, per capita, the most automoble thefts of any town in north america. A few years back, word got around that, if you shopped at that shopping mall, you might not have a car to drive home in. Now, on a Saturday afternoon, there will be a grand total of about 50 shoppers in the whole fuckin' place. A local College started a campus in that mall, yes, a local college. What are they teaching at that college? Rent-a-cop lessons. (wonder why?) The car theft problem is cured, and is NOT because of the Rent-a-cop school, it is in spite of it. It is cured because people in that town got tired of having their automobiles stolen and began Viligante Patrols. Just two guys hanged from telephone poles at busy intersections with cardboard signs pinned to their dangling bodies which say "I am a car thief." That did it. Very little car theft anymore (just kidding - it is actually a lot of "citizens" and 130 Mounties who did this... GOod for them). Anyway, I have been schooling in a mostly empty shopping mall. Grand theft in my country is still, as far as I know, illegal. However, being a street-person and hanging around selling drugs at the train station outside the mall is not illegal (or the local citizens are chasing the car thiefs that are no longer there and haven't time for drug dealers). I have been observing these guys for a couple months now and wondering how I will deal with drug dealers who are on my patrol, where ever my patrol may be, once I have work in this field. I have come to the following conclusion: I will do nothing. ... And, inside the classrooms, it is pretty funky too. There is industrial strenght air conditioning. I guess the ventillation in that place is supposed to keep a few thousand people happy, supplied with fresh, cool air. But there are not a few thousand people in that place, there are, like I mentioned above, perhaps fifty in the whole 100,000 square meters place. And the air condition vibrates like an idling 747. We sit in our class and there is a constant bass accompaniment. And the lights in there. What is it with educators they have not clued in to the fact flourescent lights make some people ill? My instructor asked my "Brad, why are you so irritable?" and, in answer to his question, I punched him (just joking). The lights in that place would make an epileptic into a one man dance hall. My ladyfriend wanted to meet me for a lunch. She said "Where is your college campus located, exactly?" I replied, don't drive there, take the bus. My classes are in the south of the shopping mall, In the food court, between the KFC and the MacDonalds. "I will meet you outside the mall at the East entrance, stay away from the crack dealer in the biker leathers and his escort, Peanut-butter-loving-doberman-pinscher." She said, "Where do you want to eat?" And I said, "Not there." Until she got there and met me, she didn't believe me. Now she is happy to know there is a handy place to pick up some groceries, get an education and buy crack cocaine, all in the same place! And close to transit and free parking!
OMG! I totally envy you! what a beutifull place! Damn why did my parents decided to move to Israel and not RIGHT THERE! aww
<---- its written on the left expect pics from my new place`s window as soon as I get my lenses fixed I liked it immediately because of the 2 tramlines lying through the cobblestone pavement, midwar style, and also the huge brown wooden furniture, the shelves with books up the the ceiling and the landlord - a play director with beard and long white hair!
gettin back the thread grobar, location of ur location is obsolete ok this one i posted months ago: and heres the vhs (sry for quality) record from 19.12.03:
Ok ok, I will do my window update too window.jpg - the view I got looking about 100 degrees to the right from where I sit at the computer. It's in the end of the appartment and faces West. doorway.jpg - the view I got when I walk out the appartment, which is eastbound. I ain't no artist like you guys but I know how to press the button! LOL
Bez kitu spuint, myslalem ze to jakies egzotyczne miasto z ameryki pld., dopoki nie przyjrzalem sie i nie dojrzalem ksztaltow oceanarium Bardzo fajne fotki ada