
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -frog-, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am in a Epidemic right now [we all are]. I am SO sick and tired of this food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a bachelor and don't like to cook at home.
    I never thought I would miss Home Cooked Meals!!!!
    I want some Vareneki RIGHT NOWWWW!
    Not with berries and apples, NONO, I want Kielbasa and Sauerkraut!!!! And ten Perogies, and a litre of beer!!!!
    MOM, I miss you, come here now!
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    On day, or night, years ago. I went to see Unlce Danny, the guy I told you about above, he looks just like a Kazakh, A COSACK. he is old now, and he doesn't act much like anything but a Old Canadian Guy, but he is, yep, slavic loking, and some other ways too...
    I brought a little bottle of vodka and some juice.
    We visited had some lauhgs and a few drinks and he went downtairs, he came back with a JAR OF HOOCH.
    It was Pure, he said you do NOT drink that with water or any juice, take this!!!
    There were pickles Crackers and stuff too!
    I only had ONE glass of that stuff, OMFG, it was like drinking fire!!!!
    I learned some stuff about him, that night... [He used to dance, like in the movies!!!! Was getting old when he taught me how to drink, or tried to....]
    1: he can out-drink ANYONE
    2: I forget the rest
  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Niki and Lucy were my Great Grand-parents. Belorussian, He was a railroad Engineer, she was a, um, woman.... the came to Canada with a bunch of children and a weird religion that The Tzar hated..... hehe.No-one told ANY stories, and I really wanted to hear them, but never heard any.
    I cannot imagine what they lived through, what their story was like.....
    they, niki and lucy and tw children [WOW!! And two came later, in Saskatchewan]], were of course, middle Class and I know what that meant, I do NOT know how they escaped, it must have been an adventure!
    They were Whites [not reds].
    Again, NO stories were told. I really want to hear, but those Old People NEVER talked about their past, that was a very hard time, for everyone!!
    My mum made up some bullshit, she always did that. Thinks that her Genealogy Club, some Yankee Web-Thing means she can lecture everyone around her......
    I drank with Uncle Danny!!!!
    The Cosak!!
  4. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    That was beautiful! I am gonna send a link of that song to My Mum. She is a Scott, Her Family Surname. Two of her grandparents, were 'Podosky' Niki and Lucy. My Mum's Mum was Annie Podosky
    I think they told everyone they were Russian because native born Canadians and Yankees sometimes told jokes about Poles and Ukrainians/Lithuanians, Latvians.... Kazakhs... Turks......
    It made a difference, if a man wanted work lots of times he would invent a story, or it was called Lore.
    Poles AND Russians mixed, and there was a lot of Hate AND jokes in The Old County too!!!!
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2020
    mcgru- likes this.
  5. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    it's easy to perform: wheet powder, egg, water + salt for a "Testo", and meat as Farsch with onion and species.
    then an hour to make them as little as you prefer having some drinks of Vodka during "sculpturing" them. then 7 minutes in boiling water and they are ready :)
  6. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Show her also these ones:


    (the same song)
  7. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    Also, check this one (better to listen after 350ml of Vodka)

  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    baba - And at her kitchen, MY MUM [dad didn't know, he was a Snob, family came from England [The Empire] and Her Dad, from Scotland [Conquered Lands, conquered by the British ... He Just ATE whatever he was served EVERYONE DID, so a Woman sometimes felt lost, AND she could cook, SO SHE DID!!!!....] Having some Heritage that was NOT [all] British OR French [we stlll tell joke about Frenchies, HEHE, AKA "Frogs"] Yankee was JUST NOT TALKED ABOUT!!!!!! Mum and Babuska [I didn't Know Her Husband, Nik, My Great-Great Grandad], taught me and my sisters, cousins too?? Granddad Scott always said IT IS NAKED PEOPLE'S FOOD!!! [AND GREEN BOrsht, NO tomatoes in it.... SOur Cream in dollops, Butter, Garlic, AT BREAKFAST!!!!! But he ate whatever baba served [She was a Annie Podosky..., he was Alan Scott] him HAHAHA.... how to make Blintzes when I was first, a young man and she said IT IS CHEAP!!! And like Crepe Suzette except IT ISN'T!!!
    We have, too, sour cream strawberries, ANY fruit is good.... and melted Butter. Canadians are similar to Yankees in that MANY in both lands have NO IDEA at all what to do about them, that is Good Food, Mum still serves it at breakfast time on Holidays, and NOBODY that comes to eat is aware that it is Little-Man's food, or Poor Man's Food..... When Mum makes it, family from thousands of KM fly or take a train, [We are almost as big Russia, I do NOT think we are as big as Russian Empire, hehe] ] to have some... NOT JUST FOR THAT!!!! It is a remembrance, We eat it BEFORE the Main Courses [it is just breakfast, hehe....], Before NOT after Breakfast.... Relatives come from All Over The Place to eat JUST THAT, but then, they have some eggs and ham and toast, after, HEHE, I do NOT think that is traditional............
    Mum also likes to [usually buys NOT makes Haggis [Ask Mac some day, He Likes Haggis!] and does that and ALL the kids, [me and my sisters and cousins too!! Hate it. Whisky and greasy sausage [NOT Kielbasa, Sawdust And Pork Guts, Scottish Food!] and mashed potatoes, YUCK, for breakfast, to get drunk AT Breakfast EWWWW: Scottish 'Culture" HAHAHA.... and acting like Soldiers, and saying weird shit, like Laddie, and OCK... Other food and drinks, much of it Yankee I don't care. BUT I do like to make fun of those Savages........ .....COMMON MAN'S food, they think it is from France or Italy...
    We refuse to fly that flag, the Murikan One, It is an empire, and WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THAT.... I suppose Much of Europe are SICK AND TIRED OF EMPIRES,,,, HAHA, the Yanks don't even know what an empire is, they don't [They ARE one, but don't know it, their TV never told them] know, um, A LOT OF THINGS.....
    Lucy and Niki, their first House and farm, in Manitoba, they didn't even have oxen or a horse or a Tractor, they PULLED THEIR PLOW, like Beasts!!!!, because there was NO money....
    They were home-sick scared, might have starved or frozen... White [NOT red] Spoiled-Brats, HAD SERVANTS.... Ran away from Trotsky-Land.... Were SERVED, BY SERVANTS, IN HOME COUNTRY, Didn't even know how to wash their own socks!!!!! Spent ALL their money just getting to Ontario or wherever they got to........BUT in Canada, just had to work to do EVERYTHING, Being a Prince meant NOTHING here, or in the USA, hehe...... But the 20th century, the Empires were all falling down, there was NO risk of being hunted down..... BUT they didn't know it... THEN came the Propaganda, and the Red Scare.... SO, until the 21st century, many people here NEVER SAID A WORD ABOUT COMING FROM [Not The USA] and Niki And Lucy were 'Bohunks" [Slang For Eastern European and DPs Slang For Refugees]
    This is a Land Of Immigrants and descendants of Immigrants, and the Dominant Yankees have us ALL singing Yankee stuff, eating Yankee Food...
    That is not too bad, Yankee Food is okay, but it is REALLY BORING.
    SORRY, Badly edited and corrected, I have NOT had my morning Coffee and Cake and a smoke yet!!!!!!
    I gotta go eat and have a smoke OR I WILL DIE........
  9. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    My Mum knows all bout HER side of The Family, she can name names and places!!!! My Dad know nothing about there his side of the family came from [Bloody British Empire].
    Most people that were born here know little or even nothing about ANYWHERE ELSE. Yankees dominate even our SCHOOL BOOKS are Yankee Books.
    My Grandad Scott HATED Yanks. I just Don't like USA... Yanks seem nice enough people, but they are UN-CULTURE!!!! Karashians and Elvis Presly, Donald Trump!!! HAHAHA...
    , Boring Food, USA Dominant Culture AND EMPIRE [Culture??? HAHAHAHA]
    I am Canadian! Never talk about Aboriginal People, um, NO that genocide never happened, IT IS NOT IN YANKEE TV!!!!![And Canadian, our Books and Music is ALL OF IT, from the US Empire....... We never had slaves, we brag about that all the time: WE ARE NOT YANKS - So what are were? Don't know where were came from, Just like Yanks and Mexicans and Brazilians.....
  10. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    All of us are The Same, everyone needs the same stuff, eveyone fucks and eats and drinks, and dances.
    MY MUM is amazed by Her [our] story.
    My Dad is a drunken gambler, a GOLFER, a moron [sorry, but he is]. MUM has some, a little, CULTURE, Dad is a savage.
    PEACE, we are ALL in this together
    HU Mans
  11. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am old, near The End. When I am gone, even MY SON won't know a THING about me. HIS mum is a savage, an ignorant brute, she thinks The World Started when the Hollywood made the first TV ... SO I will be forgotten, I like it that way!!! My son is JUST LIKE HIS MUM; Stupid, a brute, BUT I NEVER SAY THAT OUT LOUD!!!!!
  12. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I dare not say, Want to Got Eat At The Restaurant, have some weird Soup and Duck [NOBODY here eats duck...I think that is from Northern China, NOT The South. Mum doesn't give a fuck, she says THEY ARE ALL CHINESE, CHINKS!!!] MUM, That is Chinese [from one of fifty cultures of people that live there!!!!], what are you saying? Want some of this, IT IS CHINESE!!!! and she said, NO, THAT IS FROM CALIFORNIA, really, she thinks that cooing comes from California.... {GET OFF THAT TV!!!!!!!}
    I said Ignorant Brutes and I MEANT IT!
    I am ignorant too, but I don't know what I am ignorant of or about.
  13. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I KNow That Song!

    I am SO sorry, it was a WOT What I wrote and then have just deleted, was about a Boxer I used to know, and how he suffered and His Brother and his Mum suffered too!!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
  14. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    @ frog
    You know the Romanian politics in greater detail than I know the Polish one.
    Indeed, the killing of Ceausescu was cruel, but at that time most people didn't feel like that. After so much time, people have changed their views and the memory of how they felt at that time. But I remember the reactions back then very clearly. During the days of the revolution, people were imagining all sorts of punishments for Ceausescu. A lady neighbour wanted him to be tied and all the children in the country pass by and stab him with a knife. Now, saying it was a revolution, makes most people protest "oh no, it was a coup d'etat, not a revolution".
    In fact it was both, with people protesting and getting shot in the streets and with Iliescu playing his dirty games in the backstage. I think that what people thought and wanted during those days is more important, and they felt that it was a revolution and behaved and thought accordingly. With gruesome thoughts like my lady neighbour's.

    The killing itself was ordered by Iliescu, in order to eliminate any possible dissent inside the army. It was a mock-up of a trial, of course, by any standard. Iliescu had used manipulation that resulted in the death of many civilians during the revolution. He ordered to be distributed weapons to revolutionaries, he ordered panic creating actions, like shootings against the crowds and blamed it on the "terrorists of Ceausescu" who were trying to stop the revolution.
    Much later, a penal action was opened for the killings during the revolution. But it was slowed down on purpose. During the last years it was reopened, but not much has happened. There's also a penal action against Iliescu for the violence he ordered in the 1990 against protesters who were demanding his resignation. Then he manipulated the coal miners who were brought by trains, from hundreds of kilometres away, to disperse the protesters. They beat people in Bucharest, some of them to death. He got away without a conviction until now. I hope he'll live long enough to see a sentence.

    Wow, I'll do my own tests. Indeed the industrial food is bad, it's the same here. Even with our EU laws, the most demanding ones in the solar system. Starting next year, we'll grow more of our vegetables and raise chicken, because we too are unsatisfied with the store food. But before 1990 the food here was really scarce, at least in the cities. The people in the countryside managed by growing their own food, although they had to hide some of it. Also, stealing food from the state or the collective was also a possibility. For example they raised their own pigs with grains stolen from the state, because the arable land was in the collective.
    The problem, before 1990 , was that food was very scarce and most people felt that they didn't have enough food. Both meat and vegetables. Most of the time, during the 80's, the food stores were empty or were filled with some inedible vegetable preserves.

    The romanian commies also bought a Pepsi licence, but the things were so bad that they didn't even manage to produce and distribute it sufficiently. I was living on the seaside, and occasionally, during summer, you could find Pepsi in stores or restaurants in very small supplies. Imagine the stocks running off in 30 minutes. It was absent in most of the country.

    Meat wasn't rationed here, because rationing would have meant supplying it :)) It was simply absent for most of the time. Whenever the meat truck came to the store, one could hear the screaming in any neighborhood : "A venit carnea! (The meat has arrived!)". Then huge queues would form, and some of the time one had to fight their way to the meat. All the time the supply was insufficient, so one could wait in queue for hours and still go home empty handed. The same happened with all sorts of food, even potatoes and watermellons!
  15. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Cool ethnic music in the posts above

    This is one sort of Romanian blues - it's actually played like this in natural settings, especially in the countryside
    The title of the vid is in French and Croatian(?), but the words are in Romanian
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2020
    hezzey likes this.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    About the plague here: they closed the schools, finally, after they held the local elections.
    The things are bad. A lot of deaths. The health system is overwhelmed.
    The fucking bastard politicians pretend they're taking action, but they're not doing much. They're just quarreling again, because the parliamentary elections are coming next month.
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    My first thought is to do the opposite, whenever being lectured or ordered by any authority. Really. It's the consequence of growing up during a dictature.
  18. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Hang in there.
    The whole human civilisation is doing all we can, mistakes and successes screw-ups, [Good thing this virus is, in this form going after only some demographic groups... I mean, even though we are ALL in a sort of At-WAR state, I mean that Some People are still living and feeling good and there is still SOME people to do what we need to do, like Crops, Manufacturing, research/technology...
    I mean, we are still here.
    Need Crops, need to support the making of those crops, need to move food and information and manufacturing around, rearrange it... Even a simple Production facility, say the make Hair Care appliances, they have to redesign and rebuilt all the tools, Redo The Supply Chain of everything...., all the workstation, welding machine, everything has to be re-done.
    We are gonna keep busy MAKE and MOVE GOODS, INFORMATION, AND PEOPLE. Keep that up, We have to, do or die.... Microbes are a really big deal and have been since human memory.
    Ar war to end wars???? interesting, scary....
  19. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    My first want is to say or do, NO, I refuse!
    i have done that plenty of times.
    I am now a multiple heart attack shuffling bent old man frail... I could last about 30 seconds in a emergency, requiring frantic activity... About 30 seconds, like a regular guy in Survival Mode!

    I have never been confronted by Giant Horses with cops on them... tear gas and rubber bullets, disappearing ....
    Mu urge or need to be strong, tough, resistant, defiant.. to fight back...... or to SUBMIT hope to authority.... to hope, in God's name, like a [ray, OH PLEASE SAVE ME!!!
    I mean that ONE you claim your rights, and refuse to co-operate, if The Horseman form a line and come toward you.... or Big Men In Body Armour tell you to lay on the ground, do you resist? I do not have that scenario rehearsed.... it is unimaginable, horrible when it happens.
    I do not know what I would do if I was commanded to Get On The Ground, lay on your face, arms outward! NOW!
    Holy Crap that is very frightening, and I do NOT have any sanding orders for that sort of thing, no muscle memory even.... IF I was stepped on by a bunch of cops, would I fight or flee. My Fucking God!
  20. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018