I think that smartphone filming is OK, but in that case the corruptioneer is aware about filming and will not talk about illegal things (that he intended to talk without camera's eye). The goal of using spy/hidden cameras is in target's unawareness about filming themselves. I've heard that our lawers reject such videos due to the break of person's private life... aha... private life of corruptioneer in the office ... what a non-sense! but that's the way our shit happens. that's disgusting.
Hey, we speak PART stupid here. I almost want to start fights evey time a Yank calls his nation America. Even some Canadians do. You said Romans, above?
fries potatoes under ketchup? good, but taste depends on species. in our country, the main combination is: flour dough (flour, eggs, water, salt), meat (ham, pork, lamb), onion, black pepper -- there it could be formed in "pelmeni" (dumplings), manty, beshbarmak (five-finger-eated food), lagman (potatoe and carrot added) ... also, very good is the "plov" - rice, meat, carrot, onion, pepper, garlic, species.
Yes, put simply, Romanians live in Romania. Roma are not Romanians, ethnically. They are still an indo-european population, but their origin is India. In Europe, they were slaves throughout the middle ages ant well into the 19'th century. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romani_people Of course there are Romani (gipsy) people everywhere, and many of them are in Romania. But the names have different origins. Many Romanians get offended when mistaken for Romani (gipsies), but they're a bunch of asses.
I demand privacy when I am having a crap and if I am stealing. I understand. I WANT to be seen and watched when I am being attacked. Witnessed! I want to be in privacy when I am crapping. One day it won't matter. My Grandfather used to say Life is a bitch and then you die
English has some Latin words (though many of them via French), but the English itself is Germanic, its grammar and everything. But it's easy to learn it, due to the huge number of French imports in English, those words that became international (like "international" itself ).
I'll try to cook that. You also eat a lot of buckwheat, right? Here it was eaten in the past, but not anymore. I sometimes cook it and it tastes great.
lol, i've read about Huggis just now since i've been a 5y.o. child, i tasted almost all parts of ham/pork/lamb bodies, except genitals a lot of variants of animal's stomach and guts filled with meat, vegetables, groats, been prepared through cooking and roasting in oven - were on my table and all of that were delicious
My Sister married a Romanii [spelling?] I met his family, lots. Interesting he, my sister's man was a thief, if there was something able to be stolen, he would come by. he said, THAT is a stereotype, about thieving. Maybe it is. BUT Rob was a thief, and still is. I don't think it was becuase he is a Jipsy. I think it is just becuase he is a thieving ass-hole [Brother in-law, sure, I was allowed and expected to hate him. HAHA. His mom and sisters never read palms or stuff like that. ...] . Their cooking, at holidays, was terrific. he told me Don't Touch MY Sisters. I didn't say that to him, and he was fucking MY sister. That is in the past, I think he is stealing Really Important Stuff now, in Quebec. Smartest guy I ever knew. Could fix ANYTHING. So could his dad. And steal things too.
Gipsy culture is very strong on maiden's purity. imho, he meaned "dont touch my sister before marriness" If gipsy girl (they start sexual life very eraly, in 13-14) became deflorated not by her first husband - ALL of her family will be ashamed and thus then she will be punished very hardly for that (by brother, by father and mother).
Rob's sisters were all young when I knew them. I went steeling with him, and Chrissy [My sister]. I was not steeling becuase I was this or that culture. I was a thieving bastard too, part Scottish, part Belorussian, part English and another part English. Theivng bastards everywhere, in all lands and cultures!!!!!
My sisters were fucking at sucking when they were young and I tried to defend them a couple times and then I found out that was futile. ALL my sisters suffered in life, saw tragedies and did woman stuff, had kids, made house payments. They stopped being Princesses as soon as they could. NOW ya should see em, OMFG. Everyone suffers, and prospers I have read why Sisters, lttle girls, Big Girls were [are] 'Treasured' and I understand. There is another VERY SPECIAL nation of people who hold Girls and women in high esteem. I think there are historical reasons for that. Avoiding Genocide.....! I think that had a LOT to do with the elevation of women and girls. In the end, we all get wrinkly and bitchy and we suffer, eveyone. I have been told, you are lucky you are a guy. YUP, I think I am.
If I had to live life like my Three sisters, I would have broken, like a twig. Same with my mum. A man can pack his stuff and get the fuck out of here. Women have different responsibilities and HOLY CRAP. NOW all my sisters are regular Old Chicks, Mom is even older and ME? I went camping and fishing and sometimes steeling. And did a A LOT of running away. Mothers usually cannot get away. I understand. My dad is an old fraud, lives in the same town, I can't stand him. he can't stand me. We both understand.My dad ran away from 6 children. I didn't do that. I only messed up one woman, and left her desperate. She says she forgave me. I don't believe it. And now I have 7 Nieces. HOLY CRAP, 7??????? My son, is keeping his pecker in his pants, he says.
All my nieces have, [I forget how many] children. ALL of them are BOYS. Little Boys. 5? 6? Mom and dad both told me BOYS are easier to raise up to adulthood than girls. Life is a bitch and then you die.
WEIRD FOOD: Someone invented sausage and that was a way go get us to eat some stuff we did not even know we were eating. I think Crabs and Prawns and Shrimp are BUGS. Cheese is disgusting...... [no, not really] OF fuck, I am hungry now.......
Weird food: Here we make a soup from cow stomach, it's very tasty and nutritious. It's a great food when having a hangover. One adds pepper, vinegar, garlic and milk cream to it. It's eaten with chili peppers. Something similar is made also in Turkey, they also eat it in the morning.
LOL, I ate pig's balls when i was a kid without knowing what they were. They were very good. Once, when I was a kid, I was on vacation in the countryside. A kid from there shouted at me, from the door of his home, if I wanted some bull's balls. I swore back at him and left. As an adult, I realised he was inviting me to have lunch at his home.
We, and the Britons, eat stomachs in soup too. The Polish term for that is "flaki" (literally "guts"), the English one is "tripe". Britons have them with onions, we prepare them with beef, marjoram and sweet paprika. Flaki are so traditional, that you can expect them at every wedding reception (although chicken soup or something like that is usually offered as an alternative to those "more sensitive"). Moreover - I am deeply convinced they're quite common all around the world. As far as balls (pig or bovine) - we eat them too (the term is "cynaderki" here), but that is not a common dish. Another one, I really enjoy on my drinking nights out, is beef tartare (or steak tartare if you prefer it this way) - in other countries you can only get it in posh restaurants, while in Poland it is a common appetizer, served in a very large number of places (you can even buy raw minced beef at a supermarket, specially tested to be eaten raw).