
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -frog-, Mar 13, 2020.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    [I lost my password and had to renew it, or chose another User-Name [No fuckin way!!], or choose and select Low-Rez All The Fire Hydrants in a 'I am not a robot' thing. FUCK it was agonising, I have not had my coffee yet].
    I heard, long ago, that we eat all the parts of a cow. I bet not, but MOST parts. A cheapo Landlady of mine, when I was a boarder at a rooming House, left the refrigerator unlocked and I had a look inside the freezer and holy shit, there was a BAG OF OFFAL, there were eyes and balls of [what was that? A hog pancreas maybe???, a bunch of stuff.... GUTS] in it. About a KG of frozen guts] I tossed it out.
    That Old Lady was furious and nobody would say a word about who did that. I didn't say either. I left that place on my next pay-day.
    In Canada, if stuff, and stuff, in a food is a secret, that is called Food Tampering and it is a criminal offence. Is Poisoning, I red about it, it is just a NewSpeak word for Poisoning, even if it is NOT poison.......] I don't care, offence or not, I had to get the fuck out of there, and I did. I was thinking, where did that other guy go, that had disappeared, left, no notice, nothing, left all his stuff in the room.
    Did that mean/cheap old lady feed that guy to us?????
    I was 17 and ignorant, a Stupid Teen-ager.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  2. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I bet that Old Lady wanted someone to admit finding that, to say, it. Nobody said anything. And that old lady did NOT say, and nobody else did. One time [period of time]I used to know a Huge and Corrupt man who used to stink really bad sometimes, it was un-believable. And again and again that guy smelled like that. That was round the time about 50 women and girls disappeared from a lonely road up north. Some body parts were found on a Near-by farm, chunks ground into Landfill, Teeth, hair, pieces of bone, RCMP and the courts charged someone And that guy is in Prison. Convicted and jailed for life, for a FEW killings. NOT 50.
    I am sure I have been close to SOME killers.
    I won't say a fucking thing, to anyone. Oh, here?
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2020
  3. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    The guy in prison was NOT the same guy, but they are BOTH farmers, and they BOTH knew each other. BOTH had Machines that grind up stuff. AND piles of dirt in the fields, One farm was torn apart by the RCMP, who were gathering evidence.......... . I am sort of scared, as that guy and much of his family are still here, on planet earth. I see some people associated with that guy. This is a land full of Small Towns.
    And this place is almost as BIG as Russia, or the USA, it is REALLY big, and lots of lakes and bushes, We all know about People Missing While On A fishing Trip. Tat is almost a saying, in Canada. Be careful, don't go fishing and don't travel alone and stuff like that.
    My Mum says, you are imaging it all, I sure hope so!!!!!!
  4. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Here we were shaken by the case of a girl killer last year, the guy was arrested but the last girl wasn't saved, because the police didn't want to break into his home. Then more stories begun to emerge, with cops being involved in the kidnapping and trading of girls. Unfortunately none of them is prosecuted until something bad shows up in the media.
  5. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I think in some lands, and most, humanity is going to embrace food laws, and taboos. The Wet Markets in Wuhan, in PRC [China] were announced, to the whole world. BUT much of the world of mankind, IS AN ASS. I have not been inside a buss or train since December. Her, in my land people spit and cough their mucous into the air, and most don't even think about that. Balls and Lungs may taste really good, but we all have to start cooking food, boiling it. It don't matter what some culture likes to do and doesn't like to do, we can no longer eat hanging dead bats and bugs and molluscs sitting in buckets, drowning in their own piss, that cannot continue.
    I am sure, I would bet money, that some food I like is nauseating to some people, in some lands.I think I have eaten some shellfish that was not cooked, It was long ago, but it was a Tidal Mollusc, and NOT cooked, and sat out on a shelf, a oyster. Lots of them. That has to stop and it doesn't matter how superb it tasted.Cheese infested with lice?????? Oh, maybe that is just dandy to someone from Brittany, but that just cannot be done any more, it is filthy or potentially filthy [like dead chicken left out, in a few minutes or an hour it become deadly....,. We need to change our behaviours, the opposite of heard immunity is plague.I am not lecturing anyone, I have ate stuff that could be very very bad for other humans, or me. I do NOT pick my nose and flick my boogers any more.
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    OK, we had 889 new cases during the last 24 hours. The intensive therapy units are full.

    I see that in Spain they're taking measures in certain areas again. They're also pissed off at the barbarian tourists who disregard any precaution.
    The Greeks are welcoming tourists too, but they're oscillating between fear and loss of income. They're turning on and off the road border access points. I've got friends who left for Greece, madly courageous. They're hoping to isolate on the islands there, them and thousands (tens of thousands?) others.
    I was able to smell the match and the cigarette smoke of a guy smoking on a jetty 200 metres away, while I was swimming. How the hell can you isolate?
  7. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Sorry my editing, I have not finished my Coffee and cigarette yet so I cannot think, or make plans.
    I don't know how to life by snatching wild rice from a canoe, preserve any squirrels and bugs I find.
    Living in a camp .... where are Eyeglasses and new boots going to come from?
    I think to the The Bush, once all the rich people start to go live in camps and paddle around in canoes, they will take over everything .... and when they run out of all their gold, then they will be hunted and killed and eaten We ae facing the End of homined civilisation. this has happened before.....It won't come to pass in-between the TV ads, there will be NO editing of sneaky bullshit Hollywood catastrophes.... Revolutions are agonising, drawn out and what are we gonna do once all the fancy shit become rare and eventually all disappear...... can 8 billion be hunter gatherers?
    What are they gonna do? The rich and mighty? get in Elon's. Space ship?
    And that won't be practical once the Gold is all spent [Copper counterfeit gold????]
    Oh, I fear that snow-mobiles won't work once the fuel stops being made.....
    I think that Some Great Philosopher said that we could thrive if there were 500 million [or was the 5 million????] Living the Palaeolithic life [Neolithic? I forget]. Wandering groups, hunting for bugs, and other tribes snatch crops, then one day, POOF, forget how to make fire [foget over thousnads of years, maintain irrigation, rotate crops. Store dried bugs, ward-off rats......
    Burn ALL the forests and then suffer a ecological disaster?
    I think The Wize Man wanted to say, 7 fertile hominid females and males to mate with..... and dance around fires eat each other... fuck one of those 7 females...... Eat bugs, until the bugs dissapear....
    I need some more coffee and eyeglass and needles and thread and fish-hooks, salt..... Insulin. ... ... ...
    Too much to think about.
    Mum says Just Igonre it!!
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2020
  8. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Sorry Ads are taking over Youtube now, I wanted to show music video but Youtbe might have deleted this song

    When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around - Artist Pollce
  9. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    It's still 200-350 a day here (which for a country of 37 million natives and over 1 million cheap labour force is not that bad).
    Still largely isolated pockets, and not scattered cases.
    The discipline and social distancing went bust though.
    People still cover their faces in stores, buses, public buildings, but that's it.
    I work in midtown, and commute either by car or bicycle.
    It was raining on Friday morning, so I took a cab (Frau wanted to take the car - and we had just one for the last 5 or 6 years, since we wanted to reduce our "carbon footprint" and sold the second one). Went back walking (since the weather has improved), and took a detour through the old city (the oldest traces of a town in Lublin date back to the 6th century AD, the oldest historic monuments to the 11th century - so it's a tourist location too).
    You should have seen that!
    Swarming crowds!
    Every table in every pub full...
    Restaurants full...
    Asians taking pictures (as they always do), Britons being loud (as they always are), Germans, Jews, Russians, and Poles, swarms of Poles with different accents... Silesians, those from the land of potato (Greater Poland), and those with the overly soft accent (Podlasie).

    I haven't seen the old city for some time now, and I am shattered.
    It was only 3 weeks today, that first flights were restored at our local airport (we have a tiny airport here, serving just a dozen or so flights a day - apart from 2 flights to Warsaw - the shortest line there is in Poland - just 160kms/20 minutes flight time - to UK, Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Croatia, Greece, Turkey and Israel only). Now imagine what goes on in Cracow, a popular destination with more than 10 times the number of airline connections.
  10. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    We're having 1200+ cases a day now.
    Old friends, smart people, whom I haven't seen for months, invited me out for a beer. They're so relaxed, it's kind of shocking.
    Thanks, but I don't do crowds.

    Some european countries have closed their borders to romanians and bulgarians, well, people coming from these countries.
    I don't even know how you can tell the where someone's coming from now, except when flying. I'm sure there's a lot of lying at the road border points.
  11. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    There was a book written by a science-fiction writer named Philip K Dick and in that book described a society of thousands or millions of people that were alone in bubbles drifting around in space with life support and food and no company other than on the screen..
    I think there were augmented reality and drugs so that each inhabitant of each bubble would populate their minds with imagination and crazy shit too I don’t remember much about them maybe I’ll read it again but I sure do remember the situation that those thousands or millions of people were in.....

    PS Philip K Dick was a wonderful writer but he was mad as a Hatter and his syntax and timing in his books showed The affects of too much meth and way too many psych pills too
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
    vasco likes this.
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Oh, that would be a good idea right now.

    Whenever I go to the countryside, in a village where the yards are large, like 5k square metres and bigger, I see how neighbours are sometimes talking from distances of more than 10 metres. Not because of covid, but because there's nobody else around. One can even share secrets from that distance.
  13. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I did what I could to ensure Don't even think about dumping me into the ground.
    I hung around The Farm. For too long. No hints, no story to tell!
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2020
  14. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I do not think Phill Dick hired the right [fuckheads] to proof-read his writing....
    Most, or all of his works are Skippy and Jumpy, not properly edited.
    I know a bit about his life and life-style.
    OH FUCK. I am glad I was not him.
    I do believe Dick was nuts and indeed, he asked the wrong people for help or advice and he was drugged so badly, by Murika's Pill-Pusher Industry [a combine], that he got even more insane than wasn't any good for him. Stay away from drugs, especially the ones handed out by The Quacks!!!!
    I feel so bad having learned about him...
    SO what?: He fucked a lot of women. Who zapped him???????
    he smoked a lot of meth too, gulped Upper and Downers....... screwed around with the Evil Psychiatry.
    He wasn't just nuts, he was driven nuts!
  15. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    It reminded me of this nice little song

  16. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    That was funny.

    Hey do you know why I look like the picture of me?
    It is urban camouflage....
    Sometimes people offer me loose change
  17. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    Sometimes authority figures miss judge-me and make mistakes and it is a great pleasure shocking them by demonstrating my excellent janitorial skills
  18. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I don’t even have to look for a place to Pee!
    I just let it go whenever I want
    vasco likes this.
  19. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I look very similar to you, only most my hairs are still dark.

    Some mistake me too for all sorts of things. The funniest thing is when I'm taken for a priest. Some of the regular priests here and all of the higher ones have long hair and beards.
    I'm sometimes greeted with "Saru'mana, parinte", loosely meaning " I kiss your hand, father". I always answer to that in a comforting manner :D
    (and no, it doesn't sound exactly like the name Saruman, tho we have fun about that too)

    During the time when i lived near the regional headquarters of the church, where a lot of the higher church nomenclature used to hang around, I was always looked at intensely by them when passing in my car. "Is he a brother or a hippie?" seemed to inquire their faces, set on the false friendliness mode. I sometimes gave them the finger, fucking fascists.
  20. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I am seldom mistaken for a Priest. I saw my son once, after I had not seen him for 6 months....
    He didn't recognise me.
    A grubby looking old man calling him Shrimpies.
    Scared the shit out of him.
    He said you look different Dad.
    I said to him, I don't recognise my dad sometimes, it is okay, don't feel bad.
    I thought you are a stupid kid still, is you wife even fatter??? Nice car.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2020