Production Update 1.16

Discussion in 'WWII Online' started by Igor, Aug 27, 2004.

  1. VAHO

    VAHO Active Member

    Sep 14, 2003
    Valentin74 спасибо за подробное описание новшеств в 1.16:)но с англиским я думаю не только у меня херого ,так что если кто сможет плиз по русски самую суть и самое главное.
  2. andrei

    andrei Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2000
    Карта двигается и увеличивается/уменьшается для чего жми ctrl-c
    Мосты взрывать/ремонтировать
  3. Igor

    Igor Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2002
    St.-Petersburg, Russia

    Ну не успел чуток :)

    Version 09-07-04

    CTD Fixes:
    - Пофиксен КТД для больших дистанций (возникал при воздушных или морских миссиях на большие расстояния)
    - Пофиксен "supercell hash adjust" CTD (?)
    - и некоторые другие

    - Пехотные ранцы теперь могут быть использованы для разрушения мостов (см. ниже «Мосты как цели»)
    - Добавлены 4 ремкомплекта для мостов в каждый вариант снаряжения для сапёра (их что несколько?)
    - Добавлен структурный модификатор в ранцевую взрывчатку для увеличения эффективности против мостов
    - Подправлен контур пехотинца (infantry collider) чтобы уменьшить в новых зданиях неправильное отсечение (to reduce clipping in new buildings). Вроде так?
    - Подправлен контур пехотинца для улучшения взаимодействий с наклонами.
    - Пехотинец на мосту в момент взрыва погибает.
    - Пехотинец на мосту в момент восстановления оказывается НА мосту.
    Взятие пехотинцем оружия на изготовку (deploy) гарантированно отключает «автобег»

    - Добавлены эффекты отдачи пушки Hispano 20mm для Bell14A
    - Исправлен положение звука двигателя MkIV Vickers
    - Подправлены вес и инерция MkIV Vickers
    - Добавлены недостающие системы масла и охлаждения, что вызывало при повреждении активацию дымов/огня
    - Баллистика 5-ти дюймовых морских орудий приведена в соответствие историческому весу

    -Добавлены новые офисные здания (захватываемые не военные строения)
    -Добавлены новые строения «бельгийская деревня»
    -Добавлена маленькая церковь
    -Добавлена противокорабельная дамба в устье реки
    -Добавлены уничтожимые мосты
    -Взорванный мост автоматически восстанавливается за 36 часов
    -Все мосты именованы в соответствии с требованиями проекта
    -Исправлено много ландшафтных аномалий
    -Исправлен «бермудский треугольник» Seclin/Douai/Lens
    -Исправлены все известные баги с владением Депо/ФБ/Спаун
    -Исправлен баг, при котором корабли не могли пересечь линии ячеек (cell lines)
    -Добавлена связь снабжения между Bievre и Bertrix
    -Убраны наземные клуттеры для некоторых речных элементов
    -Добавлены некоторые пропущенные мультитекстуры

    -Используйте ".objectives" (или ".ob") чтобы посмотреть текущие цели вашей стороны (<+> = оборонять цель, >< = атаковать цель, [...] = отменено)
    -Добавлено .attack для НС
    -Выбор моста и команда «.attack» сформирует приказ на атаку моста
    -То же но с командой «.defend» приказ на оборону моста
    -Любой клик мыши не в чате отменит текущую цель команды «.attack» (?)
    (Any non-chat mouse-click will cancel the current .attack command target)
    -Один запрос на СР/мост на игрока
    -Запросы объявляются на канале HQ
    -Подтверждение требует X запросов за Y минут (см. ниже «Мосты как цели» про X и Y)
    -Подтверждение объявляется на 'SIDE:' канале
    -Поставленные цели не имеют сроков исполнения
    -Используйте команду ".clear" для запроса на отмену поставленной цели.
    -После подтверждения включается таймер, чтобы народ выполняющий миссию узнал об этом
    -Мосты являющиеся атакуемым объектом имеют уникальную икону
    -То же для охраняемых мостов
    -Автовосстановление моста происходит за 36 часов

    Модальный курсор в режиме игры:
    -По умолчанию ? выключен
    -Ctrl+C включает и выключает курсор
    -Когда курсор активен фокус ввода мыши будет передаваться UI элементам
    -Когда курсор активен мышь не будет управлять аватаром.
    -Это изменение будет расширено при добавлении других UI элементов

    -Добавлена новая внутриигровая карта
    -Добавлена фильтрация Строений по типу
    -Добавлена легенда
    -Добавлена элемент для скроллинга карты
    -Добавлена возможность «центрирования» карты на аватаре
    -Добавлена новая стрелка индикации направления
    -Добавлен новый индикатор 1км радиуса
    -Добавлены иконы для мостов и их целей (Гражданские объекты)
    -Добавлена возможность выбора СР (города) или строения (приклеить имя)(?)
    -Added mouse over names for CPs and Facilities ? возможно всплывающая подсказка при наведении курсора на название СР или строения
    -Добавлены индикаторы широты долготы
    -Добавлена возможность перетаскивать карту мышью
    -Добавлено масштабирование карты
    -Добавлено запоминание масштаба карты
    -Добавлены видимые точки «откуда» и «куда»
    -Во внутриигровую карту добавлено EWS (что это??)
    -Внутриигровая карта ограничена

    EWS: (хм? что-то типа Enemy Warning что-то) Индикатор наличия противника
    -Заменена серверная EWS система
    -EWS тревога прекращается через 8 мин. (EWS alerts now time out after 8 minutes) (вроде так?)
    -EWS тревога для диспаунившегося игрока прекращается через 2-4 мин.
    -EWS тревога одна на игрока на город
    -Добавлена возможность многоуровневой EWS (пока не поддерживается на клиенте)
    -Уменьшено количество «шума» создаваемого EWS

    -Сделана начальная реализация внутриигровой карты
    -Исправлено несколько багов с экипажем (multi crew)
    -Реализован более эффективный кэш звуков
    -Команда ".m" в Тренинге работает на обе стороны
    -Команда ".who" сделана более гибкой для Тренинга
    -Всякие внутренние оптимизации
    -Исправлен баг с командой ".who", который мог уронить сервер
    -Исправлена дистанция отображения тумана f4
    -Исправлен баг, когда фугас (НЕ) мог взорваться внутри а не снаружи здания
    -Подправлена система обновлений для лучшего отображения повреждений на дистанции
    -Мосты вкл/выкл кнопкой «Гражданские» на разных картах
    -Курсор мыши по умолчанию выключен при спауне
    -Комбинация «Ctrl-C» теперь переключает фокус ввода между игрой и UI элементами
    -Во втором режиме курсор ? видимый
    -Убрана опция "Disable cursor at spawn" из settings.exe
    -Fix for Supercell Hash Adjust Failure (CTD)
    -Обновлены клаттеры и шейдеры деревьев
    -Локализованы многие текстовые сообщения (хм?)
    -Исправлен баг с несозданием ww2exit.log
    -Если кликнуть на СР на любой карте и набрать ".own" или ".fbs" будет показана информация по этому СР

    General Host:
    -Приведена в порядок передача флагов владения, состояния и статуса СР
    -Улучшена передача данных о повреждениях
    -Исправлена проблема, вызывающая задержку в автоматическом РДП
    -Исправлено «locking issue surrounding near-simultaneous RDP for different countries» :-/
    -Исправлена проблема с рестартом на хосте, который приводил к тому, что только что захваченный город имел дефолтовый список оборудования
    -Исправлен баг с мульти-крюшной техникой, могла не получать обновления о себе
    -Исправлен баг, приводящий к потере прицепного.
    -Исправлен баг, который мог вызвать рестарт чат-хоста
    -Что-то подкручено с транспортом, который часто показывал людей не находящихся в нём.

    Мосты как цели

    -Минимальное число запросов требуемых для размещения цели = 2
    -Временной интервал для накопления запросов = 12 мин
    -Базовое количество целей-мостов на сторону = 6
    -Временная задержка прежде чем удалится cleared objective = 15 мин
    -Автовосстановление мостов = 36

    -Вы должны быть high commanderом чтобы разместить приказ на снос или восстановление моста
    -Каждая сторона ограничена шестью одновременными приказами
    -Количество приказов на сторону может увеличиваться с ростом числа игроков
    -Максимальное количество одновременных приказов на мосты ? 8-10
    -Запросы на цель собираются 12 мин
    -2 запроса должны быть поданы в этот интервал, чтобы разместить приказ
    -Используйте ".clear" для удаления запроса на размещение приказа (например, для того чтобы разместить новый)
    -После подтверждения "clear" объявляется на канале вашей стороны
    -После подтверждения "clear" выполняется через 15 мин
    -Все игроки могут выполнять команду ".objectives" (или .ob) для получения списка текущих целей.
    -Все мосты на картах имеют иконки

    Размещение приказов на уничтожение или ремонт моста (для ХЦ)
    -Перейти в карту театра военных действий
    -Убедиться, что на карте показываются «гражданские» объекты
    -Левым кликом выделить икону моста
    -Нажать энтер и в буфере набить команду .attack или .defend
    -Левый клик или посылка сообщения в буфер снимает выделение цели

    -Мосты нельзя повредить пока не размещён приказ на уничтожение
    -Мост автоматически восстановится через 36 часов
    -Мост нельзя починить, пока не размещён приказ на ремонт
  4. Vitali

    Vitali Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
    V1.17 Attack Objectives

    Last week I hinted about some of the features we currently have in Dev. The feature with the biggest impact on the game will be attack objectives so I?d like to go over that primarily this week. There are two features which will tie in with this feature, namely Mission Only Spawning and a revamp to the Missions button in game to show Objectives.

    Objectives are part and parcel of Brigade based Deployment. Fallback locations, Attack Objectives, Defense Objectives, Air Support Objectives and many others form the basis for a brigade to lay plans. These objectives then become the starting point for player created missions. While much of this is still in the future, the next installment is being readied for release.

    Attack objectives are designed to concentrate forces on the front. The first implementation of them will be different then their workings under brigade based deployment but the basics of the feature will be the same. Attack objectives designate the area that your side is intending to capture next. Under deployment this objective would be the Capture Objective, meaning that we intend to occupy this objective, thus advancing our Brigade unit and supply chains to this point. I make the distinction so that you will know that what are now attack objectives will change to capture objectives once we have removed global spawning by implementing ToEs and then Brigades. There are certainly still a few gray areas on the horizon with the system and we want to gauge the impact of these features one step at a time. Another major change under Brigade Deployment will be the Defense Objective. Brigades will always have at least a Defense Objective placed on themselves to facilitate mission play. Since we currently operate under global spawning, we operate as if there were a Brigade at every CP on the front, and a reserve unit at every non front town. In order to achieve the combat and map shrinkage that Attack Objectives offer, we are making automated Defense Objectives at towns where Attack objectives are placed. While there are concerns about this, we believe that it is in the best interest of gameplay to do this at this time. One of the major issues we are attempting to address is the ability, under global spawning to have teleporting armies and more to the point, unprepared defenses. We?re not looking for bunker duty here, were looking to simulate an attack on a prepared defense. Under Brigade spawning of course, when there is not a Brigade at every town, this will change dramatically and maneuver warfare will allow for avoidance and cut off tactics to a much greater degree. Well that?s enough rambling eh? Let?s get to the details.

    Attack Objectives

    Rules for Attack Objectives
    - Capture Objectives may only be placed on frontline towns
    - Capture Objectives may only be placed on towns owned by the enemy side
    - Once a Capture Objective is placed it initiates the initial table build timer
    - A town without a Capture Objective may not be captured
    - If a capture Objective is manually withdrawn, the CP will revert to the original owner
    - There is a limit, based on population for the number of Capture Objectives that may be placed
    - This limit is separate from the limits on bridge attack objectives
    - Defense objectives placed automatically against Capture objectives
    o Automatic defense objectives cannot be manually withdrawn
    o Automatic defense objectives are not drawn from objective pool
    - Defense objectives are only manually allowed against bridges
    - When a capture objective is achieved the objectives on that CP are cleared
    - In order to initiate a counter attack the previous defender must place an attack objective on the previously held CP; this initiates the table build time
    - Attack objectives may be cleared manually by the Command
    o Multiple HC officers are required to confirm the clear objective command mush as they are required to place on
    o Once the clear has been initiated, all players on mission to that objective will receive chat messages that their objective has been withdrawn
    o Once the objective withdrawal time is complete, all facilities will be returned to the owner of the town
    o If the attacker achieves ownership during the withdrawal phase, the attack objective expires as it would if there were no with drawl
    o Attackers and Defenders are notified of the end of the Objective upon withdrawal or completion
    o Once the objective has been withdrawn, no captures may take place though warfare may continue
    - If town becomes non-front line and uncontested the objectives will be withdrawn

    - EWS will be changed to appear only once a threshold per vehicle type has been reached
    - This change to EWS will allow small recon teams more flexibility while giving defenders a more adequate read of the force they can expect to encounter

    - The initiating HC officer will be notified when they have requested an attack objective be placed
    - The HC channel will notify other commanders that a request has been made to place an attack objective and they may then attempt to confirm this objective, this also works for withdrawal
    - HQ messages:
    o Attack placement;
    o Defense placement;
    o Attack clear start;
    o Attack clear execution (disengagement);
    o Spam during attack start->execution;
    o Defense success (attack clear execution);
    o Attack success (existing message, change wording);
    o Defense failure (existing message, change wording);
    - HC notified on clear finalization (withdrawal);

    So then. Just how does all this play out? Below is a sample walkthrough of the attack and defend objectives and how they will affect the battlefield.

    Attack objective placed
    A commander on Side A requests an attack be made on Dinant. If there are available objectives to be placed, that request is out through to the command channel where it is ratified by the command staff. If there are no available attack objectives then another objective must be requested to be withdrawn and that command must be ratified. It takes a small amount of time for a withdrawn objective to be replaced, simulating brigade movement. Once this objective becomes available, it can be requested for placement again.

    This entails a high level of objective management on the part of the command staff. There may be times where you have more objectives placed than you are allotted to have. Since there is no automatic removal of attack objectives, commanders will need to constantly evaluate their state of readiness and forces so that they can not only react to the defense objectives being placed against them but also be ready to exploit targets for attack and counter attack.

    Once the attack objective is placed, an automatic defense objective is placed for the opposing force. Messages are then sent out on both HQ channels informing the players that there is a battle. Note that attack objectives do not initiate spawning and that carefully planned engagements may be made before the objectives are declared by the attacker. This is countered however by the timers for building tables in the CP in order to contest the town. This time allows the defense to establish a defense of this location or to move against pre-deployed forces in this location.

    Town Contested
    The next phase of the attack is to contest the town, paving the way for supply into town and the eventual capture of the military facilities which signal a move in supply to the CP. Once the town is contested, the military facilities begin to draw tables and are capturable at the end of this timer.
    The defender at this point may initiate any of his defensive objectives such as Hold at All Costs or Fallback. We have removed the necessity for Overrun commands to be established in order to execute a Fallback or Hold, though these remain as tools for the defenders to notify commanders of a situation that requires immediate attention.

    Control is Achieved by the Attacker
    If the achiever manages to gain control though attack or as the result of a fallback, the defenders incoming defensive firebases will become available for spawning. At this point, as in the live game, both sides will be spawning from outside the town from their respective FBs. This step also terminates any Fallback or Hold Objectives from the defender.

    Attacker Takes Ownership
    If the attacker is able to achieve complete ownership of the Cp then the battle has come to a close. The offensive FBs for the attacker close and his supply is rerouted to the new army bases in town and begins arriving over the next few hours. The objectives at this point automatically cancel and players are notified that the attack and defense are ended. This is an excellent time for a counter attack on the part of the recently defeated defenders as supply at the Cp may be low if the attackers have not manually reinforced.

    Other quirks can be happening as well as the defenders in the above case may well have placed attack objectives on the towns where the enemy was originating. These attacks may now be behind enemy lines and may be subject to withdrawal, or they may continue to be valid objectives. This is why it is important for command players to work with the tactical players to ensure that objectives are managed in such away as to exploit weaknesses and respond to the enemies moves.

    There are a lot of other interesting permutations to this plan that you can devise by spending some time with the map. I?m greatly looking forward to implementing these new objectives and prepping for he next big step in our plan for brigade deployment which is breaking global spawning and having materiel located in specific geographical locations, commonly known as ToEs.

    Next week I?d like to use this space for discussing Mission only Spawning as well as the new Objective listing that we are preparing to coincide with attack objectives. I also have a detailed plan for upcoming changes for area based chat. Until then I?m sure we are in store for a lively discussion of the attack objective features and I will be checking this post throughout next week to answer questions where I can. Take some time to review and think about the changes above and let us know what you think.

    In closing I have some great questions from the community that have been compiled by our community managers and forum mods.


    Q: Any plans in giving a timer for anti tank and anti aircraft weapons, such as a .fuse command?
    A: Most definitely. Actually we already wrote it but we had a little problem we didn?t foresee and it?s going to require a more dynamic system to be put in place. Right now we don?t really have a way of sending everyone else your custom setting for fusing. Well, at least not as efficiently as we?d like. That time may well be some way off but the feature is ready and waiting for that ability.

    Q: What type of algorithm is being used to build the terrain in unity2?
    A: We are using 90m digital elevation map data at present to create the base world. Algorithms for creating automated roads, rivers, coastlines and building plots are still being created. I guess the answer to the question could best be summed up by saying, lots of them.

    Q: Is there a rendering algorithm in Unity 2 to get the dense jungle like, foliage effect that can be seen in games like Far Cry that utilize Unreal Technology?
    A: Several changes to render are being pursued in conjunction with Terrain II to include object culling and better overall efficiency up to the render pipeline as well as a completely new render solution. I?m not sure how much jungle foliage will play a part in the decisions we make on how and where to spend triangles but we are looking at drastically increasing the number of triangles visible as well as advancing the texture technologies we have. A 30km view distance and a drastically increased terrain resolution will require a substantial jump forward for our render technology. Far Cry is a beautiful game there is no doubt but our needs are dramatically different for the engine. Far Cry isn?t remotely as big as say Antwerp for example and while the Unreal engine is great for Americas Army, they don?t do a lot of flying. That diversity which makes WWIIOL such a unique experience also requires that we prioritize differently. We don?t have the option to say design a level so that your view frustum always occludes to maximize performance; we have to make it good from 5 feet to 5000 feet. It's certainly one of the more challenging, and rewarding, to be honest, aspects of this game design.

    Q: Can you elaborate on the size of influence each HQ3 will have? Ground? Air? and Sea?
    A: One Cp link. Air and Sea are naturally treated as to be one link away from everything.

    Q: Do you have any info you can share with us on the Fw190 and the P38?
    A: None really. The P38 is coming along nicely but has yet to start texture work. The FW 190 has yet to be started. I?m still shooting for a 1.18 release time line for this plane set.

    Q: Can you let us know when we will be able to deploy a LMG on window sills in the buildings?
    A: That?s going to take some doing really. The current technology does not have the colliders to understand that you are on a window ledge and the models don?t yet have variable height crouching needed to support it. Deploying is also a strange term for it in that context as lying prone braced against a rapid fire window is not the same thing as placing the bipod of your weapon on a window sill and firing from a crouched position. It?s really a state that we are not ready to explore and is one that has a poor cost to benefit for us at this time.

    Q: Objective Commands are reported based on server population can you let us know if you will consider making objective placement based on HC officer population instead?
    A: No we will likely not do that. There are two reasons really. The primary reason is that Objectives exist to enable action for combatants. The more combatants you have the more objectives you need. The number of officers available has no bearing on the situation. The second answer is that brigade deployment says that there is only one level in the command staff that must be online 24-7. That level is the level at which objectives are managed. That level is the brigade level spot. Brigade commanders are the link between strategic planning and tactical action. The brigade commander places all tactical objectives for his brigade and in his absence one of his officers from the officer corps of mission posters is given temporary command of the brigade, thus ensuring that the brigade command spot is always occupied.

    Q: There has been much talk of an Instant Action button. Do you think it would be a good idea to let a player new to the game or just wanting instant action to click and be dropped in on an active mission?
    A: To be honest I?m not sure. I think that if we do deployment right, we essentially have this, or more to the point, we have accomplished what instant action wants to accomplish. Giving players a button which puts a rifle in their hand and drops them into the world is no where near enough to ensuring that the player has a quality experience with a group of people with which he can form a lasting bond of camaraderie. Instead I think that we should make it simple for a new player to find that group and that action, which is something we sincerely lack right now. We are working on that in earnest. Instant action has been discussed, and it does have merits, but until we can better ensure the experience that button will offer, meaning that we can choose the best mission and group that will deliver the experience we want to that player, then it is little more than a diversion from the tasks of making deployment great, as in the end, it attempts to accomplish basically the same thing.

    Q: Can you address the sound issue where buttoned up tanks can hear infantry crawling and walking up on them? Can you show us Infantry players some love?
    A: Something is screwy in the nuthouse on that one, most definitely. All crewed positions have data modifiers to the sound input levels that they receive. An audit may be in order there but my bet is that the data is good and that there is a code solution in the making. I?ll drop it on the ?check this out? list.

    Q: Will you give the infantry a ?Bridge out? sign or some barricades to place at newly destroyed bridges so our friends not paying attention don?t drive our tanks into the rivers?
    A: Ohhh Man! Is this one of my favorites? Well, not the bridge out sign so much, though it is good idea. But when I can give infantry (or other vehicles) things to place on the ground I will be one happy producer. Foxholes, revetments, tank traps, mines, command tents, mobile infantry and tank spawns, for that matter pup tents, chow halls, camo nets, command buildings, advanced custom facilities like airfields and mobile hospitals?.yeah bridge out signs could be cool to =]

    Игорь,не мог бы ты кратко написать что такое аттакс обьектив и прочее?елси время есть переведи пож.
  5. andrei

    andrei Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2000
    Я понял так:
    1. Захватить можно только то, на что дана директива(аттакс обьектив) HC(главное командование)
    2. для атаки spawn'ится можно только там где дана директива HC(главное командование) на атаку
    3. defence(защита) мисии образуются автоматически(можно spawnitsya)