How tha fuck should I know? It would be a wiser choice for him to learn Chinese by now, and not English.
Doesn't matter, really. Stop that fucking Putin, that's the only important thing. I'm watching Scotland-Switzerland. What a shitty game.
stop fuck your brain yourself! Putin (and all MID of RF) is the smartest and fairiest politician in the World now! i'm proud for him. but internally he does not so much good things as we wish to have.
He does good things externally, but not so much internally? You must be considering killing and destruction to be good things. Get off the vodka.
Польские военные заявили о российском воздушном шаре над страной На большом воздушном шаре Мандариновова цвета...
foreign affairs - good internal affairs - not so good (times), seems like he is cheated by ministries (but problem is deeper - in local laws, we need renew them) say that to Israel embassy or to any jews. say that to USA citizens that they were killing thousands all over the world. что, кишка тонка? ты ведь ссыкло - не скажешь им такого никогда. anekdot: - я-то завтра протрезвею, а вот ноги твои кривые уже не выровняются никогда.
They're not migrants, they are tourists visiting Belarus, using official tourist visas. Otherwise they should seek asylum already in Belarus - the Belarusian propaganda claims that it is the land of plenty, why should they strive to leave it in the first place? Anyway - Belarus should better watch their tourists trespassing the border zone! BTW - how's your "3-day special military operation" going 2 years, 4 months, 1 week and 1 day after it started? Half a million KIA, WIA and MIA the other side claims. Have you run out the "disposable nations from inferior republics" already, or must the brave Ukrainians strive to disable half a mil more?
That's correct. Idiots are everywhere. Our MFA said they were "in the wrong place, at the wrong time". BTW - how's your Kursk Oblast doing right now? I've heard the Ukrainian Leopards did, what Guderian's Tigers failed to do, so it seems that the Nazis were already defeated twice at Kursk. First in 1943, and now in 2024.
More news about the students in Nigeria - the Polish consul in Nigeria says that the students were detained on "unclear charges" and he believes some of these charges are "less than credible". But - back to the topic (which is the "refugee crisis") - how's RuSSia managing its internal refugees right now? Cause there are conflicting reports - the officials say it's all going according to the plan, while the refugees themselves claim, that they're left to themselves. Also noteworthy - there are 4 (say: "four") confirmed civilian casualties of the Ukrainian offensive in Russia, for the first 4 days of the invasion. There were thousands confirmed civilian victims of the first two days of the February'22 invasion of Ukraine. How does this compare?
In other news The Olimpiade has ended, with an extraordinary and very emotional closing ceremony that was available free on Eurosport's youtube channel. Here are three things Putin has managed to exclude Russia from: Olimpiade, Europa and youtube. Oh, and there was a Refugee team.
I know! They don't give a fuck, but they pretend they do. "With the proper ideology, anyone can become a monster", according to the practical philosophy shared by world's psychopath dictators.
Now the Ukrainians say they will secure corridors for the safe passage of refugees back to Russia. I wonder how many Russians will use them, and how many will opt to stay in the area occupied by Ukraine? Ukrainian forces reportedly brought artillery with them, so that's definitely not a short "publicity" raid, they plan to stay and defend what they've captured.
CAPTURED now they've lost their virginity. Stop help them - they are the same "aggressors" as Russia is
You've invaded a sovereign country, occupied its territories for 10 years, and now you cry like a sissy, because this country you've attacked 10 years ago finally got some of your land (just a little, tiny bit to be honest)? You're a pussy mcgru- That's war, and not a 3-day special military operation (day 903 thereof).
you're f'king lier - we've invaded in feb.2022. 2.5 years. 10 y.ago - there were 'wagners' - PMC, like blackwoters. they may do whatever wherever, if they can. so keep your f'king mouth shut on them. if you hear a cry - that's hundreds of whores in your head are fakely crying to you , not me i've just tried to correct your mind - stop help aggressors!