Refugee crisis

Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by -frog-, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    The most amazing thing is that some oil and LNG still flows from RU to EU countries. For me, that's one of the most important facts. I can try and consider the practical matters, such as existing legal contractual agreements and capital, but when anyone with half a brain looks at the overall situation, it's just absolutely bizarre. I'd say it defies *pure* reason. We are all idiots and nothing good will come of this war.

    It's really nothing new if one understands history -- these crazy concessions, compromises, etc., that don't correspond with the official positions. That may be the most depressing thing to understand after this is concluded.
  2. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    The natural gas no longer flows to Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria.
    Gazprom has cut us off yesterday, as we refused to pay in Rubles (the agreements were concluded in USD).
    Germany also refused to pay in Rubles, but they were not cut off.

    The other thing is - we will cope without Russcist gas - our governments spent the last decade trying to make us independent from Russcist supplies - and they've succeeded (there was a large LNG terminal constructed to import shale gas from US and LNG from Arab countries, we are also about to open a pipeline connecting us to the Norwegian gas fields in the North Sea). 1/3 of our demand is covered by our own sources.

    Germans spent the last 3 decades trying to get as dependent on Russian gas, as they only could.
    And they've also succeeded, admirably, in doing that.

    We've been cut off Russian gas, which would have been a disaster even in 2014... and the main comment in our media is "better now, than having to wait till December, when the contract was due to expire".
  3. Archer

    Archer Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 16, 1999
    They agreed to open an account in Gazprombank to convert Euro into Rubles. Austria did it as well.
    It's a "save face" way to pay in Rubles :)
  4. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Well - the demand to pay in Rubles was not justified itself, so they could have walked with their faces and pay to accounts designated in the contract - as Poland, Lithuania and Bulgaria did.
    "Pacta sunt servanta"
    Now Germany and Austria waived their rights under the agreements, while Gazprom will have to pay Poland some more (our PGNiG has already been awarded US$1.5 billion for Gazprom's non-contractual "price adjustments" 2 or 3 years ago) for its failure to perform under the contract.
    And Poland, as said, does no longer need Russian natural gas.

    BTW - part of the Yamal pipeline agreement was, that we get paid for operation of pumping stations (otherwise the gas could not reach Germany at all) - now that Gazprom has cut us off, we can cut them off :) And that's the largest pipeline there is. Russia won't be able to export gas to Germany if we cut it off.
    And guess who's holding 51.5% shares in the pipeline?
    Nope, not Gazprom :)
  5. Archer

    Archer Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 16, 1999
    -Shai- and Flk like this.
  6. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    What on Earth are you talking about?
    In Ukraine it's the Russians who target civilians, with the weapons they brought from home.

    Then your prediction that
    is false.
    Unfortunately you can say that about the US though, but I bet you're proud about that.
  7. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I think we need a something like The Tower Of Babel, or a Great Flood brought on by The Spaghetti Monster. Or Aliens to come and do a Great Reset.
    AS LONG as nobody hits the I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS CRAP button, we MIGHT be able to pull it off.
    Then again we might already be doomed. And there might be No Way Out....
    I do not know.
    [All I hope for is that there are some of us left, just enough so we can mate and have some babies...
    Until NEXT TIME.. then we can repeat it all]
    I doubt it though
  8. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    I think that the Ukrainians and other peoples affected by wars are having enough on their plate right now.
  9. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003

    Although Russia's suffering slowly.
    Our ruSScist friends were jerking off (in that "other" thread), after ruSSia has cut us off gas supplies.
    Now Peskov (strangely enough "Piesek" pronounced "Pesek" is a "small doggy" in Polish) calls us criminals... after our govt announced today that it's dropping the Yamal contract alltogether (due to the failure of the ruSScist side to provide gas supplies - they had to wait till then end of the notice period to do so - but it was a formality).
    I wonder how's ruSSia planning to get its natural gas supplies to Germany?
    With pipelines?
    Baltic pipe (both branches) has a throughput of less than 120 million tons p.a. (and that under perfect conditions).
    Yamal has (or rather had) a throughput of 33 billion cubic metres per annum. 1 thousand cubic metres = 8.300 tonnes, 1 billion = 8 300 000 tonnes... 33 billions = 274 million tons (over twice the throughput of Baltic Pipe).
    No way - EU-wide ban.

    I told our friends their joy is a premature one.
    They did not listen.
  10. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    This is absolutely great news.
    Fucking balls.
    During peace, I expected the worst from guys like your government. During war, they're totally different.

    We're kinda pissed off here because we don't hear news about Romanian govt (a bunch of dickheads) sending arms to Ukrainians.
    They sent protection materials along with the EU, ok, but they duck every question.
    The truth is, I'm not sure there's anything worth being sent - our old material is crap and it's scarce.
    But then, even a little help would have mattered, at least at the symbolic level.
    What comforts us is that our guys are great NATO team players. Always pushing for more integration, more troops, more exercises. Like all those in the Eastern flank.
    People here hope that ours are enabling stuff to be one, even if they don't talk about it.
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    To be honest - I am surprised myself.
    I can't usually comment the activities of our government without resorting to use of the most rude, vulgar language there is.
    I do believe that most of our government deserves long prison sentences for what they did with my country over the last 7 years.
    The justice minister, doing everything to impose an autocratic regime should be banned from holding any office for life.
    The ministers of infrastructure and environment are (since one died shortly after resigning from the office) responsible for halting our transition to green energy, and reverting to coal.
    They also ordered cuts in the last primeval forest of Europe.
    Our minister of interior, responsible for using Pegasus against judges, prosecutors, and politicians of opposition (not to mention illegal push-backs at the Polish-Belarusian border).
    And that's just some cases of what's "on top" of the greedy, looting bastards.

    IMHO most of the leaders of "Law and Justice" deserve prison sentences...
  12. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    In other news, Moldova's anti-corruption agency arrested the former president Igor Dodon, a pro-russian politician.
    His brother-in-law was also arrested - the police caught him trying to eat an incriminating document. :D
    -frog- likes this.
  13. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
  14. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    It's just the benefits for those housing the Ukrainians, some landlords really did "big business" with these (they got PLN 30 a person every single day - in order to give you a picture: I do rent my old apartment in city centre - 60 square metres, 2 bedrooms, separate kitchen, living room - I get roughly PLN 2k (EUR 435) a month from renting it - larger landlords would pack up to 5-6 Ukrainians (the minimum required by the authorities was 10 square metres per person), getting not 2k but 5.5k a month).

    They Ukrainians still get all the benefits Poles do (medical care, child benefits, family benefits).
    They can get benefits to rent a flat on their own.
    The government no longer supports not Ukrainians, but landlords who made business by renting their flats and overcrowding them with Ukrainians.
    C'mon - would you squat in 6 persons in a 60 sqm apartment, weren't you forced to do so by extraordinary circumstances?
  15. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    С 24 февраля Украину покинули более 9,1 млн человек. Об этом сообщается на сайте Управления верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев (УВКБ ООН).

    Большая часть украинцев уехала в Польшу (4 608 154 человека), Россию (1 625 231), Венгрию (949 311), Румынию (831 957), Словакию (589 664), Молдавию (531 869) и Беларусь (16 674).
  16. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    You count those abducted against their will as refugees?
    These are not refugees, these are hostages your uncivilized hordes take.
  17. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Including Ukrainian children separated from their families.
  18. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Just heard the news about a Russian documentary.
    [edit] It is about one of the ruSScist invaders, who perished in Ukraine [/edit]
    90 sad minutes about how good this boy really was, how desperate he was to get a pay raise, which brought him to the front, how he was unable to do anyone any harm.

    90 minutes of heart-melting, eye-watering bullshit.

    And all that ruined by one scene.
    The sister of the late soldier opens a refrigerator in their flat. It has a "2 year BEKO guarantee" sticker still on... in UKRAINIAN, and not in Russian!
  19. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005

    Saw a piece from russian tv about the father of a dead russian soldier who used the allowance for his son's death to buy a new white Lada "in memory of his son".
    Quite a bargain.
    They even filmed him driving to the cemetery in his Lada.
  20. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    He was lucky to get that compensation anyway.
    We heard news about former sailors aboard the "Moskva", whose families won't get compensations, as their late relatives "were not in the zone of special military operation".

    Apart from that - spending that money on a car isn't that stupid after all.
    Russian car manufacturing has almost stopped, there won't be any new white Lada's available "off the shelf" soon.
    And with an inflation rate nearing 20% keeping that money isn't an option.