Soon. Biles to have a PC with XP and WBFH

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by hezzey, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. hezzey

    hezzey Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2018
    I have to wait to get a replacement VISA/CHARGEX card. [old one expired] After that arrives, then I can use the thing and contact Ebay or something like it, and buy a New/Old XP-32 DVD.
    THEN I can learn again how to install FH and the WB2.77.
    Then try to find a sound card and a joystick IF these ones I have don't work.
    PC? Is 6. It has ran XP before.
    I have a OLD JS and a Sound card.
    I am really hoping that a getting-old PC is just fine for, what I already said......
    If that doesn't work out for me, maybe I will just have to get used to it...
    Perhaps in September I will be fit and able.
    I am getting a but Long In The Teeth.
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