It has come to my attention that flying the Fw190 A-8 with the 30mm addition when I fire all weapons the aircraft actually slows down considerably. Is this a bug or a feature?
Not as much in other planes. The amazing detail is that firing all weapons I can see the air speed slow down considerably. I cannot believe that to be the truth in real life... other than the A-10 warthog.
I don't know about real life, but flying the P-38 I remember usually losing a few mph of air speed when firing all my guns for a couple seconds.
It's truth. For example single modern 30mm gun (GSh-30-1) have 8 ton of recoil force. That's like 10 (ten) Me-262 engines combined. WW2 30mm guns have weaker characteristics of cause, but recoil is still quite powerful.
These guys here ( ) are talking about the A-10 and its (arguably much more powerful) 30 mm gun. The accepted answer is quite detailed.
Warthog gun is of cause much more powerful compared to 2xMG 151 + 2xMk-108, but plane itself is much bigger. With much more powerful engines.