It will hurt... surely. But it is neccessary. This dependence was meant to prevent conflicts between west and east, but it is weakness now. But on the other hand, russian dependence on western technologies was even greater. Aircraft transportation industry will be soon non-existent. Cars? I saw your LADA and my grandparents had better car IT technologies? Russian notebook? Lol
Well. We built an entire LNG terminal and a pipeline connecting Poland with Norway before you invaded Ukraine. It's not that Russia has all natural gas there is. It's more that Russia will have no chance of getting its gas once the drilling equipment (sourced mainly from the US, and now subject to embargo) goes bust. You seem to enjoy the control your gas gives you over Germany (albeit not over France or Poland), forgetting that the sanctions will only now "kick in" with full force. The fleet of leased airliners your government decided to steal will not serve forever - 2 years and it will be grounded - one way (by means of technical inspections), or the other (the more dramatic one). Your oil, gas and coal/ore mining industries largely depend on equipment sourced from US, Europe, Japan and South Korea - they will go bust. Your automotive industry is already in huge crisis. You terrorists seek solutions in provoking famine in the less developed countries... how fucking cute! You're nothing but shit that got stuck under Europe's boot... time to get you back where you place is - in the gutter.
Man, Your army is bleeding and I watch with delight as an ukranians cut off bridges in Cherson region and put a noose around neck of RF soldiers in the area. It's quite obvious what will happend in next weeks in Cherson and it will be messy. And your command in the region must be either super genius, plotting some nasty twist when the UA starts "clearing" the cut off units, or be quite stupid, leading Rf army to the fir... sec... another great defeat (depend how you count retread from Kiev or sinking the Moscow cruiser).
Yes, yes, you, the ruSScists of the forum, already threatened us with your nukes several times since February. That's apparently all your failing army has left. If the army of ruSScist federation is so great (apart from robbing washing machines OFC), while does it get a beating near Kherson right now? How come the world's second largest air force failed to secure air superiority over Ukraine? How come the world's largest tank force had to bring back T-62s, which are dating back to the late 1950s, to line? BTW - Al-Assad is getting a beating he deserves in Syria, and your army has nothing to support him anymore.
Nope. I'd never say "jebać Ukrainę" (fuck Ukraine), although the other bit (about your beloved Führer) is not that far off what I believe. But watching it was painful There's one conclusion - vodka is only for those, who can (and know how to) drink it
They need migrants. The estimates say some 4 million of people left Russia ever since February Even having abducted over a million of Ukrainians they're some 2.5 million short now.
The garbage is thrown out, it became easier to breathe We dont need you, fucking fashist bastards. Eat your shit with your lovely urkmonsters
Read how the Germans reacted to the migration of German Jews to Palestine/UK/France after the Kristallnacht of November 1938. You will find exactly the same rhetoric you are using here. There are no fascist/nazi bastards here... except for you - Turbo-ruSScists.
I talk a little with someone in LET factory, owned by some russian before the war (I think he was a fine chief). The problem was, your industry is not even able to assemble L-410 from parts delivered from our factory. The man who I talk with said "Everybody who knows how to work is leaving the Russia." Even before the war, the only thing which Russia offers is patriotism. The best of your scientists, workers, inovators, etc. already worked otherwhere already before the war.
Он небось и туристов посчитал. 4 миллиона уехало и 3.9 приехало. И это если украинских переселенцев не считать. С ними может оказаться что -4 миллиона а +4.
We sometimes do. But what can be said about Russian rulers is that you had just two leaders in the past 300 years or so, who were not mass-murderers... one (Gorbachev) put an end to your empire of dirt, the other was a drunk. BTW - If ruSSia is so great, why do you live in Bohemia? Go to a place you really love instead!