JFYI: There are no Russian schools (or even classes) in Ukraine. These nazi deliberately banned it. Considering that large amount of Ukrainian citizens are native Russians that's say a lot. In contrast there are state funded Ukrainian schools in Russia. But you will continue live in the fantasy world, your lying media created. https://www.interfax.ru/world/851184 P.S.
JFYI: Russia started a war against Ukraine, killing people, destroying homes and lives. Get a fucking grip. I've just posted a message of your media proposing the destruction of Ukrainian language, Kyiv etc. Where's the fantasy world?
LoL. They done it long before war. And Ukraine start "killing people, destroying homes and lives" long before Russia started a military operation. I pointed on facts. You choose to ignore them. Our media have enough freedom of speech to allow some random people to say random bullshit. But you and your media take shit-talk from no ones as a base to make long headed assumptions about Russian laws and government policies. That's the fantasy world you live in. P.S. You vasco are a brainwashed Nazi lover. And you'll pay for it.
I'm not a nazi lover of course. It's you who's a fucking fascist. So how will I pay for this imagined fault? PS you do realise threats like these can get you prosecuted in the EU
Calm down guys - let rgreat stuff a discounted carrot up his arse. Bought some fine apples yesterday, they were PLN 1.70 a kilogram (premium stuff, Polish, Grójec region). What does a kilo of apples cost in ruSSia? I mean apples, not cheap shite. No meat in that comparison either. No cheese. Wanna some Roquefort to spice up that dinner of yours? Not in ruSSia. Nor consumer electronics. Sony Xperia 5 (4th gen) is out, gonna upgrade soon - ruSSians will order via Belarus (IDK why they have not imposed sanctions on that Kolhoz leader from potato paradise too). Let them live on a diet of cabbage and potatoes. They will soon suffocate on their farts. Had a real Wagyu steak in a restaurant this evening. It did cost me a small fortune, but was worth every single penny of that. What does a Wagyu steak cost in Moscow? Oh you don't import Japanese beef anymore? What a pity. Stuff a carrot up yours! It's discounted now!
Freedom of media in russia. This man - 24 years in prison. His father - thrown out of the window. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2...ivan-safronov-refuses-sign-treason-confession
These eyes cannot lie! He just got a 22. Maybe next time people like him will think again before making deals with military attache's in foreign embassies.
Ну да. Яблоки и морковь не требуют вобщем-то приготовления - можно сырыми кушать, чтобы не расходовать драгоценные ресурсы. А вот с электроникой как-то... Хотя что она там жрет-то при зарядке. Опять же, если экран притушить и включать 2-3 раза в день, то можно даже пореже заряжать. Да? Такой у тебя план?