Тут речь скорее не о победе/поражении украинской армии (она уже давно не такая уж украинская, а живет на поставках с запада), а о том, что помощь запада может прекратиться, потому что все вооружение безрезультативно сжигается. Нет дохода от вложения средств - зачем тогда вкладываться? И без этой поддержки украинская армия сдуется очень быстро. PS. То что поляки и прочая западная хрень очень хотят поддерживать террористов (так называемых "партизан") мы прекрасно знаем. Пример Белгорода нам прекрасно виден. Потерроризировать мирных жителей, устроить шум в прессе из вранья типа "мы там все захватили" и быстро съебаться - очень показательная тактика.
We are seeing only selected ruZZian images and info regarding the Ukrainian offensive. The Ukrainians are keeping quiet, as always. We'll probably get news from them next week. And this might not even be the main thrust, convincing as it may seem. They could be pushing soon towards Moskow, who knows.
Again, ruZZian thinking. Disconnected from reality. Inventing psychologies to fit their dreams. Excellent point. Fits so well to my own struggle to understand who the baddies are. Fact A Consequence of the Free Russians' raid in Belgorod Oblast: The people of Belgorod (those who cheered at the Z rockets passing towards Kharkiv) got scared and fled. Fact B Consequences of the ruZZian invasion of Ukraine: Tens of thousands of Ukrainians got shelled, shot, tortured, with many thrown into mass graves by Russia in 2022. Millions got displaced. Millions lost their homes. Thousands of Ukrainian children were stolen by ruZZia and are not being returned to their families. Ukrainian factories, dams, infrastructure destroyed. Millions of tonnes of crops stolen by ruZZia. I still can't quite decide who the terrorists are.
I wonder, why you think that you are somehow invincible and would not eventually face consequences for your actions?
Not like you thought about that, when you send your arms and man to kill Russians. End even more, a squad of your man, invaded Russia, shoot border guard and attacked some civilian villages near border. We will definitely remember that.
We have words for this "To sow the wind to reap the storm..." It applies to both sides. But the RF start the war. We will not mourn some russian border guards, nor russian villages. To the bill of support of ukranian armed forces, for now we emptied our obsolete stock of cold era weapons and ammunition. On the other hand our weapons factories are happy from contracts for UA. It's little bit cynical but now I understand why weapons suppliers like wars... especially when your factory is in "peaceful" region. I think the only realistic solution how to cut off the western supplies is the global nuclear exchange. It's up to your leaders
The main motivation for western supplies is to bleed off russian forces to prevent further spread of war to the baltic region. As far as ukranian armed forces inflict significant damage to RF the supplies will flow. The Russia poses threat to western countries and it is better to supply someone, who fights, than fighing alone.
4 crates, stolen by well known thieves, caught the same day. I guess in Russia they'd be able to steal not 4 crates, not 4 pallets, not even 4 railway cars, but 4 trains full of ammo, and no one would notice (as long as they'd be covered by someone).
Почему вы считаете, что Россия нападет на кого-то еще, кроме Украины? Не надо верить сказочкам про "неспровоцированную агрессию", у этой агрессии очень даже была причина. Если Россию не тыкать палкой - она очень даже дружественная страна. С другой стороны, кому-то очень выгодно тыкать в нее палкой ...
Lol, your leaders, mostly Medvedev and Lavrov openly speak about attack on baltic states quite frequently. I believe Russia as a country could be full of friendly and great people... but as a state it is not trustworthy and it is willing to wage full scale war even against the most brotherly nation. So we all in the west see the russian "friendship" in Ukraine. Quite sudden change from "We are brothers, connected throught shared history" to "Ukraine as a nation never existed, let's wipe them all who are not identified themself as a russians". So, better not to believe the words about peaceful nature of Russia, rather let RF bleed in the war, cripling armed force to the state where it can not pose threat to allies.
But you will fail to provide citation, right? But we have a lot of hate bullshit coming out from these Baltic states.
Это ты про Украину как most brotherly nation? Черта с два. Стараниями (западных?) политиков из нее сделали черт знает что. Я это вижу на примере своего двоюродного брата - он нашел себе в Харькове жену и уехал туда жить (если что, гражданство Российское, прописка Московская). Через несколько лет ему так промыли мозги, что он едва ли не нас, свою родню не стал ненавидеть, как "москалей поганых". А так мы не против украинской нации, если только основой этой нации не является ненависть к русским. Ну и про балтийских лидеров, которые постоянно призывают уничтожить россию (цитаты искать?), а Медведев с Лавровым отвечают "ну если дойдет до такого, то ... <всякие угрозы>". Заметь, "если". При том что прибалтийские лидеры ненавидят Россию безо всяких условий.
The reason is that Russia invaded or get military involved in few countries with russian minority (Transnistria, Ossetia, Abkhazia... and most recently Ukraine), the baltic states feel endangered by the approach of russian policy. It starts as a "friends of russian language and culture" and ends as an unmarked militia armed with russian weapons proclaiming part of your country as a independend and strongly pro-russian pseudostate. It was happening even in my country with practicaly no russian minority, not to mention baltic countries with more or less 25% of habitants with russian origin. The threat is simply too real to be ignored. On the other hand, even if everything said by russian leaders about Ukraine was true, even if there were real nazis in Ukraine with black uniforms, hailing in parades with swastikas on the shoulder, even so they pose no threat to three times larger russian nation with nuclear weapons and 5-15x bigger and better equiped army. The whole reason of Special Military operation is simply pointless bullshit. There were no real reason to invade Ukraine. If somebody really hate Your country, You should freeze diplomatic relations... Invading the country is little bit of overreacting
Ты забываешь, что эта маленькая, но вонючая армия очень хотела влиться в большую светлую силу (да, я имею в виду НАТО), и тогда их ненависть стала бы куда более подкрепленной войсками. И это было одной из причин СВО. И об этом было много предупреждений, которые светлая сила игнорировала.
Ever heard of sovereignty? That's a feature of independent states. I guess the result of your lunatic war against Ukraine will be that everyone who still hesitated, will join the NATO, for fear of getting invaded by your "little green men". Oh - you will get ass-raped by the greedy Xi and 1.3 billion Chinese, just waiting to take over Siberia. They won't use military force to rape you. They will buy you out. Just as they did with African countries. The sole difference is, they allow the African nations to save some of their dignity... but they'll ass-rape you, cause you're weak and victimized.