Че там с Волынской резнёй? Уже поляки с рагулями разобрались кто кого или ещё раз собираются взаимно повторить?
We'll see. IMHO they should arrest him upon arrival (or departure, if they want him to do some "sightseeing" first). The actual position of our President (soon to be replaced) is "he should be allowed to participate in the anniversary" - it does not specify, what should take place between the end of it, and the return of Israeli PM to the airport. He's wanted for the war crimes in Palestine, by the Hague Tribunal, and since we're part to the Roman Statute, our country is obliged to arrest every war criminal entering our borders - be it Netanyahu or Putin.
Черная плесень необратимо действует на мозг рагулей... Вместо того, чтобы разводить дома плесень и дышать ей всей семьей купите у умных русских криптонагревательный котел на майнинговой ферме. Он вам ой как пригодится в ближайшее время... https://www.jabbamarket.ru/product/kriptokotel-na-3-asika/
бвахаха. вот кто следующий на компост, когда кончатся скаклы. https://news.mail.ru/politics/64553733/
Why should I care? These are mostly immigrants from 1990s, who have not settled their residence status so far. There are jobs for them here, so no one will complain. In my opinion America should get rid of all the illegal immigrants, who settled there after 1620. If I were you, I would be worrying more about the current economic situation of your country, and not about several thousand Poles (out of 5M+ diaspora in the U.S.). Your economy is going nowhere, Putin has prepared you for a prolonged war (thanks to some really brilliant moves of your central bank - I must admit that), but it's now at its limits. See my signature (that I've changed in March or April 22, and buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Kansas is going "bye bye").
В 2024 ничего не поменялось. И в 2025-м по прогнозу vеждународного валютного фонда останеться 4-е место.