Че там с Волынской резнёй? Уже поляки с рагулями разобрались кто кого или ещё раз собираются взаимно повторить?
We'll see. IMHO they should arrest him upon arrival (or departure, if they want him to do some "sightseeing" first). The actual position of our President (soon to be replaced) is "he should be allowed to participate in the anniversary" - it does not specify, what should take place between the end of it, and the return of Israeli PM to the airport. He's wanted for the war crimes in Palestine, by the Hague Tribunal, and since we're part to the Roman Statute, our country is obliged to arrest every war criminal entering our borders - be it Netanyahu or Putin.
Черная плесень необратимо действует на мозг рагулей... Вместо того, чтобы разводить дома плесень и дышать ей всей семьей купите у умных русских криптонагревательный котел на майнинговой ферме. Он вам ой как пригодится в ближайшее время... https://www.jabbamarket.ru/product/kriptokotel-na-3-asika/
бвахаха. вот кто следующий на компост, когда кончатся скаклы. https://news.mail.ru/politics/64553733/
Why should I care? These are mostly immigrants from 1990s, who have not settled their residence status so far. There are jobs for them here, so no one will complain. In my opinion America should get rid of all the illegal immigrants, who settled there after 1620. If I were you, I would be worrying more about the current economic situation of your country, and not about several thousand Poles (out of 5M+ diaspora in the U.S.). Your economy is going nowhere, Putin has prepared you for a prolonged war (thanks to some really brilliant moves of your central bank - I must admit that), but it's now at its limits. See my signature (that I've changed in March or April 22, and buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Kansas is going "bye bye").
В 2024 ничего не поменялось. И в 2025-м по прогнозу vеждународного валютного фонда останеться 4-е место.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal) Seems to me Russia is 11th There are several problems with domestic product If U build a tank and sell it to the foreing country, it contributes to your overal wealth, give a job to your citizens etc. If U build a tank, sell it to your army and let it burn in the plains of Ukraine, it somehow also rises your GDP but the wealth is lost. If U build a tank and sell it for twice the price to your army because of wages and inflation rise, it also increase your GDP. But You still have only the tank which burns in the plains of Ukraine for double the money. So if Russia has overall GDP grow 4%, but the central bank base interest is around 20% the real production is somehow around -16%. You simply pay more for the same tank which indiates false GDP rise not to mention burning all these products on the fields of Ukraine. There is nothing magical about economy of war. Waging war of this intensity for three years would bring real headache even in USA economists
а теперь расскажите как в вашу "теорию" укладывается рост благосостояния США в 40-е во время WWII, в 50-е во время Корейской войны, в 60-е во время Вьетнама, в 00 во время "войны с терроризмом". Очень будет интересно послушать, почему в США вместо падения экономики и головной боли наблюдался рост.
40s - lend and lease - US made weapons and other countries paid for it 50s and 60s - US didn't win any of these conflicts (Korea draw, Vietnam lose). Loses in Vietnam war were unsustainable even for USA 00s - rapid and low causality wars in countries with a lot of oil. Afganistan was a lose, unsustainable for economy reasons. So even US army can't afford to make presence in desert asian country for too long. And USA is 50x larger economy than Russia by GDP. Bear in mind that the real military spending of US is around 4-5% GDP, most EU countries have less than 2% GDP, which is somehow manageable and it offers job for people without increasing inflation. The healthy state economy can handle this. The estimation of today's Russia spending is around 11% GDP, but in addition the annual inflation (around 9%) means that Russia is spending more for the same ammount of military products (salary for the workers is higher so the tank price is higher as well)
But the whole bubble pays taxes and increase the government funds. Most of the mightiest global powers in history were not based on direct production. If You are british colony Your "GDP" is mostly production based, but the real money lays in the hands of merchants who product nothing. It also means that only 30% of production is effective enough to cover most of needs and the population is rich enough to spend for services. On the other hand in the country, where real production (agriculture, industry, mining, etc.) is close to 100% GDP, and the citizens buy mostly products, it means that they have not a lot of money, because they buy mostly food, fuel or similar goods. No money for extra spending for entertainment, services or healthcare.
Basics of economy find it hard to sneak under the cover of "Russian mindset". Purchasing power parity is a simplified way to reflect on how the citizens may participate in the GDP of the country, simplified to exclude any other factors (such as huge military spending, which excludes social services and other amenities for its citizens). GDP in nominal values, per capita is the factor that reflects it better, than the gross GDP PPP, and here Russia scores 65th out of 192 countries and territories recorded... and not 4th. When total GDP is taken into account Russia still ranks 11th, and not 4th. To sum this up - your economy is starting to fail, and you know it, you see the "signs", but you still insist it's "all good". Please refer to my signature, which I put there almost 3 years ago. My kind advice - buy dollars, euros or renminbi, as long as you can. You will thank me, after you realize, why it was worth to do so.
Увы, но уровень ваших знаний практически нулевой Ленд-лиз означает, что вся военная техника и материалы передаются другим странам БЕСПЛАТНО. Вся уничтоженная во время войны техника и использованные материалы НЕ ОПЛАЧИВАЮТСЯ. К оплате требовали только то, что страны хотели оставить себе ПОСЛЕ войны. Или вернуть это обратно в США, но тоже БЕСПЛАТНО. Поэтому никаких серьезных финансовых вливаний со стороны других стран не было. Экономика США в 40х резко пошла вверх только на военных заказах оплаченных государством. И сейчас у нас в стране происходит то же самое. ВПК как паровоз тащит за собой всю экономику. Вы хотите сказать, что проигранная война тоже полезна для экономики? Экономика США была на спаде или подъеме в эти годы? Если на подъеме, то значит война полезна для экономики США. Именно поэтому экономика США растет быстрее, чем экономика ЕС. В ЕС экономика падает, потому, что вы не производите военной продукции, а покупаете ее у США. А это верный путь к краху экономики. Я бы рекомендовал вам для ликвидации экономического невежества почитать старину Кейнси. Он очень хорошо объяснил почему государству надо тратить деньги, а не экономить.
Это у вас от невежества. Британия запрещала Индии производить текстиль и производила его сама и ввозила в Индию. Железнодорожные рельсы в Индии было запрещено производить вплоть до WWI. И в других колониях было тоже самое. Британия была до WWI мировой фабрикой.
The average salary of a CEO of a listed company in 1940s US was 8-10 times the salary of a worker (including women) working as skilled worker. This wealth was thus distributed nationwide, and not to "the few". It's not the case in today's US, nor is it in today's Russia. Why compare the entire EU? Take Poland and Romania as examples. Keynes is dead. Literally and figuratively. Since the large multinationals have learned how to appropriate most of the results of interventionism, we need to adopt a newer strategy for equalization of chances and opportunities - that's the EU approach to the issue.