I had to reinstall to solve the blank arena selection screen. It's up now and a hurricane caught me napping last night. I'm a little bummed about the mega long distances commandos can sit off base and still hit it.
Yes reinstall usually takes care of any problems, and yes SA (situational awareness) is still a must in WB3Taba, you must have a rubber neck, don't forget shift+ O for regular views like WBFH. How do you launch a commando? Same way as in FH? I havn't tried it yet. but the distance doesn't surprise me because the acks have a long distance too. Patience matter in Taba because like anything it isn't perfect and they are still working on things. Keep up the good work guys <S> Oh vib gold at heart are you kidding me! The other night as soon as I went red all you gold panzies logged off, why is that?
That's cool.........I've been flying wb3 since it came out and before that WB2 and before that WB1.1 and before that Confirmed Kill and so on so I know all the dot commands.
I had originally asked for acmcam to be shut off in that arena because the message in the buffer concerning acmcam stats can be exploited to find out if someone out of visual range but closer than D100 is actually there. I have the feeling that it was a mistake since acmcam tracks are what keep the honest people honest concerning gaming the game, hacks, cheats, or warps.
BLITZ = 01/08/40 - 31/01/41 = 184 tabadays = 14,075RD TH IP: Map Name: terr001 Reds (0): ------ Golds (0): ------ Total: 0 Current date: 06/12/1940 I must learn what is acmcam...
so you're the paranoid android thanks to whom we cannot record any tracks from MA? well wtg to you...
No paranoia...........just trying to find out if my connection is the problem. I only saw one warp but it was substantial. You're not dealing with some butt hurt noob. In my case I was diving on someone and saw a plane "dive into and bounce off the ground" and shoot sharply upward while still nose pointed down. He didn't blow up so I assume he pulled out close to the ground but the patented smoothing software rendered my view the hitting of the ground and then got the update that the plane had indeed not hit the ground and he makes the pull out. I wasn't going to make the pull out anyway so the warpage I saw had no effect on the outcome. I'm not sure what the threshold of this server is for dropping a connection but I think a message appears in the buffer after two seconds (not sure exact figure) stating "cabron will be kicked" and then you usually see the message that "cabron was kicked". Most likely what I saw was some dropped packets close either at the server itself or very close which lagged everybody for a second and only someone doing something like pulling out of a dive or turning hard would even notice. Now if someone took that as an accusation, then they have a guilty conscience. When I accuse somebody, I use the word "cheater". If I didn't use that exact word, then no accusation was made. I had a good time battling 6 of you guys all by myself last night. I'd rather do that than be one of six guys fighting the only available con in the arena. When you fly with ai wingmen, use a dot command to orient the formation such that it's not so easy to figure out which plane is the one controlled by the human.
the problem of warps still is the main issue I had 3 spits on my 6 the other night and it was impossible to put up a fight I saw them pointing and shooting in a completely wrong direction, yet the bullets were hitting me This needs to be resolved before there can be any kind of FH like MA combat going on. B&Z on a con, which starts warping every time you get close to it is near undoable, taking lead on a con which changes it's flight path several times a second is guesswork. All this is not connect related mind you. I had a nice stable ping of about 100ms, the other guys did not complain about connect either. Besides this all starts to happen only when you get close to someone, bit further away and everything seems normal. Somehow the FH server code is better at handling such close combat where prediction of a plane's position is crucial, even with a higher ping you don't see such things happening.
If they were flying formation, they could have been AI. I remember IEN having some crazy aggressive fighter ai planes in that same arena at one point a few years back but I've only seen them alone and any AI formations were only bombers.
I agree that there may be some little times of significant warp, but not always. I flew a few days ago and got great furballs with planes in europe and brazil, and had no complains about warps (10 players online). We will add QoS to TH Server to avoid other kind of traffic to borrow bandwidth when there are more link usage. franz-
Are there fighter ai? Stacking up an arena with a bunch of aggressive fighter ai planes might make a fun event somewhere down the line.
Have you stolen the source code, Franz? How DO you do all those things without actually having the source code??
I think they are scripts. Dawger had some cool AI landing craft scripts that got tested, caused a big fun day of action in the main arena, and then disappeared.