Three simple basic wingman traps that are easy to remember and do wonders in combat.
The Bracket TRAPS: -------------------------------------------- GENERAL: all traps assume a 2 man formation flying LINE ABREAST (i recommend d4-d8) you do ALWAYS fly line abreast dont you? The Bracket (call out "BRACKET" on radio) Phase 1: the wingpair encounters a con in their FRONT hemisphere coming towards them. the pair turns to place the con in between them. Phase 2: when con reached d40-d30 inbound BOTH pilots do a gentle turn AWAY from the con for a sec or 2(widening the line abreast) and them turning back towards the con. (the goal is to widen the formation and FORCE the con to commit to going HO with one of you) Phase3: (plane being HOed) when the con goes for a single plane, that plane goes HO and dodges the attack (dont fire) blow past the con and execute a gentle climbing bank AWAY from your wingmate. (plane not being HOed) as the con goes towards your wingmate HO, use the time to bank in behind him once he reached d15, and continue to pull onto his 6
The Sandwich The Sandwich (call "SANDWICH" on radio) Phase 1: the wingpair encounters a con in their REAR hemisphere coming towards them. the pair turns to place the con in between them (now on their direct 6). Phase 2: widen the formation slightly FORCING the con to commit his 6 attack to one of the pair (you should know who is under attack by the time the con reaches d15) Phase 3: BOTH planes execute a break turn in the direction of the wingmate being bounced at roughly d15-d10 (if the left wingmate is getting bounced, both planes break left). This should result in a dumb con chasing the bounced plane around and the free wingmate getting on his 6. (if the con simply blows past, the formation should continue the turn for 180 degrees and egress away from the con, forcing him to blow E turning around to reengage.
The Defensive Split The Defensive Split (call "SPLIT" on radio) Phase 1: the wingpair encounters a con in their REAR hemisphere coming towards them. the pair turns to place the con in between them (now on their direct 6). Phase 2: the con approaches to d15 and has not chosen a single target to engage... BOTH pilots execute a gentle turn away from each other and continue the turn a full 180 degrees to reverse direction. Phase 3: the con WILL pick one of the 2 diverging planes as his target and that plane will tighten his turn to a break turn to avoid the shot. The free plane will continue his turn around and get on the cons 6. (note the sandwich is the superior move but the defensive split forces the non-commital con to choose a target...only recomended against problem cons)
NOTES NOTES: use of a 3rd plane... if you are flying in shotai formation then the 3rd plane always goes hi as topcover during these moves (make sure you go hi when the con is still d30+ away so you can get out of harms way. if you wait to long and go hi, the con may go for you and your 2 lower wingmates cant help out!) once hi, the topcover element follows standard fluid4 tactics. use of 4 planes: 4 planes should be flown in 2 pairs, same rules as above, upon cons first sight, 1 pair goes high immediately for topcover...lower pair uses the trap of their choice (standard fluid4)