168 Wish list.....

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by -ALW-, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    I tried to launch birds directly without FHlauncer and got little crazy idea, that perfect new launcher could be made not from existing one, but on basis of original WB 2.77 with its FM adding just bombers, jabo loads and server-side features (jeeps, ingeneers, govers, etc...) from FH.

    If u didn't try to fly original WB planes for long-long time, try it, its really interesting experience :).
  2. mixer

    mixer Well-Known Member

  3. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Bring back rep for FHL 1.68R2 pls :D
  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Well..... at the very least have an announcement something like:

    "Member X of side 1 is having a private conversation with Member Y of side 2 "
  5. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    Meh, I have no problems chatting with the other side on CH100, no need to take it to whisper. We don't have enough people flying at any time to make CH100 spam central if we disabled whisper, so thats not a problem. Plus, people talking=people participating=better community=better newbie retention
  6. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    It's bad enough having brainy changing countries from gold to red, and back to gold, and then broadcasting what we were planning. :dunno: :ass:
  7. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    Holy crap, I was just thinking about the exact same thing minutes before I read this. :D
  8. Rick00

    Rick00 Member

    I've seen jayroc exhibit similar behavior on a near daily basis. Even admitted to it. "This other pilot needed help finding cv".

    We can't do a 10 minute counter or something between team swaps? Meh, I can see how that'd be annoying. I remember when it was on the order of several hours. Boy, did that make balancing the arena an interesting exercise.
  9. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    I've performed some trials and little research and now trying to point exec and fas to an idea that it will be good to integrate FH server features to original WB 2.77, loosing (not forever in theory) in planes number, but bringing FM high quality back.
    Does any need this except myself?
    Before answer look table here
    (Stall speeds for some planes at FH / WB / real world; km/h IAS, clean config, engine idle, load according to real trials)
    It may be interesting also to launch wbd3d directly and fly different planes vs bots.

    P.S. For those who still can't read russian comments under table are:

    *Measured offline by cocpit scales, + - 5km/h or about.
    ** For planes without fuel % in brackets its 50%
    *** Didn't find original source, but looks realistic and widely spread over internet.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2011
  10. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Very interesting. I think that the changes in stall speed is going in a good direction.

    However, what are the other performance differences?
  11. gil---

    gil--- FH Beta Tester

    U point 10 with this question :)

    After La fix FH is about ok with max speeds, minimum times of steady turns and climbs, some planes mb need little adjustments but its not a problem.
    But if we take, for example, time of turn. We can calculate it precise enough if we know stall speed, thrust and lift to drag ratio.
    WB math is real enough and different parameters of model all interconnected in manner close to real world, anyway, we can change parameters but we can't change formulas.
    If we determine adjustable parameters so that we get correct time of turn with incorrect stall speeds, we have to make thrust and/or drag in maneuver incorrect "in opposite way" (remember gandhi's research).
    That's why, for example, FH 109F4 after turning 360 deg at ~6G brakes form 500 to 400 kmh (IAS at 1 km), WB2.77 109F4 can't hold 6G for whole turn and has 270-280 kmh when finish. Early stall in FH is compensated with lowered E loss in maneuvers.

    What i mean: we can't have one of planes' key parameter wrong and all another ok, so FH fighters' FM is totally wrong except mb just several models. And the problem is so deep, that it need to make all new models for all planes to fix it, in theory. (what happens if we just fix stall speed we've seen as 1.67ver. of La-5/7 :) ). So in practice its just impossible.

    My idea (or better say dream) of what to do with is to take amazingly excellent fighters from 2.77, bombloads and buffs from FH, and release it as new launcher.
    But i understand that it is "little" hard decision and fas- is 100% sure that if we drop away so many planes (even for "2 weeks" he needs to make oldstyle FM for them), we will loose all rest of players.

    Are u ready to pay with number of planes available for better flight model?
  12. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Talk about throwing a wrench in the gears, yipes!
  13. mumble

    mumble Well-Known Member

    Yes! Pls revert to old FM that worked! IMO, strip FM and DM down to 2.77 and start over. Too many changes have happened and not enough documentation to remember where it went wrong.
  14. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Two more ideas came to me today.

    1. Automatic clear stats after these deaths: Crash, PK, Self Kill
    To me, you're dead, and your current score should reset. I see too many people who bomb for the sake of points with no other plan in mind. If you can bail out, then you are still "alive". I don't think reincarnation carries your old rewards. :) I would go as far as to say if you bail over enemy land, your stats would clear but, I won't so, bail out you losers and stop self killing. :deal:

    2. Disable "View Range".
    The view range "feature" has been around for quite a while. I had forgotten about it till recently and tried it again, finding it amazing to spot enemy planes behind hills since the hills disappear. Also, flying Li2's to fields I often wondered how some people could spot me way down on deck from 5, 7, 8, 10, or 12,000ft up. Now I know why. Against the texture absent surface, a speck is me from way up there. That's just lame. Especially since a person can use this "feature" to see through hills. Wondered why I couldn't hide from some people behind hills. Now I know. I tried it today and thought, you've gotta be kidding me. This is about as bad as having 2D. In my view, this "View Range" feature serves no fair purpose. I can say this because I've not used it for many years till this weekend. :nono:
  15. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Anyone have an opinion on the ideas/opinions I have above?
  16. -kras-

    -kras- Banned

    very good ideas!


    1. as a result, there'll be even less ppl in the MA than now. (each of us get his fun as he preffers).

    2. then they should disable the 2D mode and ranging of the option of Clouds as well.
  17. -ALW-

    -ALW- Well-Known Member

    Cockpit/fuselage backdrop/background

    Is there a way to create an area of the aircraft like what we see with wings/engines/fuselage that would be underneath the cockpit art? What I mean is, that if someone takes to flight without a cockpit, transparent for example, they would still have obstructed view where the cockpit art isn't.
  18. boa

    boa Well-Known Member


    DZIVDZAN Well-Known Member

    First I installed this game (a "few" years ago) on System partition on my old PII then I try it and install on second (away from System) partition. From that time I never had to install WB again, just new FH and patches for nVidia GF card and for win7 (win vista). And I never had any problems with this game (just copied complete folder from old computer to new one) :duel:
    There is a lot of good ideas here but some can't be introduced to the game because developers of FH don't have source code. My opinion is that FH and idea of FH deserve new source code. Then all good ideas and all mistakes could be corrected and implemented in the game.
    Last edited: May 15, 2011
  20. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    seems ALW ceased P-38 cockpit design