Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by Mcloud, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    there is no conspiracy
    There is no conspiracy

    "Oh yeah Uncles, lick those balls, oh yeah, ahhhhhhhhhh yeah.. that's it, use your tongue, go around in big circles...ooooooohh fuck yeah....yeah, oh yeah baby, lick those balls Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Oh fuck I needed that.....Ahhhhhh yeah..Thanks Uncles...Ahhhhhhhh...Where did you learn how to lick like that? ahhh ohh fuck yeah. Thanks Uncles...ahhhhh"
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2008
  2. demian

    demian Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

  3. whodaphool

    whodaphool Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
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  4. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    i have to admit, I have yet to review those web-links but I cannot stop laughing whenever I see that photo and read those words.

    McLoud, that just cracks me up!

    Where did you find that photo?
    What movie did that come from?
  5. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    dropping the ball

    how do u know it came from a movie?

    1 person likes this.
  6. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    You see, This is not a photo. It's Thermate Man. Thermate Man is the guy that lives in Uncles' head.

    Thermate is used to make incendiary cutting charges, specifically patented for use in cutting thick steel. Thermate can cut a structural steel beam like a fuckin laser. ZAP.

    Thermate has been found in the slag of the structural steel beams that held up the World Trade Center buildings. Also, Thermate has been found in the microspheric particles that polluted the whole area. Remember those big clouds of dust on Sept. 11? Well they have Thermate in them.

    The problem is, Thermate is not supposed to be there.

    Thermate man lives in Denial land. Everyday, Thermate Man makes Uncles lick his balls. Everyday Uncles has to lick Thermate Man's balls until he recognizes the painful truth that Thermate is what took those buildings down.

    "Ahhh Uncles, you lick good, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal good"

    Actually I think I did a google image search for Bobby Peru. He's one of the charachters in a movie called "Wild at heart", one of my favorite movies. The other Favorite is "Blue Velvet".
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2008
  7. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Sorry, it looked like a clip from an old Hammer Flims/Christopher Lee horror movie.
    Also kind of has a little Willem DeFoe/gobblin look too.
    Good job on the imagery. Good to know he's only in "the mind" and not elsewhere.
  8. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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  9. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Dude, you are established already as being mentally feeble, and not yet likely of globally accepted combatant age, etc., so don't give me your crap, OK?

    Go giggle and wet yourself somewhere else, please. Go away.
  10. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    A few elements very common in modern cities:
    Al, O, S and F
    Just add heat and stir.

    Give it a rest. Who you trying to jive?
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  11. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Biles this thermate stuff ain't know "carrots, potatoes, peas, and rabbit stew"
    They is these bone fragments they is findin on top of the deutches bank too, hundreds of little fragments that aint supposin to be there at all in the first place, ceptin o' course if they was blown to shit along with along the concrete that got pulverized to dust...

    but anyway I think you might be gettin a visit from thermate man yerself. me thinks that all these hundreds of ark-e-teks might be dumb too. Rufflin feathers for free. weird buggers.

    Considerin' that this Sept. 11 gave birth 5 minutes later to the war on terror.. yeah lets let world war three develop. Give it a rest. The right thing to do? Shut up? That's the thing to do now? Everybody shut up and then we will have to lick thermate man's balls? Not me.

    "OH BOY!!! Now I'm gonna have Uncles AND Biles lickin my Balls!!?"
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  12. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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  13. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    The person hiding behind the "Mcloud" (sic: dude, got literacy?) persona is a classic psychopath. In my experience, one needs only to wait before such cases are handled by the authorities. Some call it institutionalization, others State intervention. At any rate, "dude" needs assistance. I'm sure that he considers any responses to his maniacal ramblings to be vindication of his paranoid fantasies and theories, but in fact he's crazy as a bedbug!

    Will you, crazy McAssowned submit to psychiatric testing at a professional, accredited facility?
  14. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Pill pushers. That's all those guys can do. They push drugs on people and offer NO ANSWERS. NONE.
    The guy may benefit from a psychologist, who will NOT offer him drugs.

    The jury within my head is out on this. I have chatted with the man who calls himself Mcloud and he is well within the realm of normal. He is functional and pays taxes. Why drug a guy who does okay?
  15. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

  16. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    I gather, in your view, psychopathic is 'not normal.'
    Hehe. In my view, it is.
    Entire societies and smaller societies within those societies are psychopathic en masse. So it is entirely possible for people to be reared in environments where bells go and they drool.
    But they drool over things that aren't healthy or productive.
    An ape in the forest would not smoke cigarettes or rocket into space, orbit the planet and then be killed by injection of poisons. An ape reared by men might and, often, does. We make cats and dogs behave strangley. The cow population could be said to be 'thriving' because of their shear numbers. Warmongering semiliterate brutes are held up to positions of High Esteem. "Defene" industries. Big Pharmaceutical producing mind altering substances WITH THE APPROVAL OR GOVERNMENTS and then not only being allowed to SELL THE SHIT, but their supporting governments imprisoning and even executing the competition. War on [name it, name one of the thousand or so things 'War On [Insert agenda or red herring here]' is declared on. Such crap. War on pollution, war on illiteracy, war on poverty. Fuck. Our syntax is even fucked up so bad we can't label things without our fuckedness apparent.

    Mcloud sees this shit too and I think it affects him, like it does us all.

    Men who are much stronger, more capable figures than he have sunk to incredible lows while being HELD ALOFT. We are told about progress when none is apparent on examination and, then, if we, as individuals sonund an alarm, there are scaffolds, jailhouses and drug manufactures and parasitic Medical DOctors just waiting to get their hands around our vital, pumping hearts and SQUEEZE THEM. Take a look at old Aztec Hyroglyphs of their religious ceremonies. This was an entire civilization, a WHOLE PEOPLE, gathering to watch people being ripped apart and bled - For The General Good.

    Mcloud sees this shit too and I think it affects him, like it does us all.

    Bombs being dropped into holes and trumpets sounding and bells and whistles going off, entire peoples being sucked into a miasma of madness. Jeez.

    Mcloud sees this shit too and I think it affects him, like it does us all.

    He places blame. But his mind is fogged. He knows there are some Bad People out there. And he is firing wildly hoping one pellet of his shotgun strikes an individual or group At Fault. His problem isn't his perception of evil and stupidity ALL AROUND US, that is OUR PROBLEM. His problem is that he lacks a decent education, as DO MOST OF US.

    Like a caged tiger who would bit off the arm of a zookeeper. The tiger waits for years to nail SOMEONE, ANYONE. The tiger only knows he isn't very happy living in the environment MAN stuck him in. He isn't sure what pisses him off, becuase he lacks a way to articulate it or, even, think it through, but he is not entirely devoid of righteous anger, not entirely wrong.

    I agree, for instance, that the USA, Britain and, indeed, canada, spain, poland, holland, korea etc etc are sucked in, hauled in, made to dance the dance of saint Whatsisname. They wiggle and jerk and dance around and cheer when the bombs are dropped into holes. And the price of crude oil skyrockets and many do not see any connection between oil billionaires and War On Terror. End Of Days believers IN POWER IN WASHINGTON. Cocksuckers elected as prime minister in Britain and spending HOW MANY YEARS sucking The Presidents Cock and licking his arse? Now we are being slowly fed the story of The Russian Bad Men AGAIN. Press is in it. Children's school are part of it. Religion is part of it. Industry is. Culture is.
    We are fucked up bad.
    It amazes me we are capavle of producing Van Goghs and Kafkas. No, sorry, wrong, Van Gogh and Kafka are products of diseased societies. The were both mad as hatters - or street people who gave up their livelihoods as handlers or [whatever] down at the Boeing Missile Plant. Told the boss to fuck himself and were warned to NOT BURN THEIR BRIDGES. And now they rant and have a hat out hoping for change, as they rant and hold their cardboard signs:
    The End Is Neer. Repeant!

    [I probably expressed some jumbled thoughts in there. My education lacks and my thinking is not entirely clear either. I am a product of this place, this environment. I too, wait the day when the zoo keeper relaxes for a minute and sticks his arm into my cage, unthinking, so I can rip it off [fat, tender, tasty, boy wouldn't that soft weak thing taste good. Yum. Beides, I hate him, he sprays me with cold water in the morning, makes me sleep on straw, pokes me with stick that make me fall helpless and hallucinate nightmares, while he roots areound INSIDE ME. I awake sore, dazed, hungover. WHAT DID THE ZOOKEEPER DO? I don't know. But I am waiting. A lifelong, patient wait. I will have my day].
    Metaphorically speaking, that is.
    I will probably pass my time on this globe unnoticed and die in a bed, heavily drugged, with Medical Doctors putting their hands around my beating heart while I gasp and hallucinate vividly, helpless, paralyzed. Like many people here do.
    What a way to go. Is it any wonder some get a weapon and go to a town square [or, if they were wiley enough to be born rich, or get rich, and tell lies well, or hire people to compose their lies for them] get themselves elected so they can play The Great Game?


    Off I go to work and try NOT TO BE NOTICED.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2008
  17. looseleaf

    looseleaf Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

  18. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    a person reads 10 books on the normal view of 9.11

    another person reads those 10 books + "jews did WTC"

    the second person would like to think he has read more on the topic

    he then boasts about how he likes to "gather and explore all facts"

    reading all books ≠ exploring all facts
  19. TS

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Ahh Uncles, throw me in to the quagmire of lunatics where I will be amongst my delusional bretheren.

    Let me wallow in the mire of madness with hundreds upon hundreds of Licensed architects, engineers, and experts in controlled demolition..Richard Gage? A madman. David Ray Griffin? a loon. Throw me in with those who question how WTC7 could have collapsed at virtual freefall speed...Molten steel flowing like lava 21 days after the collapse..And yet, there was no jet fuel or other source of heat that could come anywhere near melting tons of steel into a liquid form.

    These engineers, these architects, these conspiracy theorists are, what they have always been. Nuts.

    Listen! Did you hear that? It's thermate man! He's comin to make you lick his balls again!

    The next time you have one too many and log on to this forum, try not to have another one of your PTSD/denial related outbursts, ok? %) You wouldn't want exec to have to close TWO of your episodes :dura: :confused: %) :eek:
  20. rudeboy

    rudeboy Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    Re: Hey Uncles, Thermate Man says "Hi"

    Blah blah blah. Sorry, I am on a rant here, I will stop.
    Mcloud, sry if I am appearing to attempt to steal your thunder. I will cease comment after this one, unless, that is, you don't mind???
    Even then I will cease comment and let you have this, your soap boks...

    There is a hell of a big difference between denial, which is entirely subjective and disproof, which is objective and is repeatable.
    Some guy above said he is provoked into looking into the phenomena Mcloud is so freaked out about.

    I was horrified during 11/9/2001.
    Oh. Stop:


    My life has been, at times, entirely unpleasant, sometimes for years at a stretch, hell. Subjective.
    Events like 11/9 don't affect me nearly as bad as a wife leaving me, unemployment, being arrested and tried and subsequently convicted, one time I had my electricity cut off in the middle of the winter and had no resources to get it turned on was a while... I had a cord of wood and a cast iron stove. A big can of kerosene out back. Man oh man, you should have seen my walls when I got the lights back on... Soot everywhere.
    I lived by a river for many months. Some of you people know about that shit.
    ALL of that personal life stuff affected me thousand of times more profoundly than terrorism in New York City, New York, USA.
    SO I am not freaked out by 11/9, I am merely horrified.
    Freaking out is a near death experience for me. 11/9 wasn't that for me. It was just horrifying.
    Living outdoors for 6 months while in my middle forties, well now, let me say it let me arrange my priorities, you know, like, uh, what is gonna freak me out and what is merely gonna horrify me. Missing 7 meals will make a person see things VERY clearly. What is important and what isn't, the wheat from the chaff, the dress from the dross or, uh. One time I

    Okay, now you can start reading again:
    Being horrified is less troublesome than being freaked out. Freaked out lasts. It has staying power. Horrifed? Shoot, I can get over it.
    11/9 I got over.
    Mcloud hasn't, as he was freaked out by that event, rather than merely horrified, like I was.
    And I don't think he has lived outdoors [by mistake] for a while, recently, either.
    Which is good thing.
    The guy ain't that fucked up if he can make a living and know lots of stuff about pizza, booze and arboreal apes.