I was just following orders (NOT)

Тема в разделе "Warbirds Deutsch", создана пользователем Mcloud, 31 июл 2009.

  1. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
  2. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
    Ooh ooh, he was a general 17 years before 9/11 happened! Surely he MUST be right! :rolleyes:
  3. Red Ant

    Red Ant Well-Known Member

    18 янв 2002
    Oh by the way, you may want to read a bit more about your hero. Apparently he believed that a man could walk through walls and kill goats by staring at them. Then again, he seems to fit in very well with you truthers.
  4. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
  5. gandhi

    gandhi Well-Known Member

    17 фев 2005
  6. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    8 май 2001
    Because like any skyscraper the WTC's load bearing structure was made out of steel. Steel is iron alloyed with carbon. Aluminum was merely the facade. The thing about aluminum vs steel, and why aluminum is pretty much never used to bear loads is that aluminum is about 1/3rd as stiff as steel. Additionally it weighs about a third as well. Result; to build the same structure in steel as in aluminum, you'd need three times as much aluminum (to compensate for the lower stiffness), and you'll end up having a construction of the same weight.

    So they use steel instead.

  7. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    Lol Zembla, office fires are not hot enough to produce molten iron. Not even close. Even office fires that have been fueled by jet fuel.

    Nevermind Zembla, you are about 5 years behind. Richard Gage is a licensed architect with 20 years of experience in designing steel framed fire proof buildings. He says there shouldn't be any molten iron at WTC, not 1 drop, and yet, there are tons of it. Test that have been done on the structural steel and dust from the WTC prove that thermate residue has been found he has 750 architects and engineers to back up what he says. But of course, from your experience only 1 engineer is right,

    so 750 - 1 = 749, lmao :joystick: :znaika:

    P.S. You know Zembla, you may be on to something....maybe steel is better than aluminum for building the structures of buildings...I think I'm starting to understand you...Maybe you should write a letter to ae911truth and tell the 750 architects and engineers this information you have about why molten iron is present at WTC, Roflmfaoooo.


    "Dear Mr. Gage,

    Hi. My name is Zembla. I am from Belgium. I am 6.
    I am writing this letter to explain to you why there is molten iron present at the WTC in New York. Apparently you have 750 architects and engineers that are concerned at the presence of molten iron at WTC. Well relax! As any good engineer knows, only one engineer can be right, so you can take everything that 749 of the people in your organization say and throw it in the garbage can, and listen to me instead.

    You see, steel is better than aluminum for making buildings, aluminum is good for exterior stuff like siding, but not for the major structures, structural steel is your best bet in those types of situations..

    I heard that molten iron is the by product of a steel-thermate reaction, and that there are some Ph.D. types that keep finding the chemical signature of thermate in dust samples taken from the WTC area , not to mention the slag from molten iron taken from WTC as well.

    Don't worry about stuff like that.

    Anyway, if you have any questions about architecture, engineering, molten iron, thermate, or anything like that, please do not hesitate to contact me or my associates redant and/or uncles.

    Yours truly,
    Последнее редактирование: 15 авг 2009
  8. Zembla JG13

    Zembla JG13 FH Beta Tester

    8 май 2001
    Bitter are we? :)

    I thought your crusade for truth was about uncovering the truth, not making letters in other people's names?

    I do like the way you phrased it though. Such a shame it's missing panache :(

    Anyway, check it out if you don't believe me. They use steel in construction, usually, not aluminum. Sure thermite is an iron aluminum compound or whatever, but that's a moot point if both aluminum and steel made up an integral part of the building.

    Good thing I don't have to prove anything to you though, you seem to only believe what that website says. Everything else is irrevocably nonsense isn't it? I mean, 750 sure is a majority... absolutely so when compared to the thousands of others ;) When I made that comment about only one engineer being correct in a bunch, it was referring to engineering being diagnostic in a way. You know, like you can get 100 doctors all get a different opinion on the same patient. And lacking genuine hard evidence, evidence that is beyond doubt, it is hard to call it coming to a conclusion rather than forming a - albeit professionally backed - opinion.

    You do tend to take this stuff seriously though, I thought you were Canadian?

  9. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003
    The Mass murder of 3000 people is serious to me.

    Evidence is beyond a doubt, except to people who aren't engineers or architects or people who can't face the truth. Everyday more architects and engineers are joining, and everyday more retards are still arguing against architecture and engineering. Which one are you?

    You and redant are so sure that there are "thousands" of architects and engineers who believe that the buildings were not destroyed by controlled demolition, but you can not show a website or organization like that. everytime I ask redant to show a website of architects and engineers or name an organzation he CAN'T. Where are these "thousands"???

    Yes I believe you, steel is used in construction usually, not aluminum, I never questioned that. Hello! My point is that there is molten iron present. And the fires are not hot enough to produce molten iron, this is what you seem to be missing.
    Последнее редактирование: 19 авг 2009
  10. Mcloud

    Mcloud Well-Known Member

    11 апр 2003