Most guilty Eastern countries against Russia

Discussion in 'Warbirds General Discussion' started by vasco, May 31, 2022.


Which (if any) eastern European countries are guilty and should be punished by Russia the hardest?

  1. Bulgaria

  2. Czech Rep.

  3. Estonia

  4. Hungary

  5. Latvia

  6. Lithuania

  7. Moldova

  8. Poland

  9. Romania

  10. Slovakia

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  1. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    See how vividly the European Nazi reveals his Nazi views. Everyone whose views contradict his Nazism should get out of the country. The German Nazis also started with the expulsion of Polish Jews. Then kick out all your own who disagree. And then do the usual European construction of concentration camps and furnaces. The mistake of the USSR was that it allowed the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania to build a mono-national state. The result was National Socialism. Mao was right when he proposed to relocate one hundred million Chinese to Eastern Europe
  2. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    You're so confused.
    Anti-fascism is not fascism.
  3. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Nobody I know could learn it. We all felt it was imposed on us (which was true). For example I started the Russian classes the year the communism ended.
    I switched to French after a few years of Russian and learned the subject matter for 6 years in one year.
    I still recognise some tens of Russian words and surprisingly I can still read it.

    It's clear they don't like "Europe". They're probably compelled to come "here" by some biological processes, like egg laying or fattening before winter.
    The tragic migration of putinists - to leave their Russian bliss for our septic union.
  4. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    you used to be Nazis when you served the Germans. When socialism was overthrown, you became Nazis, because Nazism is the antagonism of communism. Today you are Nazis, because you are applying repression by nationality at the state level. The conclusion is simple - you are Nazis.

    "We have nothing against capitalist democracy except that it easily turns into fascism when its affairs are not going well" (c)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
    rgreat likes this.
  5. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Who do you refer with "you"?
    You tend to mix currently living people with the ones who lived 100 years ago.
    Are you part of some sort of dead cult sect?

    Now to clear things a bit, because you have a wrong understanding of history:
    Romania had a military dictatorship between '41 and '44. The leader was a marechal called Ion Antonescu, who was very much in tune with Hitler's and Mussolini's ideas - he was a convinced fascist, nationalist, antisemite etc.
    But there wasn't a mass political movement like in other countries with fascist regimes. Still, there was antisemitism, both as endemic and as propaganda. There were state led pogromes against Jews and there was an especially atrocious one in Odesa, during the Romanian occupation, as revenge for a bombing. The victims of the revenge were the Jews.

    But the aim of the war, for the Romanian population, was regaining the Romanian lands taken by the CCCP. It wasn't imperialistically motivated (like Hitler and Mussolini did) nor racially motivated. There wasn't even a past imperial history for Romania to refer to. The Romanian soldiers were going to war to regain the lost parts of their country. Calling those guys "nazis" would be absolutely false.
    That's the huge difference between the motivations for going to war of those societies who were once part of the Axis.

    Now becoming nazis after the socialism was overthrown - where the fuck did you get that?
    The Romanian society has a lot of crap, but that's really not one of it.
  6. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    revenge as an excuse for genocide is a typically neo-Nazi justification for the actions of your grandfathers. Only the Nazis blame their victims

    Historical fact - Romania lost the First World War and did not have its own land, so the USSR did not take away Romanian lands. The USSR could not take away what does not exist on the political map. Learn the history of your country

    it doesn't matter what excuses you come up with for your crimes. Crimes will not disappear from excuses.

    Yes, it's true - you hate communism, so you're a Nazi. If you ban the Communist Party, then you are a Nazi. There are no communists in the authorities, so this is a fascist government. Everything is simple.
  7. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Lol, whatever you take @--am-- I just must take some.
    Must be damned good stuff.

    Learn the history of your country.
    29 October 1611 is the date to start with, serf.

    And mistaking one totalitarianism (communism) for opposition against another (nazism) is the biggest crap I've heard of in weeks now.
    And you folks defecate quite a lot of crap every single day, so that's quite an achievement to have your crap ranked "biggest".
  8. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    find the definition of totalitarianism and you suddenly find out that no state in the world corresponds
    to it. This is science, peasant

    P.S. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
    P.S.S. you have been using a communist forum and a communist server created on this principle for many years. And you European Nazis aren't even being kicked out of here. Think about it, peasant!
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  9. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Again I have the feeling you're mixing long dead and currently living people.
    The military government at the time blamed the Jews for the bombing, that's what I was pointing out.
    You just want to somehow prove that I personally blame them, which I don't.
    How would such an idea fit with anything I wrote on this forum?

    But if you want to talk of blame thrown on their victims, that's what russians are currently doing with the Ukrainians.

    That is a weird amateurish nationalism born "geopolitical" interpretation. The kind of idea that somehow flourishes in old men.
    I think you don't even convince yourself.

    Indeed your words could easily fit the current situation of russia, but it would be of bad taste to think in these terms.

    Again you are mixing past people with currently living ones.

    Let alone the obvious errors in judgement that you make, communist parties aren't banned here. They just don't exist.
    But what's this stance as a defender of communism?
    I get the feeling that you, present living big city russians with good jobs, are more like free market, opportunity enjoying kind of people, that you feel good "to do better". Is that right?
  10. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
  11. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Now, I misread so badly.
    It's even worse: you were talking about the WWI.
    Romania didn't 'lose' WWI in the end. On the contrary, after WWI Romania regained all the territories inhabited by Romanians.
    1918 is celebrated as the year of unification of all the Romanian provinces.
    What history do you read?

    Edit: there was the Bucharest treaty, of course. But that wasn't the end of the war. It would be the same as saying that France lost WW2.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  12. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    If you read reliable sources, you may find that:

    "Historical examples of such centralized totalitarian rule include the Mauryan dynasty of India (c. 321–c. 185 BCE), the Qin dynasty of China (221–207 BCE), and the reign of Zulu chief Shaka (c. 1816–28). Nazi Germany (1933–45) and the Soviet Union during the Stalin era (1924–53) were the first examples of decentralized or popular totalitarianism, in which the state achieved overwhelming popular support for its leadership. That support was not spontaneous: its genesis depended on a charismatic leader, and it was made possible only by modern developments in communication and transportation."

    that is, Communism was not in opposition to Nazism, just in contrary - it bears striking resemblance to it.
  13. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    silly enumeration of random names of the territory and time will not help you. You have been asked to define totalitarianism. You can't give it, so you stupidly list the shit that you ate with a shovel without explaining who and why called these countries totalitarian. Define totalitarianism.
  14. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Yes, it's funny, but the country of Romania disappeared from the political map of the world in 1917. And she began her existence again on the land of the Russian Empire, which she captured.
    Romania, which emerged after 1920, consisted of the land that the Entente gave you and the land that you took from the Russians, who let your troops into their land in January 1917. It's so Romanian!

    P.S. Learn the history of your country, peasant!
  15. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Yes, a peasant, yes. Any WWII-era motive for justifying genocide, if voiced today, is an attempt to justify a crime. Genocide has no motive other than racial hatred.

    From a man who doesn't even know the history of his country, it's funny to hear.

    If you carefully watch the videos of the denazification of Ukraine, you will see that there are much more flags of the USSR than flags of the Russian Federation.
  16. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
    Now you' re trolling, fuck off
  17. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    What, dude, didn't they tell you at the village school how your country disappeared in 1917? That you stole Bessarabia using the revolution in Russia? And so humiliating to have to beg old country back from the Entente? But after 20 years, you betrayed the Entente and fought against those who pitied you and returned the land?
  18. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    то есть долбоеб не хочет ни русский учить, ни историю)
  19. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Ну история европейских стран полна такого количества подлости, предательства и геноцида, что неудивительно, что простым пейзанам про это не рассказывают. рассказывают в основном про обиды от других и какие они цивилизованные были и есть.
  20. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    тут похоже и не пейзанин, так, смерд какой-то