TabajarHost "New" features

Тема в разделе "TabaHost General Discussion", создана пользователем ppedott_vibora, 2 окт 2004.

  1. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    2 exec : :)

    my humble opinion:

    1.human turrets must not replace automatic turrets, since i doubt every bomber (i.e. multicrew) will be equipped with human ones.
    -+-> It will not replace, even when a buff get a Human otto, the other gun positions get its usual "AI" ottos... bombardment at radar range... hmm, 20nautical miles. isn't it too far? i guess 10nm is more than enough
    -+-> Ill try to check the range of naval guns... but is very reasonable your
    comment about distance...

    3..shanghai. @ien it only "invited" (i.e. kidnapped the puppil), and the .masterview forced him to look at the direction where the tutor is looking. i think that this feature must have some limitation. for example, puppil must confirm invitation.
    -+-> 100% agree! inversion trails are modelled? fuel leak or demonstration smoke? some is coloured in 3d mode.
    -+-> TH contrails are a mod of fuel leak; due this, the pilot of the plane that is producing contrails cannot see it, but a pilot at side can...

    5.i think that destruction of friendly buildings is not an option for ma. negative scoring is not an obstacle of feature misuse.
    -+-> as we chat in pvt, we are collecting ideas in oredr to avoid misuse of this feature, like ground punition by the nick, by the IP, and so on... none of this can 100% avoid misuse, but the goal is turn it so boring and difficult that disecourage the misuse...

    6.tank bots. when i thought of this feature long ago, i wished that tanks appear 33% of the route to the field, therefore tank attack could be countered by another tanks. 33% gives time for counter-reaction, and on the other hand, shortens time of tank sortee. i thought that tank could be controlled by players. tank-bots must shoot at any enemy tanks encountered, wether those are human or bot opponents.
    -+-> at this time, tanks are drones like V1s... in the near future pilots will can control the tanks (ie. drive it). in a nearest future, tanks will shot anything that moves (or not) that belongs to enemy...
    About distance, we can think a standard distance to any field (ie. every time you send tanks it will appear at XXXX miles fron target field, in order to allow the sender knows rougly the ETA of calvary) ...
    and in a more nearest feature the Katys wil be added (its code is already done) will work this way: when u type .tanks f# , a group of 2 T34 (60rounds can75mm) and a Katyusha truk (3 rounds of 16xRS132) (not rendered yet, we gladly accept colaboration in design of the 2/3D truck model) will sent to f#. At 8km from the target field Katy will stop, positioning itself, and launch 2 of its 3 salvos, one for radio, other for radar... (the katys goal at this time is mute and blind the poor attacked field) meanwile the T34s now, like a good Cheyennes is now rounding the doomed field counter clockwise untill its close, next, they go to twr in order to protect it untill the arrive of paras... Katy will spare its last salvo in case of radio or radar came up...
    Next grund troops evolution: The command .tanks will send a column of: jeep (2 paras) jeep (2 paras) Tank (75mm) Tank (75mm) Katyusha (3x16xRS132)
    think... at TH, 4 paras take a field...
    BTW, try to see an attack of tanks at a field at nite... you can hear the cannons shooting and can actually see the muzzle of those arms... very nice!!! :)
    comments welcome...


  2. Franz-

    Franz- FH Beta Tester

    The question is: Why add to FH if we have at TH :dunno:

  3. fuhrer

    fuhrer Well-Known Member

    Mas que bairrismo gaudério! :p heheheh
  4. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    :D :D Esperava o que??? :D :D

    BTW, dia 12/10 teve portoes abertos na baco (ninho dos Pampa) divinha quem tava la, rente que nem pao quente?

    Her Doktor & Her Kommodore... :D

  5. -exec-

    -exec- FH Consultant

    that dome looks like parachute for nuclear submaine or pants of biles' beloved woman.
  6. ppedott_vibora

    ppedott_vibora Well-Known Member

    Whattt???? :dunno: :D