
Discussion in 'Off Topic International' started by vasco, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Again - a moron, who reads, but can't understand what he has read.
    1. He was not my grandfather, but the second husband of my maternal grandmother. Since we were not related, I have no right to claim the copies of any documents relating to him (although we all treated him like our grandfather, and he treated us as his grandchildren).
    2. I guess even if I had the right to claim the documents, I would most likely not get anything apart from what I have already seen (indictment and judgment), as most of the archives of the secret police relating to their worst crimes, and materials from investigation stage are scarce in the archives.
  2. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    какая у вас отсталая страна, у нас уже лет 30 как можно дела родственников получать на руки, даже если они и не кровные. Правда многие уходят в шоке- они и представить не могли за что в реальности сажали их родственников. Но вы будете упорствовать и продолжать рассказывать сказки про дедушку.
    -Shai- likes this.
  3. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Говорят польские жолнежи обнесли американское топливохранилище на солидную сумму. "Узнаю брата, Колю!" (с)
    zdes and -Shai- like this.
  4. vasco

    vasco Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2005
  5. isaev

    isaev Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Что за дурь оно постит?
  6. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
    Какой-то крайне унылый мозгопромыв.
  7. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Can't agree more.
    You're brainwashed, and ruled by an authoritarian regime that keeps brainwashing you.

    It's almost certain, Putin aims at capturing the entire Ukraine and continuing to march west.
    Your regime plans to conquer the Baltics, Finland, Poland and continue westwards, still you brainwashed villagers don't see that you're a part of a fascist regime, trying to disrupt the entire world, and start World War III.

    You also fail to notice, that there's only a small chance that you'll succeed.
    Wars were always the matter of economy, and yours is shrinking, while others are growing.
    You'll bleed yourself to death in the rich, black-soil fields of Ukraine, and most likely blame others for that.

    You live in a shitty place to live now, I regret that, I would like you to live in a nicer place instead - e.g. China - same level of civil liberties, but at least with thriving economy, but - instead of "voting with your legs" - you still insist to live in that pigsty of yours. Still - once your economy hits rock bottom (as it already did after your unsuccessful invasion of Afganistan before), I will be more than enjoying my "Schadenfreude".

    There's still some chance, you pigs will overrun Ukraine and continue to Poland, Baltics, Finland... but that chance, while quite significant in February'22, is now getting slimmer with every day.
  8. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
    Мы уже почти победили. Смирись и готовься к капитуляции.
  9. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    и об этом нам кваквает чувак живущей в нищей стране, где солдаты воруют топливо у более богатых хозяев-американцев, а бабы стерилизуют себя, потому что не хотят рожать в Польше. Где нет ни одного еврея-политика и назвать кого-то евреем это тяжкое оскорбление, чувак из страны где профессия сантехник градообразующая.
  10. rgreat

    rgreat FH Developer

    Jul 19, 2000
  11. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    Lol - check here Moron:

    Just to cut long story short:
    Poland - USD 17736 in 2021, 18321 in 2022, 22393 in 2023
    RuZZia - USD 12259 in 2021, 15345 in 2022, 13006 in 2023

    Just imagine that your GDP per capita was over 6 times that of the Polish, back in 1991.

    And you know that.
    Although there are some advancements in Russia, you know perfectly well, you're falling behind modern economies, because you're a mafia state, ruled by the Tsar and his oligarchs.
    That's why Putin has started this war in the first place. He looked for another mafia style-run state (although Ukraine was improving in this respect ever since 2013) that he could conquer "without any problems, in 3 to 7 days". But you shall not be blinded by the goal of "recreating the Soviet Union". Putin knows, that under conditions of his rule there's little place for any further improvement. Your economy is a giant with feet of clay, and without reforms it would collapse anyway (or be eaten alive by Chinese, and partly EU). You were too afraid of numerical and economical strength of the Chinese to attack them, so you've decided to "conquer the west first" instead. I guess the initial Putin's plan was "in a week in Kyiv, in two in Lviv, the third or fourth one in Warsaw". The Americans are now becoming more and more stupid, with the Trump puppet in the hands of your services highly likely to take THE seat again. Still- Europe is waking up. We are arming ourselves to the teeth, so are now Germans (at least they're starting to do so). What would have been an easy-peasy 5 years ago won't happen today. We'll reach Królewiec, before Putin will manage to replace his pants after soiling them. In your plan to "conquer the West first" you're exactly like the Hitler Nazi state. In 1939 Hitler collaborated with Soviet Union to put an end to Poland, in 1941... well... put "Putin" instead of Hitler, "China" instead of "Soviet Union", and "Ukraine" instead of Poland... and you'll guess the rest.
  12. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    The Americans are now becoming more and more stupid, with the Trump puppet in the hands of your services highly likely to take THE seat again.

    It's true that we Amis are becoming more stupid by the day. But honestly, I've never understood how/why people think Trump is a Russian puppet. I've never voted for Trump, BTW.

    Russia has no control "kompromat" on Trump, especially if one considers the Bidens. Almost everyone has kompromat against the Biden family.

    Trump is no intellectual, and everyone thinks he has anti-democratic tendencies, but I think he's really just a dumb guy with some primitive tendencies.

    And really, Germans should be in control of Królewiec/Kaliningrad/Koenigsberg, not Poles :)
  13. -Shai-

    -Shai- Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2000
    Это вряд ли) И те, и другие обойдутся)
  14. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    Представьте себе - мы как делали триста танков в год в 1991-м, так и продолжаем делать триста танков в год в 2023. Мы как делали АЭС, так и продолжаем делать. Мы как могли уничтожить США за 30 минут, так и до их пор можем.
    А ваш GDP он нарисованный. Сколько танков производит Польша? Ноль. Сколько АЭС построила Польша за 30 лет? Ноль. Кого может уничтожить Польша? Никого. Вас даже КНДР обогнала - они в космос летают и в США могут попасть. Так что страна сантехников и ксендзов-содомитов вы на мировой арене никто и звать вас никак. И это вы сами выбрали быть никем и вымирать.
    -Shai- likes this.
  15. OldUncles

    OldUncles Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2021
    Da, kone4no. Shutka byla. No vse esche, I am sentimental, potomu 4to otets tam zhil do 1939a. Vot tak.
    -frog- and -Shai- like this.
  16. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    And how many cars does your industry manufacture? You will drop well below half a million this year, Poland's gonna manufacture over 600 thousand (and that should be adjusted for population - 38M in Poland, 147M in RuZZia).
    How many consumer goods?
    Yes - you still manufacture PWR atomic power plants (mid 1950s technology), that hardly anyone in the developed world is willing to risk, and tanks with designs that date back to late 1960s. Oh fuck! You must be great then!
    You've lost more than 300 tanks in the last year, so 300 a year doesn't make a difference, just to the contrary.
    As for Polish production output - we should be manufacturing 200 tanks a year, starting in late 2025 - and this does not cover T-72 derivatives, as in case of Russia, but a locally manufactured 3-rd generation MBT. We do manufacture artillery pieces that your "modern" industry finds unable to match.
    Your industry never got out of the industrial age, and it's making a giant step back, we're post-industrial already.

    You're living in an armpit of a country, but still fail to see that.
    Rest assured - it's only going to get worse in the years to come.
  17. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    не надо рассказывать сказок - у вас нет производства автомобилей, у вас есть отверточная сборка из немецко-китайских комплектующих. Обрежет вам Китай поставки и никаких автомобилей у вас не будет. Это не производство, это профанация. Но рагулям недоступно эта простая мысль.

    Что касается потерь танков - то вы не можете знать сколько мы потеряли, потому что вы кушаете в голову то, что вам льет в голову ваш телевизор. А в телевизоре рассказывают сказки для рагулей.

    И да -никакого производства танков в Польше никогда больше не будет. От слова совсем. Вы как рабы американцев обязаны покупать только американское старье. Рабам никогда не разрешат иметь собственное оружие.
  18. -frog-

    -frog- Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2003
    I wonder what FIAT, Stellantis, Toyota and Volkswagen factories do here then?
    Not only do we manufacture cars from locally sourced components, but also export at least 1.5M automotive engines each year (Stellantis and Toyota). Toyota Polska alone manufactures half a milion complete hybrid powertrains a year. If you buy a hybrid Toyota made in UK or Turkey, it most likely has an engine that was made in Poland.

    As for tanks - we won't manufacture the gas-thirsty Abrams here, but the K2PL Black Panther. I guess we bought the Abrams as a stop-gap measure, to fill the gaps after hundreds of T-72s and PT-91s transferred to Ukraine.
    There are now prototypes of the "Polish K2" developed in HSW and Hyundai (both companies are responsible for designing the AHS Krab, and have years of experience working together), with 7 instead of 6 main wheels, these will be manufactured exclusively in Poland (800 tanks ordered in addition to 180 or 200 "standard" K2s which are beginning to arrive from Korea right now).

    We've ordered F-35As and some lighter aircraft as well.
    The first batch of F-35As will be delivered soon (their manufacture started in mid 2023, they're now more than half ready).

    And the best part of it - we can afford it, without sacrificing our economy.
    Russia's 2024 military budget already consumed 1/3 of the entire federal budget - you'll have to cut corners to make ends meet.
  19. --am--

    --am-- FH Developer

    Jun 6, 2000
    "I wonder what FIAT, Stellantis, Toyota and Volkswagen factories do here then?"

    Я что-то не пойму в чем тут предмет гордости? Заводы иностранные, роботы японские или китайские, оснастка китайская, руководство иностранное. Вашего там только - дешевая рабочая сила. И вы гордитесь тем, что вы работаете на иностранную компанию и все что она произвела считаете предметом гордости шо не сгинула?

    Это смешно. Посмотрим на ваш мелкую мануфактуру

    а теперь посмотрим на советский завод 50-летней давности. Обтекайте убогие...

    "We've ordered F-35As and some lighter aircraft as well." --- потому что вы американские рабы. Самолет так до сих пор и не принят на вооружение, его программу в Конгрессе США регулярно требуют закрыть, но рагулям впарить убожество бракованное - они всегда рады.
  20. mcgru-

    mcgru- Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2000
    Tomsk, Russia
    -Shai- likes this.