Your Political Compass

Discussion in 'Warbirds International' started by squirl, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003

    I maintain that this thread is not intended for judgment, but it does define the "divide" in world politics. Every European who took the survey is defined as a "leftist libertarian" at various degrees. You can see that there are also some Americans who have common viewpoints with their European counterparts. "Conservative America" was not represented very well in this thread; but I don't think that many in that category visit this forum. United States citizens are actually distributed roughly 50-50 with respect to left-right. With about 50% in the "squirl zone" and the other 50% in the "uncles-afi" zone, the center of American politics is just that - the center. It is comforting to know that in my country both viewpoints of government are adequately represented. This is not intended as a "dig" against Europeans, but the "center" of European politics, as represented by those who took the survey, lies in the left-wing. I have heard that heartc and a few others share my views, but I know that their numbers are small.

    Again, my aim is not to offend anybody here; I just want to learn what the explanation is for the trend of mainland-European politics. Have you created a policy of "never again" for the atrocities of wars? Have the overassertive and unequal European powers of the last century made state-sponsored equality a solution?
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2005
  2. Kutya

    Kutya Banned

    Oct 30, 2001
    1 person likes this.
  3. cloud--

    cloud-- Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003

    Econamic left/right: -2.75
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.77
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  4. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Dear Dudes/Dudettes.

    WTF has mainland european politics to do with this?
    European politics, and now I talk about "The Gov'ments" do not share the views that I put there... If you want to, I can redo the test and dig out "The official viewpoints" from Gov'ment (Swedish) to do the test. :D
    Would be nearer squirl than anything IMHO...

    Yeah right we have a socialist Gov'ment now, but I dont think that the rightwing dudes have been so much right, ever, and I mean both in politics and the (apparently) view that politicians have the right to get what they want, when they want it, for free :p

    Our PM needed a surgery (in the hip), 2 weeks later he was done. If I need same, I need to wait up til a year depending on where I live.
    If I want an apartment in Stockholm city, I need to wait like 35 yrs, Union bosses lets their families get'em, to a rebated rent.
    As above, there is a charity operated (wtf the word is in english) that have quite a lot of apartments that are supposed to be for women in need. Sounds good, huh? Only thing: CO's daughter got the last unoccupied apartment, and you can bet your skinny behind that there aren't any women in need in the other apt's.

    This is Gov'ment politics. NOT anywhere near my views.

    We pay a percentage of what our houses are worth every year in taxes. Unless we have got mortgages on our homes, and can deduct the interest when we declare our taxes each year. Which has the funny outcome that older people who don't have loans anymore, ie have payed their home already, sometimes have to leave their home for the taxes. Most apparent when one in a marriage dies and the other one gets all the economic burden. BUT if you are a former eco. minister, you DON'T pay that tax for your home, that is situated on the cast and has an enourmous "Taxvalue".

    That is politics.

    As for now, I have burped up the few biggest things that has happened during the winter. Do you think it's ok that a politician cheats with parental leave? I do not.
    You guys dont have the same parental leave as we do, but its like this: quite a few of our elected officials has been on parental leave, ok. When they shut dwn parliament for the summer, they suddenly went back to work ... which means that they got the complete pay over the time that parliament was shut for summer. Ok, they miht work at home... but I don't think they needed to work at home because their office was shut, hmmmm? If so, they should bloody well be at work when the office is open also, and leave their brats at daycare center...
    If I tried to do that, I would probably go to prison for forgery of paperwork (no good english word, sry)... They just said: well, all do that, or, Oh, I can't do that, dear me I'm sorry... The top arschloch has done it two years in succession, cause she got 2 kids close.

    That's politics

    Now I need to go and puke
  5. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    wtf you expect reub? What we have is a generation of politics that haven't work a single day for living in their entire life. It's like normal school -> high school (gymnasiet) -> university ->politics. Of course they do work (summertimes). But at the same time, while educating themselves they get goverment help to do so. Or parents help them. So they do not work for living or to support their families.
    And when we elect them to goverment, why are we surprised that they take every benefit that they can from their position?
    What scares me most is that these are the same people that decide laws which effects mostly to our lives (taxes etc.)

    airfax :@drunk:
  6. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    airfax... This IS what I expect from todays politicians. :(
    Get all you can before you are compromised...
    But all of a sudden this "see where YOU stand politically" turned into politics of europe, which I do not think is the same as our (europeans and southamericans) personal views.

    In more than one way politicians have turned into robbers. Making rules for people to follow and when it fits go around them themselves. I do not disagree to rules, but if they are chosen, we should all follow them, even politicians. Why should they stand above the law? The king does stand above the law by some old decree (is this the word) but politicians DO NOT. Unless they want to, apparently. :(

    The thing I get most sad about is that nothing happens to the fuckers WHEN they are compromised. Unless, of course, you are immigration minister and happens to say nigger. (sic) Well, that dude is a complete ass, he had to leave his post for that and some other stuff. But stealing is ok, if you say "sorry"... I don't want this...

    As I said in another thread, I think "election" is ancient greek for: Choose who is gonna assfuck you.

    Let's start a new thread, about flightsims instead, ok?
    This is getting me down.
  7. Uncles

    Uncles Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    Post-American USA
    I found a compass :)
  8. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
  9. muf-lo

    muf-lo Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2003
    Me? LAN
    Economic Left/Right: 1.63
    Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.31

    Just like the other time I wonder what the hell I'm doing down there all alone... :D
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  10. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    That was the opening post for this thread. Previous to this thread, there had been some threads in which much speculation was put forward about exactly where Europe is relative to the USA. I created this thread as a means to define where the division lies between American politics and the politics of the rest of the world. That may sound like a euphemism for "argument," but that is hardly the case here. I started this thread with the aim of objectively presenting only the information. If any interesting discussion followed then so be it.
  11. reuben

    reuben Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Darn, squirl...

    The state politics do not reflect the state of mind of individuals.
    If I was to redo the test based on official politics, it would look different.

    So you can't make individuals make a test and think you know why state politics differ between the US and europe.

    But, still... just a hunch... the "official" gov'ment in sweden would be leftish, but the actions of leftish politicians would be snug and secure right beside you. :D
  12. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    And when you look at the answers, it seems that 3/4 of US citizen who have answered, are in the same quadrant than europeans and south americans. Even russians. As I've said before, there are really not so much difference in us than you'd like to believe.

    airfax :@drunk: (un-political animal)
  13. grobar

    grobar Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2000
    Пловдив, Тракия, България
    there is the UK parties compass for the coming election.

    It seems we all go with the greens. But noone takes the greens seriously.

    Anyway, Id guess the test is not calibrated well.
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  14. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    True, 3/4th of the US citizens who took the survey are left-wing: only four have taken the survey. To be honest, most American right-wing people tend to be older or elderly. Old people tend to not be known for their computer skills.
    This is why not many Americans have shown up as right-wing. I know, however, that my position fairly represents the opinions of millions of Americans.

    On the other end of the scale, most people here on this forum are younger. Younger people tend to be left-wing. The number of Europeans who took the survey numbered more than twice the number of Americans who took the survey. I would think that the European scale would be much more vast with that much information, but the information has shown that Europe is well to the left of America.

    Just look at the Election Results of 2004. 48% of the United States is relatively close to Europe as far as politics. 51% of the United States has a position close to where I am on the political compass. If you were to find the average "political stance," of the US it would be in the middle right. Europe's average political stance seems to be in the middle left.
  15. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    So what, what makes you think that european elders are any more advanced in computer skills than their american counterparts?
    If you don't respect the results, then please don't put any of such tests to forum. You wanted it, but when result wasn't what you expected, you say that it's not valid. Besides, elderly people in Europe (Finland at least) are known to be more religious, conservative and very much right-winged than younger generations. IMO people do get more like that when getting older. It's got something to do with routines and learned habits. To change is tougher to elder people.

    That's somewhat arrogant to say, don't you think? Do you really take yourself
    as a representative for 250000000 (-3) people? I don't take myself as one when question is about Finland, and there are only 5,3M finns.

    Yes, and you placed your survey here. Most of players are europeans, most of forum users are europeans, and most of registered users are russians. Yet you make a notice that most who answer are europeans.......why?

    When you look at your chart, I'm more to the right wing of europeans, more to the middle than you and more to the middle than afi. So why you keep mixing me to left wing? What's afi then, a communist? Maoist?

    Why is it so hard to you comprehend that in Europe, we just have more parties than you guys?

    Btw, what I have learned over the years is that surveys are for best use as a toilet paper. If you ask from the right people, at the right time and in the right
    place, you can get a survey that states that 80% of spanish people believe that monkeys may fly out of broz's ass.......

    airfax :@drunk:
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  16. Glas

    Glas Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2002
    Nice post airfax.
    1 person likes this.
  17. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    That's 'cos they do :shuffle:
  18. airfax

    airfax Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2001
    @broz, Pls don't get offended. I just used you as a sick and twisted example.


    airfax :@drunk:
  19. Broz

    Broz Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
    Salamanca (España)
    i don't get offended. That's other people's in this forum bussiness :)

  20. squirl

    squirl Well-Known Member

    Jul 21, 2003
    I know hypocrisy when I see it:

    You accept four numbers as representative of a whole country only when it suits you (bottom quote).

    You have an interesting intent here. I did say that most of the people here are Europeans; so most of the results would be from Europeans. Are you trying to say that there is something that I do not know by displaying a quote that says I know?

    I began this thread with the intent of putting to rest confusion about the relation of US and European politics.

    Airfax, you are still confused.

    It does not matter if you are further to the right than some extreme left-wingers; if you are left-wing then you are left wing!

    It seems you Europeans still think that the left-half of the political spectrum encompasses the whole breadth of politics.

    I have shown that the expanse of American politics crosses the actual "center." The United States' politics are relatively balanced on this center. In mainland Europe, however, to be somebody who is an actual "centrist" you have to be a so-called "extreme rightist." Europeans often call George Bush "Hitler" because of Bush's "right-wing" tendencies. I laugh at those statements because in all truth, Hitler was a centrist!
    If you identify "Hitler" as a "right-wing extremist freak" then it shows that Europe is hopelessly lost to the left.